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Freddy rework idea

To be clear the idea of the rework isn't to buff or nerf him, it is to make him more fun to play as and against. Tell me what you would do if you want.

First: New Ability

Replace his snares with a new ability. This ability is called "dream warp" which i will call dw. For every person asleep he gains one charge. To use the ability you hold m2 to charge for about 2 seconds, afterwards you release m2 to instantly warp roughly half the distance of a fully charged nurse blink. If during the instant warp you pass through a survivor/a survivor was in your path while warping, they go down a health state and you still go to where the dw ended. Hitting a survivor doesn't cancel the ability and he can continue to use additional warps. Additional warps will be instant press and releases. To stop a warp either dont press m2 between warps or use all the warps available. After you cancel the ability you have a "fatigue time" for about 2 seconds with an additional second for every warp after. Warps don't recharge while in fatigue state and it takes 3 seconds to get a warp charge back. This adds counterplay because you can see him lift his fist to use the ability and try to dodge and he only gets a charge for everyone who's asleep and he can only use the ability on asleep survs.

Second: Sleep Timers

With the addition of the new ability it now takes longer to fall asleep. There is a 30 second no sleep period-SP (like clocks) at the beginning of a match. And waking up via a teammate or getting off a hook also gives the SP before the normal time starts again. Only failing a skillcheck doesn't give the SP which is to keep clocks viable. This change is to stop the DW ability from being too overpowered.

Third: Reworking Addons.

Swing chains and ropes now reduce charge time of DW and lose original slowdown. Paintbrush now gives 1 extra blink by default but makes it so you don't fall asleep when hit by freddy and lose all previous traits. The box addon makes it so after a projection to a generator you immediately are forced into a DW and that dw has 8 charges, you lose the charges after that DW and remove all previous traits. Dream pallets now reduce fatigue time. The meme addon is deleted.

The purpose of this is to start conversation on how to make freddy more fun while keeping him a good killer. I'd love to hear your responses and what you think is bad or good.

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