make your choice blight

do it work with lethal rush
no, it is considered a special attack
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Why is Nurse's m1 attack after blinking counted as an M1 but not Blights lethal rush?
Aren't they virtually the same concept just executed slightly differently
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Because if Nurse was released today, her post-blink attack wouldn't be a basic attack. Same as Spirit, same as Wraith, same as Hag.
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Didn't they do a huge pass where they went through and made it so all "special attacks" didn't apply things like sloppy etc
I don't know why Nurse was the only one who this wasn't applied to
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They decided to do it with Legion though. A Killer who already wasn't very strong and needed help.
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Yep. Pig, too. But Blight's attack has more in common with Nurse, Hag, Spirit or Wraith and yet it's a special attack.
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Wait, I thought make your choice makes them exposed. If that's the case why does it have to be a special attack?
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if you have bubba with speed limiter and no ed activated it will not insta down to put it into perspective
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One of my favorite things to go against is a blight with NOED. Half of the time they don't know lethal rush is not a basic attack lol.
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MAYYYYBE nurse, but the other 3 are 100% just a basic attack.
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Maybe nurse yeah, but the others no way.
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All 3 have drastically altered speed and distance thanks to their powers. Two of them increased, one decreased. Based on how they designed Blight, Pig and Legion, that more than qualifies as a secondary attack.
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The attack has no unique properties. The only thing unique is the lunge range due to the speed (Hag being still and the others being faster), but this can be replicated by simply using PWYF.
Nurse, however, is a complete exception.
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They don't have any special properties. You could argue nurse, because hers is actually tied to her power. The others are just regular lunges, but spirit and wraith's go further because they get a movement speed boost. Lunge distance/speed is tied to your movement speed.
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You literally just pointed out their special properties. They're essentially the same as Pig's lunge.
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No, that is not accurate. What i'm saying is, the powers the don't apply on-hit effects are ones where the attack itself is NOT a basic attack. Pigs dash is not a basic attack because the power is not increasing your movement speed. The attack itself has special properties such as distance, cooldown, etc.. Blights lethal rush is not a basic attack, it actually has different properties than a basic attack, lunge distance is different, cooldown, etc.. I do think you could make the argument that nurse's is not a basic attack but i don't think that is the right way to nerf her because it doesn't really do much as she is OP because of her ability to basically ignore every defense a survivor has.
Wraith and spirit attacks ARE basic attacks, no special properties are added. What their power DOES do, is increase their movement speed. It isn't doing anything to their basic attack, all it is doing is increasing their movement speed. It isn't even tied to the attack itself, they both get a few seconds of extra movement speed after their power ends, it's literally part of the description of the power.
A function of that is, when you do a basic attack the lunge range is increased, because lunge distance of a basic attack is tied to your movement speed. You can replicate this behavior with anything that increases your movement speed, like:
- Play with your food
- Bloodlust
This is why it seems like nurses lunge range is so short. Because it is, it's tied to her movement speed.