New Killer concept

Here is a killer concept i put a lot of work into and i have a survivor concept i will do at a later time that will go with this killer.
Please leave your feedback and hope you guys like it.

The Boxer

Trained in the art of boxing since the age of 14 to control his anger, Jeremy Remm loved watchin professional 

boxers fight in the ring. He finally got his chance to become a professional in 2004 as he turned 21, He was ecstatic to win his first
match. When he turned 22 he won more matches then he lost and his coach came to him with a big match. What he didn't know was his coach
went behind his back and bet against him after he found out what his opponent Kevin G. planned on doing. When Jeremy got into the ring
that night he never expected what would happen next would be the end of his career. Jeremy got a couple of swings in before Kevin landed
his first hit and he knew the gloves were wieghted. Jeremy couldn't let the ref know about the situation however, other then his head
feeling like he's higher then the clouds he also knew the momment that first hit connected with his jaw, it shattered. Struggling to
even stand, the second strike left Jeremy unconcouise before he even hit the ground.
When Jeremy finally woke up he was in the I.C.U at the nearest hospital. The nurse who was attending him at that moment noticed
him and told him what happened. He went thru emergency surgery and lost a lot of blood, they barely managed to fix his jaw enough for
him to use it. Checking out one month later, he went home feeling something he's never felt before, pure hatred, an anger that doesn't
have a top. He entered his house and the first thing he did was wrap a bandana around his face hiding the awful state of his jaw,
then he picked up the phone and called the one person that made him angrier then anybody else. Kevin picked up the phone and an hour
later they meet at the place they decided they would meet. It was just an abandoned
set of building connected to each other, however it was also where Jeremy got in the ring for the first time. They decided to speak
inside the ring in the center of the center of all the buildings, however before kevin could get fully into the ring Jeremy slipped
on the glove he has been hidding behind his back. The glove went on and jeremy knew it would only take one hit with the nails that
were sticking out of the top of the glove. The moment it was fully on he lunged forward and hit with as much power as he could muster,
however he didn't stop there, his anger was growing out of control and he hit a few more time's. It ended however when unknown to Jeremy,
Kevin brought his coach who was waiting outside the door to the practice room with the boxing ring. When he did'nt hear from Kevin he
stuck his head in and seen what was happening. Assuming kevin was still ok he pulled out the pistol he keeps hidden and warns Jeremy to
stop, when he does'nt the coach shoots and see's jeremy fall. sprinting away he got to a spot where he phoned for the police and ambulance,
as Jeremy lay there a cloud go's over his eye's and he hears the words "I can help with your anger". When the police and ambulance arrive,
Jeremy was gone and never heard from again.


Uses boxing gloves with nails sticking out of them, the same gloves used to kill Kevin


Stepping on the back of the leg where the knee is he then brings down his right glove as hard as he can into the back of the survivors
head, he then does it 3 more times, all weaker and faster then the first, after the last blow he flips the survivor over and shuts
there open mouth.


Finishing Blow- Embued with extra strength from the entity Jeremy is able to focus all his rage into his right arm to perform
a strike with unnatural force.
(Like the spirit, it has a charge meter and must activate it by holding secondary attack button. 30 seconds to charge it and
4 seconds to activate. when using the power it reduces The Boxers speed down to 103% from his normal 115% and the power lasts
for 10 seconds. While the power is active the boxer is able to down survivors in one hit. When active The Boxer holds his fists up to
his head like the classic Boxer stance and when not active they are to his side.)


Worn Out Sneakers- common addon that slightly reduces activation time(23% reduced).

Good Condition Sneakers- uncommon addon that moderately reduces activation time(46% reduced).

Brand New Sneakers- rare addon that considerably reduces activation time(73% reduced).

Ripped Punching Bag- common addon that slightly reduces charge time(10% reduced).

Old Punching Bag- uncommon addon that moderately reduces charge time(20% reduced).

Brand New Punching Bag- rare addon that considerably reduces charge time(30% reduced).

Kevin's Photo- very rare addon that tremendously reduces charge time(40% reduced).

Nearly Empty Water Bottle- common addon that slightly increases movement speed(+3% speed increase while power is active).

Full Water Bottle- uncommon addon that moderately increases movement speed(+6% speed increase while power is active).

Coconut Water- rare addon that considerably increases movement speed(+9% speed increase while power is active).

Powerade- very rare addon that tremendously increases movement speed(+12% speed increase while power is active).

Wieghted Glove- ultra rare addon that tremendously increases charge time(40% increase) and lets you kill survivors in the dying state.

Lightwieght Champion Belt- ultra rare addon that moderately reduces charge time and takes away the abilty to instantly put survivors
into dying state, lowers your terror radius down to 20, gives you the abilty to see survivor auras within 20 meters (does not stack)


Underdog- Becomes obsessed with one survivor, that survivor gains 40%/35%/30% to there healing speed if they are not injured, if
the obsession is injured then all survivors take 15%/20%/25% longer to heal.

Blood Rage- for each injured/dying/hooked survivor the killer gains a speed boost
1 survivor= 2%/3%/4%/5%
2 survivors= 7%/8%/9%/10%
3 survivors= 12%/13%/14%/15%
4 survivors= 17%/18%/19%/20%

Surprise- when the killer makes a vault, he makes that vault 75% faster, has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds


i'm only doing weapon cosmetics

brass knuckles- steel, gold, diamond studded

boxing gloves with glass shards- normal glass, stained glass, blood stained glass

boxing gloves with barbed wire- normal barbed wire, bloody barbed wire, glow in the dark barbed wire