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Is Ghostface broken?

SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

I just played against one and I chased him around the map for about 20 secs as he was heading straight to a completed gen, I was less than 10m behind him for most part yet didn't break him out of NS. He then got a down on a healing survivor because of it. I then save that same person moments after they are hooked and go looking for GF to get his attention as i hadn't been touched yet, he was waking towards me about 20m away, so I stared at him, 15m 10m 5m NOTHING. Didn't even start to reveal him. He got a free hit from me standing directly in front of him from 5m to touching distance away.

His addons weren't anything to do with reveal range ffs

I main him, and im fully aware that his power is a bit hit and miss, but this was unbelievably stupid.


  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651
    edited March 2021

    The reveal mechanic work. You are just doing it wrong.

    You need to center your camera on Ghosftace while most of his body is visible. As in the center of your screen. Just "looking" at him does nothing if he not at the center of your screen. Usualy this mean you need to lower your camera angle a little bit compared to own your normaly play.

    Seriously, its not hard at all.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    The ghostface doesn't actually need to be in the center, which makes the mechanic even more annoying since it'll trigger when you'd rather not be found.

    It's also a total coin flip whether the reveal completes properly or not, and usually the reveal happens when the killer has already been behind some corner for a full second

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    You're not revealing him if he's cross-platform, in my experience. Better off to not even bother.

  • jakesotto
    jakesotto Member Posts: 201

    One thing most people dont know about ghostface is that multiple people cant reveal him at the same time. If someone is across the map and trying to break him out while he keeps ducking it's just going to keep resetting and will deprive you of the chance to snap him out of it

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
    edited March 2021

    Anytime I play as him I go up against SWF. Making him utterly useless.

    Post edited by Dragonshensi on
  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Where do you get that idea from ? Center of the screen is how it work, there is no arguing about it. If you have somehow experienced Ghostface being revealed while you where looking at him wrong, maybe it was actualy another survivors who revealed him. Or maybe you don't understand what center of the screen mean. Lastly there is always latency. It affect the reveal mechanic just like anything else. That why Ghostface can still be revealed after ducking behind cover sometimes, but its not the reveal being broken, its just good old lag.

    I'd be really curious to see video evidence of Ghostface being revealed by a survivor who is not centering his camera on him.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Nope not true I've revealed GF by just having him in the corner of my screen and I was behind a rock it's definitely broken I used to main him until I realised why I was constantly being broken out of NS it needs a better mechanic because the game rarely registers that he's there in front of you.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Did you happen to record it ? I'd really like to see it in action because that never ever happen to me. Centering my camera on him however always work (unless he is behind enough cover of course).

    There are plenty of videos of survivors failing to reveal Ghostface, generaly because they are pointing their camera the wrong way. But I don't think I've ever seen videos of him being revealed out of nowhere from the survivor PoV. Unless we are talking about PTB Ghostface, who was unplayble.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    Nice story, but I don't believe it.

    It works PERFECTLY fine.

    Never had any issues with breaking him off the stealth, ever.

    All you need to do is having him in middle portion of your screen with plenty of his body visible to you.

    You don't need him to be pin point center, just around there, think of it like a generic fps with a stereotypical sawed off shotgun. Pellets go across huge area, same with his reveal zone.

    You need to remember, your character model may block your line of sight of him.

    Seen some streamers (popular and considered as top ones) to fail at this and screams "reveal mechanic is broken and doesn't work half of the time", which is utter crap.

    It works, you are just doing it wrong.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited March 2021

    His reveal mechanic is busted both ways thanks to how latency interacts with dedicated servers' stalking mechanics. Sometimes you'll be staring at him while more than 30% of his body is in your FoV, other times you'll be revealing him through a solid brick wall.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    The reveal mechanic works sometimes, Ive been reveleaded by people half across the map behind walls and people have not revealed me even by looking directly at me at 15 meters, several of this instances confirmed by the Survivors themselves on postchat.

    Its extremely bugged and has always been.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I swear it has to do with the resolution of your monitor or something. I for the life of my cannot reveal ghost face when I'm going against him. I can literally chase him around the map and it just will refuse to work almost 90% of the time. However my friend can literally just reveal him through walls almost every time, like he just looks in his general direction and the mechanic works for him consistently.

    My theory is that the game's resolution isn't synced to my monitor's resolution or something so it thinks my screen is a lot smaller than it is but that's just a theory.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I had an issue once where I stared at him and nothing happened, got hit and subsequently hit again and hooked. THEN, on the hook, I revealed him when I couldn't even see him. I panned camera in direction he ran and it exposed him.

    He's my joint main and ive been exposed behind rocks, tyres and even whilst crouch walking in long grass ffs

    Needs a rework, perhaps have it so there is NO reveal mechanism, but his recovery after a missed melee takes longer to recover.