The case for tunneling



    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    This also makes the game fun for high ranked killers that actually have skills because most of them get bored from solo queue survivors. *matches are painfully short*

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    Aside from that, tunneling isn't "efficient". Its just a telltale sign that the killer might be the type of player "that whines a lot afterwards" if they dont get 4ks.

    Reminder as per all killer main twitchers: 4ks are not supposed to be guaranteed. The game has been changed many times and one of which being that 4ks are a staple of skill. The game has been changed so many times in order to distinguish skillful players from bad ones.

    Being a bad player isnt a criticism btw; it just means practice (look at twitch videos, try new perks, try not tunneling/camping).

    My argument for being an unskilled player is not one sided. Unskilled survivors can try walking to objectives instead of running at begining of matches-killers can see scratch marks.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    People keep saying that Tunneling is just 'efficient'. But it's really not. Like against a weaker team, sure. It's efficient. They'll never get the gens done. They were never going to get them done. A team that's mildly efficient will destroy a tunneler. Once you recognize the killer's strategy, you don't go for the save. You just sit on generators, and then leave the trial and the killer gets a 1K because they want to be 'efficient'. Then they come on the forums and whine about how hard the game is, and how the game is Survivor sided. They cry about Decisive Strike, which the game actually warns them about ahead of time, and don't get why they're losing games. They cry about borrowed time, and body blocking, and flashlights. They cry about gen speeds, which they're doing nothing to interrupt. Failing to understand that their strategy is what's failing them.

    Had a Plague the other day who tunneled me straight off the hook. Ignored my rescuer entirely. Thanks to Dead Hard, I made some distance, got to a pallet. She had to chase away a teammate who was ready to pallet stun the pickup. Then another team picked me up. We got the last gens done, she got one kill, then DC'd when we got the exit gates 99'ed. Hope she enjoyed her probably 30 minute penalty, given that she wasn't particularly good and was inclined to DC whenever things didn't go her way.

    You get no snowballing with Tunneling, and snowballing is how you generate real pressure.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Tha'ts what happened in Deathgarden. And see where that game is now. Players don't care about incentives. They care if what they're doing works toward their goal. Or else, facecamping Bubbas wouldn't exist. Hunters in Deathgarden didn't care if they got fewer point with instant executions. They cared that they could get a 4k every time. The devs tried to justify keeping the mechanics using the more-points reasoning, until they had to tame it, because Hunters didn't care and it was killing the game. Still, the new version was yet a very tunnel-y one and more unbalanced than what we have in DbD and eventually the players left.

    Tunneling is a logical strat. It's also an unhealthy design flaw that if left totally uncontrolled would kill the game. Again, we know that for a fact with Deathgarden.

    Is tunneling bad? We can call it however we want. In a casual game, people want a chance at playing the game they paid for. If they don't get it, they just move on to a different game. Nobody would play a game that is insta-getting-rehooked simulator or staring contests with the killer when hooked. Just like nobody would've played impossible-to-catch-prey with old infinites, double pallets etc.

    This is a multiplayer game with real people. And real people don't like becoming surrogates for a NPCs.

    Is it in the game? Then, of course, go ahead and use it. Is it 'good' just because 'it's in the game'. Not at all.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    If you can find a single post where I ever stated the game was Survivor sided, or even complained that ds exists, by all means feel free to post those here. Same for bt, body blocking and flashlight/pallet saves.

    I support survivors using any and every advantage they have against the killer's strategy, that's what makes games fun, people constantly adapting to the other side. I wouldn't tunnel in 75% of my matches if it didn't work so well, when Survivors I am playing against change their tactics in the game, I do as well. But they generally don't, or if they do it's not until they're down a survivor already, which is why I continue the tactic. It works. Tunnel the weak looper out, find a good 3-4 gen spot you can defend, and you're golden.

    I don't camp, not out of altruism, but because it's a poor strategy that takes from my score even if I (somehow) manage to win with it.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Never played deathgarden, which I suppose could be seen as something that bolsters your point.

    Facecamping is a completely different argument. Those players aren't trying to win the match, and if they do get a 4k it's because it was pretty much handed to them by Survivors that don't know what the term "unsafe unhook" means. I can't speak to those motives, because I don't camp like that, even in egc I'll stay out of melee range of the hook so it's still fun to try to block the save, and prefer trying to hook a different Survivor before they get the save, as it's more fun for me than staring at some dude on a hook for 3 minutes.

    I keep seeing the argument that tunneling is stopping someone from playing the game, and I wholly disagree with that. Most Survivor mains say the fun is the chase, not fixing gens. Well to tunnel 1 Survivor I have to win at least 4 chases back to back with them. What are they doing during that time if not playing the game? Again, when I play overwatch I would much rather heal my teammates than constantly respawn and run back, but even so, I am not going to claim the people focus firing me are denying me the chance to play the game. They are just forcing me to adapt to their strategy, which is how all of multiplayer games have worked since I had to take my pc down the street to play with my friends on their lan.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Same offer I made kingfrost. If you can find any post where I ever complained that I didn't get a 4k, or even a 3k, feel free to post that evidence here. Until then you are just pulling assumptions out of your booty.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    The argument against killers tunneling is always one of three things:. It's that killers should limit their efficiency specifically to make it more fun for the survivors because:

    1. It's not fun to lose

    2. It's not fun to lose quickly

    3. It's not fun to lose before my SWF teammates and have to wait for them to finish.

    What that boils down to is the assertion that killers should play suboptimally in order to entertain their opponent (who is allowed to play optimally, because that's his objective).

    It makes no sense.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Ah yes, you've been whining about bloodlust since your first post here, so I'm not surprised to see more of it. Has nothing to do with the conversation at hand, I'm afraid

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    Thank god not every player is an idiot over these things

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    Tunneling means you aren't applying pressure. Try tunneling at red ranks and see how fast you get Gen rushed. Its a dick move and objectively a bad choice.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Why would a killer not "tunnel" ? If you are going to hook one survivor after the other then there are four survivors in the game for too long, instead of getting one out as fast as possible.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    If you can't balance hunting and gen defense that's more a "you" problem than a "me" problem. No need to project those shortcomings onto me :)

    TOXIC_GUY_4_LIFE Member Posts: 2

    Tunneling is only for ppl that are not able to play killer in a Myers main rank 1 never tunneled or camp still get 4k still pip just fine with BBQ ruin few other perks just get good i am one that kills without tunnelling as a killer main don't think its fair to the survivors and I've seen ppl get wait time for lagging out like me playing killer lost connection and got DC wait time are to remove the DC thing cause game crashes and you get in trouble

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2021

    What specifically makes it unfair for Survivors? What does the disconnect penalty have to do with this at all?

    TOXIC_GUY_4_LIFE Member Posts: 2

    Because if the game crashes I get the dc penalty why have it if it still happens I've played this game 5 years and seen everything but I'm killer main and il play survivor every once in a while and wonder like ######### this killer is trash camping I just know how to play killer 4k and never camp cause ppl will stop playing after that so much that's why I play killer atleast I know il make the game fair for them as well

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Ok. So this time you went back to complaining about being disconnected (not a side effect of being tunneled, maybe get your network or system checked out) and went on to how unhappy being camped makes you (again, not the issue at hand, tunneling isn't camping)

    You didn't answer either question I asked.

  • nomie_norris
    nomie_norris Member Posts: 12

    Did you know jimmy johnson is a very famous football coach. So is tunneling like quartebacking or coaching? Lol

    I am survivor main. When i get tunneled i get mad at myself for letting it happen.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I had no idea. Seriously that is a funny coincidence I picked the name because I was hungry and thinking about getting some Jimmy John's for lunch when I wrote that.