Missing pallet in jungle gyms on coldwin

LexyTheKiller Member Posts: 54


Ive played on Thompson House and Torment Creek and in some jungle gyms there were no pallets, no one had used them either as I was the first person chased

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  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 235

    I've noticed this as well on Coldwin Farm - Rancid Abbitoir. I was so confused as to why I kept downing survivors so easily and nobody kept stunning me. It's not on every iteration of the map, but on some.

  • LexyTheKiller
    LexyTheKiller Member Posts: 54

    Well I was thinking that maybe the pallet remains on the ground weren’t spawning in because I played on autoheaven and there were some pallets missing there as well but I guess not seeing as you’re having a good time playing as killer lol