New Chapter Idea - A Curse of Death

LittenKitten Member Posts: 51
edited March 2021 in Creations

Killer - The Beast

Height - Tall

Speed - 115%

Terror Radius - 32 Meters


The Beast is a strange creature. It is extremely pale, with slightly longer than average arms, and a strange black liquid dripping from its face. It is unknown where this creature came from, although one theory is that it was a monster summoned by an ancient curse.

Power - Shadow stalker

Wall Climb

Walk up to a wall and press the active ability button to climb the wall. Press the active ability (R1) button while on a wall to turn upside down/ right side up. You are able to look around as usual when on a wall. When you climb to the top of a building, you will automatically climb up onto the roof. While on a wall, you are granted the undetectable status. After you stop climbing a wall, your undetectable status remains for 3 seconds. Survivors can force you to fall off a wall by shining a flashlight on you (does not have to hit your eyes). You will fall to the floor and be stunned for 5 seconds.


While climbing a wall, you can pounce off the wall in any direction you are looking using the secondary ability button (L1). If you hit a survivor, you deal 1 health state of damage and gain a 5% haste effect for 10 seconds. If you pounce towards another wall, you can press the active ability button to climb onto that wall.


While on the ground, you can use the secondary ability button (L1) to crawl. Doing so will put you extremely low to the ground (pretty much touching the ground) and grant you the undetectable status. You move at 100% speed and retain the ability to do a basic attack (with twice the cooldown for missed hits and successful hit). Doing a basic attack while crawling will force you to stand back up after the attack is finished and removes any effects you have. After every 5 seconds of being in the crawl state with a survivor within 10 meters of you, all survivors gain a -1% movement speed penalty that lasts forever. Survivors can interact with you to kick you and force you to stand back up and stun you for 3 seconds.


After being kicked out of a crawl, you will receive killer's instinct on all survivors for 4 seconds. After you finish being stunned, you will recieve a 20% haste effect, and your lunge is twice the length (lunge perks still apply to this as well), and you will instantly lose your undetectable status effect. You make a global sound queue of you screaming when entering revenge mode. When in revenge mode, you keep all of your abilities (except for your crawl) and wall climbing will no longer give you the undetectable status effect while in this mode. Your pounces from walls are also three times as long. Revenge lasts for 30 seconds (this timer starts after your stun is over). You release a global sound queue of you breathing when your revenge mode is over. Revenge can also be deactivated manually using the activate ability button (x). Manual deactivation also releases the same global sound queue.

Killer Perks

Hex: Agony

You share the pain you feel with others. When a survivor stops working on a generator, it is blocked by the entity for 5/10/15 seconds. During this time, survivors cannot interact with it, but the killer can.


You never let your prey get away. After a successful attack (both basic and special) your movement speed during your attack cooldown is set to 90%/95%/100%.

Hex: Torture

You love to play with your victims before going in for the kill. You become obsessed with a survivor. Every 50/40/30 seconds, your obsession will be afflicted by the deep wound status effect, and will be broken for 10/15/20 seconds. (This perk does not deal a health state of damage).

Survivor - Adriano Romano


Adriano is an Italian mechanic and engineer. He was famous for making advanced military technology. One day, he was scheduled for a business trip in America, and as he was sitting in his seat on his private airplane, the plane crashed in a forest off the coast of Canada. Police and military performed extensive searches for weeks, and they found the plane and the pilot, but they never found Adriano. He was presumed dead after another month of searching. Unbeknownst to them, Adriano was not dead, but was instead in the Entity's realm.

Survivor Perks


You will never let your friends die. After taking 10/8/6 protection hits, gain 1 token of this perk. You can spend one token to press the activate ability button (x) while opening an exit gate to instantly open it, or press the activate ability button (x) while repairing a generator to instantly finish it.


You have the strange ability to see what others don't see. When the killer is affected by the undetectable status effect, you can see their aura from up to 5/10/20 meters away.


When danger comes to you, you fight back. When within 5/10/15 meters of the killer, you can throw a stick at them, stunning them for 3/5/8 seconds.