I'm so Frustrated

It feels like all the games I've been getting lately have been against survivors who are far and above my skill level. I'm getting constantly put against purple and red ranks. I'm getting stomped every game and it's not fun. I can hardly hook anyone, or catch anyone. I'm not great at this game, but I'm not that bad.
Im do tired of getting annihilated and it's completely destroying my sense of fun in this game.
Think thats bad? I keep getting bad lag, survivors keep skipping from one place to another, THATS frustrating.
At least you can see where the Survivors actually are. One minute they're in front of you, the next they're going in a completely different place and you're no where near them
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Oh I've had that happen, that does sound really bad
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What killer do you play? What perks do you run? These are probably more important than they should be.
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I usually ran huntress lullaby, spies from the darkness, beast of prey, and no one escapes death
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NOED is good in the right build, as is lullaby, but I'm not sure how good the combo you are running is.
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It's really the best I got. I don't have dlc
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Who are you playing as?
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This is pay to win at its finest. Not much they can do, they need to make money, I understand that. But a rework to the shrine would be nice. Too many perks now to get a perk you want, let alone to get a viable build
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I feel ya, but in the obverse as a survivor. I am def got great but not that bad. However, lately I cant win a match to save my life. I used to win 4 or 5 in a two hour game play but I am lucky to even pip up in that same time period. So either I am sucking that bad which is possible or something is going on in the game.
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we've all been there, i used to get curvestomped by red/purple rank survivors but now i get a 2k in atleast 40% of my games. dont give up, one day youll get there
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Hey! Some good perk choices (aside from NOED/Huntress lullaby) from free killers/general killer perks are:
Brutal strength (Trapper)
Agitation (Trapper)
Bloodhound (Wraith)
Shadowborn (Wraith) - only if you happen to play Nurse
Enduring (Hillbilly)
Tinkerer (Hillbilly)
A Nurse's calling (Nurse)
Thanatophobia (Nurse)
Deerstalker (General)
Sloppy butcher (General)
Whispers (General) - only if you understand how to use the perk
Spies can be an... okay perk. Not amazing by any chance, I'd personally not run it. Beast of pray is really bad, I'd switch it out.
What would you say your general weaknesses are? Chases? Tracking? Which killers do you usually play? What addons do you use?
For a regular M1 killer like Trapper or Wraith, I'd go for a build along the lines of Sloppy Butcher (slows down their healing; either forces them to spend longer healing, or keeps them injured for easy 1 shot hits), Enduring (so you can go for more hits at pallets without getting as punished), A nurse's calling (if they heal with sloppy butcher, it'll take them longer and you can pressure them. If you notice that survivors don't heal as much - which does happen at high ranks - you can switch this perk), Thanatophobia (for general slow down).
NOED is a good perk to run too, I'd probably replace A nurse's calling with it if you wanna run it.
If you have trouble tracking survivors, Whispers is really strong, but you need to understand how to use it. If you lose them a lot in chase, Bloodhound is a good option.
If you play Billy or Nurse, who can pressure the map easier than other killers, Tinkerer is strong.
Also keep an eye out on the Shrine of secrets; save up shards so you can get some strong teachables. This week's shrine isn't good for killer, but it refreshes in a couple of days.
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Sometimes, it really is frustrating to play killer. I have had matches were I got only one kill or no kills at all, having a hard time finding or catching survivors and the next match, with the same killer, I get 4 kills easy, so there are a lot of factors that might change things, not only the map, but the survivors themselves. The way I have to think while playing killer is I will do my best and don't even think about getting a lot of kills, because the pressure ends up making me do more mistakes than if I try to be more relaxed.
Of course, there are always those toxic survivors that tbag and make my blood boil and that is sometimes the reason I end up being frustrated. Like, you find your first survivor at the start of the match, they drop a pallet and t-bag. Why? They didn't do anything, they just dropped a pallet and think they are good or something?
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Last night killer was so easy for a few hours as all the survivors were boosted. Then early in the morning all the casual players went to bee and it shifted and all the sweats came out.
Oh my word I’ve never seen so many egos. It doesn’t matter if they won or lost they were always salty, so so salty. Most of them just hold W in chases and then they wanna cry about what killers I was using, what perks I was using, what add ons I was using. This despite them always using the same builds, iron will for no sound, tap E for a second chance, and in general all the crutch no counterplay perks.
Theres nothing you could do that these boosted egos wouldnt cry about. If you kept chasing you tunneled, if you broke chase because they ran to a safe zone at the edge of the map they kept saying you were a coward and afraid of them. If you couldnt find them because they made zero sound, had no scratchmarks and it was a coldwind map they wouldnt shut up about you not being able to find them. Just one ego after another none of them could move on they just had to whine and whine and whine and feel like they had the last word and let everyone know how much of a better player they are.
I’m not surprised nobody wants to play killer you just get ######### and complaints no matter what you do and everyone is boosted because they have a all these second chance perks, co-ordinated swf and hold W or abuse bad map design and it makes them think they’re much better players than they actually are.
Once again I find myself just facecamping now, getting more 4ks than ever ironically and generally not giving a damn if other people aren’t having fun. You wanna be toxic and low skill, funny how much you cry when the killer does it back.
Basically just pick Bubba and facecamp them one by one my dude. Facecamp them all.