When were hooks shadow nerfed?

It's consistent, everytime I go for a hook it's at the full distance of the wiggle timer. No petrified oak offerings either.
Don't think I haven't noticed Behaviour. I'm having to consider making agitation a mandatory perk at this point.
Nothing has changed with hooks, afaik. There are some maps tho that have pretty bad hook spawns. Midiwch from experience can sometimes just not spawn a single hook in a hallway, because the hallway on the floor above/below got all the hook spawns.
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I haven't had that issue. My issue is when I play survivor and see 4 hooks 8 steps apart from each other. (Edit: had an s on the end of survivor)
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Hook placements are fine, you're probably just unlucky with where you're downing survivors.
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Ugh auto haven when the hooks are a stone's throw away but on the other side of the long car piles.
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Yeah I found it too. The hooks on stairs of the map Hawkins lab used to be on both sides and now if u walk to the wrong side, no hook for u. And on some maps if 1 survivor sabo a hook then u can't hook at all because all other hooks r too far
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i think hook spawns definitely need to be looked at. on most maps the hooks are actually too close together and then you have the small amount of maps where they're too far apart (midwich and hawkins i think. might be more).
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Some of reworked maps have nearly no hooks in some areas, and if you use the one in the area it's basically impossible to down and hook another survivor in the same area. This is especially true in map corners.
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This could be it, the reworked maps.
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I haven't has any issues with hooking survivors and from playing survivor i can say that as soon as the killer starts the hook animation the wiggle meter stops.
Nothing has changed.
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I've never had this problem. The only time it happens is when all the hooks nearby are gone because people died on them. In that case most people just slug me until I bleed out.
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Oh no aside from indoor maps I haven't had survivors kick out.
It's just that previously it make take 25% wiggle, 50% wiggle, 75% wiggle, and odd occasions 99% wiggle before hooking a survivor. Now I find that every hook takes about 70-95% wiggle before the hook.
Basically the hooks feel really far apart, which obviously really isn't good as killer as you can't afford to hook survivors some times.