Any tips for controlling Nurse on console?

Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

My pc wont run the game, but I LOVE the horror genre. I recently started playing, but I have watched many games before buying so I know most of the basics. But I am finding it really hard to blink as nurse. Sometimes my blink just doesn't go anywhere. I feel like you kind of have to look up when blinking, which is counterintuitive to me. Anyone have tips for controlling her on console? PS5 btw if it matters.


  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Max out your horizontal sensitivity asap so you get use to it. You will need a super fast turn rate. Also practice making sure your center of screen is just above center when you blink so you can get max range. (As an aside you will learn to manipulate your center during charge to combat double backing survivors)

    main thing is get use to high sensitivity and understand that fps on console isn’t the greatest.

    best of luck

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    May I offer you this Nurse guide from OhTofu? It's from last year, but still a pretty good guide for people who our new to Nurse.

    Also PS5 will be good to learn Nurse, since the frames are pretty consistent at 60 fps and you won't have to bear losing frame rates.

  • taaisworld
    taaisworld Member Posts: 0

    Hi @Zexbunny@Zexbunny. I am a Nurse main on PS5. i've been a Nurse main on PS4 for months now so i have roughly 1k hours on Nurse.

    First of all, The best tips i can give you is set your sensitivity to high as possible, i play on 100% for Nurse. But 75-100% seems good for other fellow console Nurses. Higher sensitivity helps to turn much faster and also helps to counter juking survivors and survivors double backing, the higher the sensitivity the better in my opinion, but you can loose your accuracy with higher sensitivity on controller , so i use Kontrol freeks galexy highrise thumbsticks to give me more fine accurate control when aiming my blinks. look them up, you might like them.

    Always use and rotate your camera as much possible while during a blink to keep track and keep an eye on survivors you are trying to chase. Rotating your camera during a blink allows you to have plenty of time to react to survivor's movements and it allows you to position yourself in angles that survivors can't juke easily. The blink moves in a straight line and the Nurse orbits around the blink like a planet when rotating the camera,Basically the blink is a pivot point for Nurse.

    As for your blinks not going anywhere, Sometimes there are blink deadzones on maps so you can't blink through them so take note of that. Also go into matches and take the add on plaid flannel so you can see what you can and can't blink through and see how much charge needed to go certain distances to memorize the blink distances.

    I feel its not necessary to look up to achieve maximum blink distance. Just make sure the center of your screen is aligned to where you want to blink to. So imagine a little dot or crosshair at the center of your screen, that's where you are aiming your blink. Only look up when you want to blink to a higher platform

    If you are having problems with chain blinks. The best way to get the maximum possible distance out of your chain blink is to start charging your chain blink immediately after coming out of your 1st blink. While charging your second(chain) blink, if you see white smoke overlay, that means your chain blink window is almost over and you are about to go into fatigue. As soon as the smoke overlay fades away immediately let go of L2 to achieve the maximum chain blink distance.

    If you want we can do some practices in custom matches. My psn is: TAAIS_Entertain