Breakable Wall - By survivors?

What would people think about letting survivors break walls? Now, this would mean them sprinting at it, it would give a loud sound notification and reveal the aura for 5 second....AND cost them one health state.
Means they can open some walls on the meat plant, but puts them in danger and damaged, could be interesting in the meat plant against a fast nurse!
Thoughts? It might not work, but figure the meat plant has to many walls, so this might clear a few.
Plus, I'd love to see a Nea charge the wall on MacMillain on the second floor then fall down (especially if she was already damaged, so falling from the second floor would put her the dying state....ahh...I would lol)
I guess they could but in a different way(you will not see Neas charging at walls xD). For example, they can interact with it for 30 seconds to remove it. Depending of the map, they will choose to break some of them but at least it gives the Killer more time to his things.
The animation could be them kicking or forcing it with their backs.
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I sort of pictured them sprinting into it, maybe us the dead hard animation and smashing through it (hence the health state / injury) Figured hurting the survivor would be good to slow things down a bit.
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My idea for survivor breakable walls was you know that loop on ironworks where there’s a god window and your forced to break the wall. Basically I would make it so survivors can build breakable walls in a spot where a god window is so killers have to break it. It would be a fun mechanic cause survivors need to build the wall to block the killer off.
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I don't think it needs an aura reveal, maybe like a 10% chance of being exposed or injured to make it a bit of a gamble and also fit the realistic effects of hitting something you think will give way a lot easier than it does.
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Why no 85% chance of being injured + loud noise notification. The reason I'm making it such a high % or risk is....that a survivor does not NEED to break a wall, it's a choice. With that choice, you have a big risk
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This sounds like an interesting mechanic to use during a chase (deciding whether it's better to let yourself get hit by the killer or breaking a wall), but I doubt it'd see much use, because breaking a wall is almost always a bad idea for survivors.
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Don't add a random chance to something that is intended to be a map feature, especially one with a huge result like injury.
It should consistently do a thing, rather than 15% of the time the killer just has no idea the wall is down because they got no information about it and suddenly they lose a major chase because of it.
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Only breakable with full health state
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Perhaps. I do like the idea of it injuring the survivor. It's the survivors decision to do it after all
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Exactly plus it would be hilarious having a animation for slamming while wounded of them face planting the wall
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I saw they could be able to use toolboxes to open breakable walls. Be a good thing in case you need a quick escape while working on gens. But only with toolboxes
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That idea is not something I had could work.
What about Saboteur though? could that do it?
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I wouldn’t recommend it. There isn’t a lot of breakable walls in a map. There are tons of hooks. With a toolbox you can maybe get two , which is a lot and more than likely all of them on map. Having Sabo do that seems like overkill
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Nah because some maps breakable walls are there for a reason, saloon with its old double windows open again isn't something I would revisit anytime soon
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Wouldnt be hard for them to edit that part of the map
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Still takes effort
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I've been wanting an interaction like this for survivors since breakable walls debuted. It would be nice to have tools scattered around the map for the survivors to use to break down these walls. It would make it so survivors have to find the tool, break the wall (could make it as long as cleansing a totem), and notify the killer of their presence. Allows survivors to do something other than generators and possibly allows the killer to get a hit.
Also it would be amazing to see Jane smash a wall down with a hammer, just sayin.
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Survivors should have the mechanic to build the walls, not break them.
They're walls in this game that prevent infinites or strong loops and since the killer can't create walls; it just creates problems.
However if survivors had the options to build them and strengthen the loop it's at, it would add a layer of strategy and another objective for survivors.
But the developers will never do it.
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If it made them broken for 60 seconds instead of revealin the aura would be worth as a killer main
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Honestly I'd rather this be an exhaustion perk
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That would be interesting to
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Yes this idea is good, however. I think no cooldown will be good, you have to be healthy to use it and when you click the ability button, you'll smash through the Breakable Wall. You'll take 1 health state and your aura is revealed for 3/4/5 seconds.
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How about instead of the health state and aura reveal, They take about 6 seconds to rip the boards off the door, before kicking through. Each board causing a loud noise notification, as well as one when it's broken.
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I imagine they are waiting until all maps have breakable walls, and then they will release a survivor with a perk to break walls every several minutes, like any means necessary.
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Actually I would like breakable walls to become breakable doors, at least some of them if not all of them. To add some more chase variety.
Like, with a Breakable Door, Survivors can slow-open, slow-close for silent access, or fast-open, fast-close with loud noise notification like they do with Lockers. Killer can forcibly break the door down. The door will also jam if a Survivor uses it too often.
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Because if you make the chance too high, the survivors will never use it.
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How about we ask the devs to remove breakable walls they are bad and no one asked for them
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Depends if they want access to somewhere, plus, they can heal afterward
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Well...That'd work to.
I can see what they were thinking, a killer jump scaring someone by smashing through a wall....but it just doesnt work with terror radius' and red stains
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The only way I would be okay with survivors being allowed to break walls is through a perk because breakable walls are killer possessions that allow them to re shape the map to cut loops short or make them longer and unsafe and that's not something I want all survivors doing unless they've sacrificed a perk slot for the ability.