How do people keep playing the meta? It's so boring.

I'm not telling anyone to stop playing what they are playing currently, that's just pure survivor/killer entitlement, but I have to ask, how do you keep using the same perks, over and over again..?

For killers, you know the typical ruin/undying (nerfed obv, doesn't mean it's unviable) with like other meta perks for their killer, like bamboozle on bubba, or thana on legion, or even annoying addons on spirit, or irihead huntress, etc. And pop if you don't like RnG.

For survivors DS/UB with DH or SB and BT or something. With their commodius BNP Yellow scraps gen rush strat, map offering.

Though some killers get a pass, like trapper or current wraith are really unviable (most of the time, you have exceptional players ofc) to play without meta perks, it's sad but true, some killers need more love from the devs :(.

But still, try and live a little, survivor is so boring to me in solo Q if I keep running the same build over and over again, I've even gone that deep and had plunderer's for atleast 20 games (I challenge people to hunt items with plunderer's, very fun :) )

As killer I don't play that much, but I have dumb ######### on killers too, like coup de grace GF lmao, I lose the game, but having fun is the real win for me.

So again, how do you people do it? Tell me how your noggins aren't getting bored of the same crap, like you're pretending other fun and dumb perks don't exist, as killer it's sometimes really mind numbing to see DH 4 times in a game, I don't find it OP or something, just "unoriginal" and makes the round "predictable".

Sorry, this was just a little rant how boring the community has gotten, even though the game almost encourages it, if we all become a little bit less tense while playing the game, it'd open more fun and original builds, wouldn't it?


  • Bootlegmoth
    Bootlegmoth Member Posts: 290

    People find different things enjoyable. People that enjoy to win games play the meta.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    If survivors have strong builds, then a Killer also needs to have a strong build to stand a chance of winning, and vice-versa. It's not surprising at high ranks you will see the same perks 80% of the time.

    Asking why do people run meta is a self-answering question. It's meta because people run it.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    If I had to take a guess it's to win.

    Personally however, using all that strong stuff is boring, hence why I play weak killers all the time.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Dead Hard is one of the few perks that actually interactive. So many other perks are just passive.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    I need to play anti-tunnel/camp perks, otherwise 90% of my games will be 2 mins lol

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    The game has a serious perk bloat issue, more than half the perks in the game are next to useless while others grant minimal benefits, compare these to the meta perks that actually DO something worth a slot and there is no real reason not to run them.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,228

    The win is more enjoyable to me. I don't see much fun in deliberately making myself weaker.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    It's what's been pointed out:

    There's a very crass 'win at all costs' mentality plaguing the game. and not just 'win at all costs' but 'win at all costs and humiliate your opponent'... Y'know, one of the most unhealthiest approaches to anything one can have.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    I feel like the tryhard survivors can't win anything without their meta perks, at best I only use one second chance perk in my builds. And do fine as is like usual

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    I feel like people's most frequent answer is "to win" but is teabagging after DHing and DSing, gen rushing the heck out of the killer, clicking your flashlight in the exit gates really a win? (Sadly for many people)

    Seems like a cheap way to win imo, wins for me are when I loop the killer for so long they decide to facecamp me, without any meta perks that feels even more rewarding, sure some (is an understatement, I know) perks don't have that much value in some games, but sometimes when you use DS the "intended" way (anti tunnel), do gens and don't have a camping&tunneling killer, DS technically had no value aswel, prove thyself whilst doing a gen with someone else would technically have more value, or running resilience, or even dumb things like repressed alliance would have more value..

    Perks are all for situations you think are hard to deal with, I think? Don't take this as fact, just my take on them.

    As a survivor you shouldn't rely on them, but also shouldn't ignore them. They're a helping hand, not a horse that carries you all game, same with items, or they should be at least but things like DS just changes how perks should be working (reminder: MY OPINION).

    If DS was used, and could only be used, in a way that just ensures "anti tunnel", that'd be amazing for the game.. glad it's already being worked on huh.

    OoO, same thing. And it feels like killers are having their things nerfed but also buffed, which evens it out, with the exceptions of some very outdated kilers, and no No ED is not a crutch perk, just an ensuring one killer perk, and a full team wipe out if the team is stupid enough to try and be altruistic with the hex still being up.


    Winning by getting carried by perks and items is just boring to me, and isn't considered a win in my book, and I wish more people shared that opinion with me, since not alot of people seem to he doing that haha (Again, they shouldn't, just for the sake of my fun and non repetitiveness I just wish it was).