Jane mains

To all Jane mains why do you refuse to heal your teamates every time I am with a Jane they blank my request for healing and run off to find gen or exit gates HEAL YOUR TEAM stop hiding your huge ass behind a tree hoping I can't see you because I can so how about you actually aid your team and get altruism points same with hook saves never have I seen a Jane rescue off hooks they always sit on their gens and try to hide.
I can only heal you if you let me.
When you instantly run to a corner of the map, to SC yourself, while I followed you. Then I'll ignore any heal requests from you during the rest of the match.
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They are busy with something else
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I don't run self care I rely on my team to actually pull their weight but for some reason Jane is just along for the ride
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My main perks are solidarity and autodidact so you bet your ass I’m healing you if I find you
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It's funny you direct it to 1 single survivor while every survivor character does that.
Or they expect you to run a long time before they will heal you.
Same with unhooking, all survivor characters are doing this, not just Jane's 😉
I never had issues with janes.
On the other hand, Megs are my curse.
Whenever a meg is around me something bad is bound to happen and I'm always the one paying for it.
Same with looping, they are usually the ones that go down really fast.
Whenever there is a meg around me I'm far more aware than usual and by the slightest sign of problems, I'm gone immediately.
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I direct it at 1 survivor because in my case it's always Jane that direct this they run head on but never actually use it properly or to benefit anyone else it's always about them in my experience
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Megs are usually idiots hence the term meghead
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I'd rather a Meghead than a self serving Jane
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Most Jane’s run self care from my experience but they will heal you when it’s the best thing to do. At least with a Jane I’ll still have 4 teammates 2 minutes in
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I used to run Autodidact. But i threw it out of my build. Because each and every single one of my teammates either brought SC or a Med Kit.
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I’ll never give it up after I ran into a coulophobia doctor while running it. It’s a bit inconsistent but very effective
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seems you have an issue with other players rather than with a specific character. Since they are only skin, any character can because a stealthy crouching teamate, a toxic dawg or a good altruistic teamate ;)
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That guy must love playing with his keyboard
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Was that dialogue actually in the game? I remember playing mystery dungeon all the time!
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I don't think so considering the next line is "What the #########" lol
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It can be very effective. But when you play solo and the others just refuse to let you heal, it´s just...
What also limits full healing builds is the 8k point limit. Which honestly should be removed.
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There should still be a cap of 32K but it should be all categories combined instead imo
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Gotta love the massive, innaccurate generalisation. Jane mains, have some hugs.
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Appreciate it :)
Zarina mains are cool too when I see them once every year
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🤣 Please let us switch then, i rather have a Jane over a meg 🤣
I can run killers a long time while injured, the benefits you gain when you have ran a lot of no mither 😬
As for the megs, I'll give a classic example which happened not so long ago.
I was injured and meg decided to heal me at the corner of the killer shack, nothing wrong with that especially as it was against ghostface, so we could see him coming.
And indeed he came for us as he had nurses.
Meg was the first one gone and blocking my only safe way into the killer shack.
Instead of blocking the killer and take a hit for me, she wanted to pallet stun the killer, but as she waited at the pallet I was blocked and went down.
Not shortly after she went down as well.
Another fun example is where me and a meg were the last two left.
She was downed and trapper went for me.
I looped him for a bit till I knew she would have recovered enough to be picked up.
So i run back to her after i pallet stun trapper inside a jungle gym.
She could clearly see me running towards her with trapper behind me and al she did was staying down at a pallet.
If she had moved away from it, I could have stunned trapper with the pallet and pick her up.
But because she didn't move I went down because I couldn't drop the pallet.
Stuff like this always happens whenever I try to help a meg or a meg want to help me.
So yeah i definitely want the Janes you play with over the Megs I play with 😅
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Hahaha yup I know and that is exactly what I always call them.
But it's really annoying when they want to help but unintentionally screw you over
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I don’t like to generalise but from my experience they are mostly pretty bad. Megs with cosmetics are usually pretty decent though
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Well I think a lot of us can relate to this
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We're not all the same. XD
(I don't main Meg, tho! Maybe there is the reason for.)
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Not wrong, who doesn't get distracted by janes?
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I love healing too and if you’re a Solididact gamer.. if I ever see you in a match I’ll be sure to get smacked and make my way over to you for that sweet, sweet Autodidact and possibly solidarity valueeee baby!😋👍
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I've conditioned them all to never stop moving when I go whaling on deathslinger, reel her in boys.
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I usually don't have a problem with Janes, or megs. It's almost ALWAYS a Claudette who won't let me heal them. Like I'm trying to heal you before my we'll make it runs out and you're running a mile away to hide in the middle of nowhere. :|
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Yeah, I’ve died because Jane’s refuse to heal me lol
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I always tunnel Jane because I love the view. So maybe that happens to them a lot so they are afraid to expose themselves to risk. Lol.