Did you know that...Plague takes no skill

Here I am a rank 10 who has a daily as plague, so I'm like what the heck why not. My build is corrupt intervention, blood echo, thana, and Infectious Fright. Granted I used two powerful addons, but I got messaged after game and it said "takes no skill". I'm just confused is plague OP now?
I would say that Plague takes no skill, especially when playing at rank 10. She definitely takes skill to play and is by no means OP.
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Takes more skill than spirit
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Oh I forgot to mention they were all rank 8 or lower(I believethe lowest was rank 4), so it's not like I was paired with potatoes.
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According to the community everyone does, but freddy.
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They were either trying to make you mad by saying “Plague takes no skill”, when she obviously does.
They have issues. No in-between.
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My guess is trying to make me mad, but when I get a 4k with plague I feel like I deserve it.
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Exsqueeze me!?
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That is cursed image right there.
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Plage is like... Well, there's not really any killer to compare her to in terms of skill. She has a relatively low skill floor if you wanna be a basic killer, but a really high skill cap, and the reward for getting better with her is equal to the effort put in.
Maybe she's like Blight, I guess?
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Leaked image of the Freddy nerf
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Sounds like salt to me
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Other than comparing powers exactly that's a pretty good comparison. Although I would say blight is a little harder to master.
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They'll say that no matter who you play. Usually the no skill argument is used when a Survivor doesn't want to blame themselves for losing.
His face reminds me of Jar Jar Binks.
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Oh god no. I expect with the nerf comes a Robert England skin, so at least then he'll have a reason to be a joke. (I mean this as in Robert England said a lot of jokes, not because Nightmare on elm street is a joke)
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Like a grain or a bucket of salt?
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Plague is really not that hard, but she is definitely not a braindead killer. She requires some strategy and a decent aim but nothing absolutely crazy. I would say that there are other killers who are easier than her, like Wraith, Myers, Ghostface, Freddy, Clown, PH, DS...
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Makes sense for how hated they both are
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She takes skill. Her POWER doesn't take skill but you still need to know how to chase as you do with every killer. They are just mad. I think Plague is more powerful than most give her credit for however.
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Takes no skill!!! Are they for real? Plag need skills. First of all she does not strong during early and late game so whatever you do you are doing at mid-game mostly. Secondly there are 2 different Plag styles one of them is survivor that cleanse and one type is survivor that stay injured so with Plag builds you are mostly 50-50 and toss coin. She is tall and when she use corrupt purge she leaves trails which can be seen easily across map and destroy her hide ability. She is different and strong but can be countered.
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I thought rubbing face against wall but still perfertly full speed no penalty is no skill. Did most survivor mains know that killer get speed penalty if he rub his body against object? When playing as killer, even walking takes more skills than survivor. LOL. And press E to get a free health state? Or press space to get free escape? Come on.
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The plague can't be op but also be able lose all her fountains and gain a power out in a dead zone with a survivor that just dropped pallets for three gens.
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I barely have problems against her, maybe i haven't seen those really good plague players yet (some people say she has great potential and is one of the best killers) but she is also one of the least picked killers in red ranks and she has one of the lowest kill rates. You can heavily snowball with her but that definitely takes some skill and timing. Also ranged puke shots take some skill in prediction.
In my experience plagues often get "genrushed" because no one wastes time healing but does gens all the time. If survivors don't cleanse, they're still one hittable, but snowballing from that is hard due to her being low mobility and loopable.
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You misunderstood. They JUST said "takes no skill".
Not "takes no skill to play Plague". They were probably meaning "Takes no skill to beat us".
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Plague is really difficult because so much of her kit works against her. Kind of like og Freddy. Her vomit itself isn't the hardest thing in the world to use, but there's a bit of a skill curve there if you're trying to be optimal.
There's a pretty high ceiling to her overall game management though. She has the second best tracking in the game after Doc, but it's really subtle and you have to pay close attention to the HUD, puke on one or two gens but leave another one clean, etc.
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Whoa I never thought of that.
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The plaq my dude. Sorry couldn't help it.
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Plague is very much skill-based. She's such a situational killer that extensive game knowledge is always required. Not only is her vomit difficult to aim, but you need 1) game knowledge to find survivors efficiently 2) experience to know when to ingest your vomit and when to commit to whatever you're doing 3) fashion sense because she is the only person in the fog who dresses to win.
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i see your point. her power promotes staying injured 24/7 and the vomit is pretty accurate, like you can just 360 and you are guaranteed to hit someone. she definitely isnt the least skill dependent killer but she is in the top 5
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I don't think PH is easier than Plague. Judgement is incredibly difficult to land and properly dodgeable.
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No killer takes skill.
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Not to mention mastering POTD means knowing all possible structures and rng by heart and how much the shockwave can bend on/over/down every single structure. It's safe to say no one has mastered PH yet. Even just the fairly plain decision-making when it comes to the trails takes more skill than most killers in the game.
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I think many people don't really know how to play against Plague. She is situational, but you can force these situations to your favor if you know what you're doing and the survivor are not playing super safe. She is really hurt by servers, when it comes to vomiting and on console it's even harder to land those hits.
I guess they were also very angry you used Blood Echo. Survivors tend to get mad when exhausted (I mean... I understand getting mad over an add on negating a perk, but not another perk that has its counters.
I love Plague, hopefully one day I'll get the grasp of her power and maybe she gets a slight buff to make the puke more consistent.
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No killer takes skill if you search the forum hard enough.
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Plague has always been at the top of my "most hated killers" list.
If you cleanse, she gets a sprinkler that kills you. If you don't, you're exposed forever. It's a lose lose.
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This is how i feel when 3 gens pop in the first minute of the game.
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Plague takes no skill my balls. It's actually difficult to play as her against survivors that know what they're doing. The team you're going against is unpredictable. Will they cleanse, or will they play risky and smart?
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And IF they cleanse - will they do it in a random corner where you can't go unless you want to lose gens ?
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Exactly :P