What is more annoying?
Just wanna say that I slug.
It's effective, it buys you so much needed time and it keeps survivors busy
But it's also really bloody annoying, that's why unbreakable is meta
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Face camping
Slugging is very annoying too but face camping is infuriating imo
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Proxy camping
proxy camping if i dont have ds. i can deal with slugging since i often use an anti slugging perk. facecamping just makes me think that i should kill myself and move onto the next game. getting tunneled can be fun if he doesnt bm the ######### out of you
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Tunneling. But I mean the hard tunneling one survivor so they get a miserable match even if it means a 3 man escape for the killer.
Camping and even more Facecamping are annoying but it’s also really rare to see camping without good reason, plus if the surv does get unhooked but then the killer doesn’t even Tunnel it’s not that bad..
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Why 3 different options for one thing. Tunneling and Slugging are both valid strategies, Camping is just being toxic and throwing the game to ruin a persons game 9/10 times.
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Face camping
Face camping is infuriating. It's like "Oh okay yeah, let's BOTH just sit here and not play the game. Sure, why not".
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Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I really don't find any of these that annoying. Most of the time the killer is just playing smart and trying to win.