Killer Concept: The Cursed Mask

Killer Alias: "The Masked One" or "The Black Mask"
Killer Name: Silas Jacobs
Short Story: Born in a sort of broken home, where his dad had no choice but to leave his mother because, she was sort of a mental case. Who eventually lost it because of her jealousy, towards her husband who seemed to spend more time with her son, even though her son lives with her. One day his father came to the house because he had forgot his wallet, his mom took the opportunity to murder him in cold blood.
after coming home from going out, his eyes widen as his father laid on the floor.. with knife woulds all over his chest. His mother covered in blood says, that they can now finally spend more time together. So he storms out the house, and runs into the woods, with no words for what he just witnessed from his own mother.
before he knew it he was deep in the woods, being so overwhelmed that he attempts to hang himself high up a tree. As he attempts to jump the branch itself snaps, due to the tree being old, as it comes down crashing on top of him. after regaining consciousness he wakes up to see a feminine figure from the distance as he gets up and tries thinking the fall had messed with his head.
He gets up limping breaking into tears once more, he couldn't understand why his mother would do this.. he was frustrated and didn't know what else to do here.. clearly suicide was a failure. He would then see the same feminine figure once more but this time it looked like that of a native american woman, he continues walking towards her direction wondering why there was a woman all alone in the woods, he then trips and ends up finding the mask. He becomes drawn to it from shame possibly wanting to hide his face or could it be that it was attracting him to it, while in his heart wishing sick people like his mother could be "put to rest", and the innocent be avenged.
He closes his eyes and opens them to find the mask was gone, could it have been an illusion from the fall?
Idea #1 Killer Ability: "Teleportation" - The killer stabs, his left blade into the ground which then lights up on fire, this allows the killer to vanish into a black form of mist before re-appearing in a form of mist like cinder allowing the killer to teleport, to the area where he placed the blade, which allows the killer to swing after teleporting. The only way to move the blade is by picking it up, the ability also allows you to re-use the ability to teleport back to where the killer has left his blade effectively knocking out pallet loops, if its done correctly.
- The placed weapon can also create a second terror radius to mess with the minds of the survivors, this happens when the weapon is left placed on the ground, for 5-10 seconds which can be heard 32 meters away. add-ons could give different effects for example, increasing or decreasing that terror radius.
Killer Perk 1: "Cursed mask" -
Idea#1 Killer Perk 2: "Rage Out" - When there at least 2 generators left, the killer becomes enraged and gains a bonus of 20% vaulting speed, Moving Speed, and Pallet breaking speed.
- Idea#2 - Maybe after getting stunned by 4 pallets, the killer becomes enraged and gains a bonus of 15% vaulting speed, Moving Speed, and Pallet breaking speed.
Killer Perk 3: "" -
- Idea #1: Killer grabs, survivor by the throat picking them up and letting them, land on their own feet, the survivor holds their neck area while coughing in pain, and they look at the killer surprised and when they look, they notice the killer had their blade raised and he quickly slashes towards their hip area, before the survivor would look at the killer in shock falling back as they are now cut in half.
- Idea #2: Survivor tries to crawl away, but killer stabs them in the back as chains cover their body from the ground, as they are being dragged to hell.
- Idea #3: The killer grabs the survivor by the next as the killers eyes begin to glow a orange fire color, making the survivor light up on fire as they burn to death on the killers grip.