bigger drawbacks to camping

bleblablu Member Posts: 13
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I played 3 games where I was camped and died. (aka: the killer had full intention of staying by the hook until I was dead, even if no survivors were nearby).

While camping can be a valid strategy, there needs to be more drawbacks to do so, as all 3 killers were rank 1 at the end of the game.

A simple solution is to dramatically increase the amount of score they loose to their rank, while giving the camped player some bonus points, to make it harder for them to de-pip.

While this is not the best solution, it is one that can be easily implemented to deter players from camping on a regular basis.

A better solution would be to slow the entities' progression by 20% or so.

Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED talk


  • idektbh
    idektbh Member Posts: 129

    I agree that there needs to be some bigger drawbacks to it, but only while theres 4/5 gens to be done, apart from that, I agree with it being a strategy and necessary in some situations (and basically fundamental in EGC)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    A camping killer gives the other survivors time to do gens. So they can finish 3 gens and still get you out.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    95% of the time when I am in a match where a killer camps a survivor to death, the others finish the gens and leave, giving the killer only one kill.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I like the idea of the progression being slowed down if they literally insist on face camping you. This would give your teammates even more time to get everything done and leave and hopefully get the ruined match over with.

    I don't understand why killers face camp or even proxy camp to get someone to stage 2. The fun of this game is from chasing and being chased. I doubt very much a face camper is having any real fun except knowing that they're ruining 1 other persons fun for a match which as far as I'm concerned is a form of griefing.

    Anyways, I've also thought it would be a cool idea if they added a perk that granted an extra hook state if the killer stays near the hook for a certain amount of time. Think like how Diversion charges up when you're in the killers TR, it'd be like that but based off of them being in certain proximity to the hook like Devour Hope token generation and if you get it filled / it activates it would give you another 60 seconds of struggling / stage 2

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Bigger than putting all the power in your opponents' hands and doing nothing? You literally have the power to win the trial without lifting a finger (literally, since you have to hold down M1) if the killer camps. What more do you want?

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    because you play swf. Playing solo survs go to the hook, see the trash camper and they can do only 1/2 gen. Also if the killer has ruin is less than this

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I use kindred, and I don’t see only 1 match in which all survs do gens and don’t come to the hook. Can’t remember in 4.000 hours only 1 match

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    No, I mainly play solo, generally my teammates don't go for the save and the ones who do have BT. This occurs in Red ranks though so I can see how this would go much much worse in the lower ranks.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's a problem with the survivors, then, not the killers. The game should not be designed around people who purposefully make bad decisions.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    I think it should work that after cumulative 10 seconds for every second a killer is within 16 meters of a hooked survivor 0.3 seconds is added to their hook timer up to a total of 15 extra seconds added on if the killer stands around the survivor, meaning the hook timer till take up to 75 seconds for each stage, as well as the survivors will see a visual effect on the bar that the killer won't be able to see to show that the survivor is being camped and their timer is being extended

    that way,

    1 camping is less effective and has a more visual cue to it

    2 camping takes longer and can be more easily punished, 150 seconds between 3 survivors just so the killer can camp 1 survivor to death is 450 seconds for gen time which is more than enough to get everyone out

    3 it doesn't apply when in a chase both indicator and time extension so people looping around friends is punished rather than rewarded in the new system

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    Sadly none of them are solution. People camp because at some parts survivor get the advantage and for closing the gap killer must do camps. I play both killer and surv. Sometimes I camp even though I dont like it but I must do it. We all know rank systems and the team can be much higher than your level and sometimes there can be groups which abuse everything like communication,map offerings, 2-3 toolboxes with brand news and so forth... Some maps are really killer sided while some of them are surv sided and many maps are either really big for pressure plus most of the killer does not have enough mobility to pressure some maps. Overall solution for all these things are really good balanced maps where some maps are smaller, some bigger than normal and increased-decreased pallets,jungle gym and etc...

    Other than that many beginner killer level that try to learn the game sadly do facecamp and it is normal. They should not be punished for learning the ropes of the DBD.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Survivors: Rush gens to get out of the trial as fast as possible.

    Killers: Rush kills because if it takes too much time, all gens will be done and everyone will escape.

    We have two sides my friend, either you're a Killer and you're camping to secure you kill, "removing" the fun of the hooked guy, and we have the other side that just wants to rush gens and get out, ignoring the "fun" of the Killer, cuz, who cares if the Killer is having fun right? You just wanna get some unhooks and gens and escape.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Devils advocate here but, why should they?

    I've played plenty of survivor too so I know how bad camping can be but hear me out. We're at a point in the game now where many survivors just hold shift+w and they can make it around much of the map before you can catch them. If you go against a full swf that plays this way, and they communicate when the killer is in a chase so the rest sit on gens it's very, very powerful and low skill and cripples a lot of killers. Also some maps have some really problematic areas that killers can do little against yet waste so much time, Badham school being an example just holding W and dropping the occasional god pallet can waste about 2 minutes alone.

    If you're using a killer without a strong chase ability or perhaps a slow movement speed killer than it can be more beneficial to protect a hook than to chase.

    I'm all for giving killers an incentive to leave the hook but first it has to be beneficial for the killer to take chases over camping hooks. You can't just punish them and say "leave or you get a slap on the wrists" because then you'll end up with even fewer killers playing the game, the game needs some map reworks so that it's in the killers favor to leave hooks.