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Acual way to help game naturally be slowed down.

While the gen damaging mechanic is simple and can help, it is very weak and sometimes pointless. Most of the time you probably kick a gen not for regression but so you know when a survivor touches it. 

The main reason that kicking gens is bad because the gen is regressed way slower than it is repaired. (I think it is about x4 slower, I maybe be wrong.) What would make kicking gens a more useful way to slow the game down could be the following.

1. Gen suffers initial 5% damage. Would discourage quick tapping mid chase or when the killer is near because you will lose more progress. Pop goes the weasel would increase this to 30%.

2. Regression needs to be as fast as repair. This would put pressure on survivors to get back to a gen faster and punish those who don't. Also a survivor won't run into a 50% sparking generator when with this full regression it would be silent. This is buffing 3 gen strats but if you get stuck in this it is your own fault. (Or a killer's good play for defending them.)

3. (Optional but for QOL). faster damaging animation. While it's already quick gen tapping is quicker so it would be nice to kick at the same speed a survivor taps the gen. Or the gen doesn't stop sparking until the survivor has repaired for 3 seconds. Repairs are still made during this time. 

Easy and while somewhat of another band aid fix would greatly increase the severity of a seemingly small action that shouldn't be ignored for long.

What do you think? If you don't like something I would like to know your idea. Thanks for reading and happy hunting.


  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Is good.

    Not sure regression should be quite as fast as repairing, but probably a little faster than it is now. But I like the rest.

  • Ysoria
    Ysoria Member Posts: 13

    I believe the main issue is that you need a 2s animation to kick the gen while it removes 0.25charge/seconde on the gen while survivors can repair a gen at 1charge/second and cancel the kick by tapping it for a microseconde...
    To remove the regressing stat on generators, survivors should repair it for at least 3s or something.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I think it would be enough if the initial kick would do some extra regression to the gen.
    Just to avoid wasting time and gaining nothing if a hidden survivor instantly click the gen again.
    What brings me to the second point I would add, just tapping the gen should not stop the regression.
    Survivor need to repair for 2-3 seconds to stop the regression.
    That would get rid of cocky mid chase gen taps.

  • rajuncajun715
    rajuncajun715 Member Posts: 3
    Ysoria said:

    I believe the main issue is that you need a 2s animation to kick the gen while it removes 0.25charge/seconde on the gen while survivors can repair a gen at 1charge/second and cancel the kick by tapping it for a microseconde...
    To remove the regressing stat on generators, survivors should repair it for at least 3s or something.

    This would be my suggestion also. I think it should be a separate animation to "heal" gen after kick and put it back into a repairable status and then start normal repair. Survivor animation equal to killer animation would be sufficient.
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    They dont wanna add more gen time to the game they want survivors to have more things to do... which in the most recent stream McLean said that new additional objectives will be coming very soon
  • duccc
    duccc Member Posts: 4

    @Bravo0413 said:
    They dont wanna add more gen time to the game they want survivors to have more things to do... which in the most recent stream McLean said that new additional objectives will be coming very soon

    This sounds like a terrible idea in my opinion, you know they're gonna make it so that those extra objectives give things to the survivors, rather than simply slowing them down.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    duccc said:

    @Bravo0413 said:
    They dont wanna add more gen time to the game they want survivors to have more things to do... which in the most recent stream McLean said that new additional objectives will be coming very soon

    This sounds like a terrible idea in my opinion, you know they're gonna make it so that those extra objectives give things to the survivors, rather than simply slowing them down.

    Well increasing gen time is a bad idea... survivor side is already boring and easy... they need additional objectives that they must complete either before or after gens
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    More objectives and boost kick effects. How about there is a circut with a cool down, if the killer damages it, gens can't be repaired for either x amount of time or until survivors  find one of 4 breakers on the map and reset it to allow the gens to get repairs again.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2018

    I think a little boost to gen regression could be nice, but not so much as to make it 1 charge/s, that's too much.
    For the gen tapping, I'd like if survivors needed to do small "buffering" just like sabo, in which they move toward the gen but the repair doesn't start yet.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    How about they add a good gen regression perk? Overcharge sucks, I don't care what anyone says. PGTW sucks too because it's on a timer instead of a token system. Ruin is the only good perk to use to slow down for gen progress and most of the time it's instantly found. I'd love to see a different gen perk meta.

    Unholy Aura: The Entity fills your hatred of survivors and their will to escape. Generators within a 10/15/25 meter range of you are instantly put in the regression state.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    I do agree that gens should lose some progress when kicked. Currently it's far too easy just to run around a generator and tap it lightly while the killer chases you to just waste everyone's time. And then when you finally go down someone else goes to the gen and finishes it.
    5% isn't much but it's still enough of a deterrent to stop spam gen tapping.