The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

New but have the basics down, now I just need other fair-minded players. PC, Crossplay enabled.

Hey everybody, I just got the game a week ago and have been having a blast with it aside from two major exceptions: I can't stand toxic players and the lobbies seem to dry up in the mid-evening (roughly 5pm and later, US Central time). In the morning I can get connected to a lobby in ten seconds. By dark it takes ten minutes.

Wins and losses don't matter to me. Of course I like to win and try to play in a way that will be successful, but teamwork and fair play are what I enjoy most of all. If I can have a ten or fifteen minute game and feel like I accomplished at least a couple of things like escaping the killer here, rescuing a few teammates or repairing a generator or two, that's all I need to have fun. I'm not into the ruthless griefer / troll "win at all costs" thing. I'd rather die at the end of a hundred friendly, fair matches that played out like the designers intended than win even one match where I spent the whole time having to get away from a survivor who was secretly teaming up with the killer to spam points. Winning is great but I play this game to chill and have fun, and help others do the same, not to deal with people who will bend the rules, exploit the gameplay and make things crappy for everyone else.

If any of this sounds good to you, especially (but not only) if you're up late during American hours, find me as miketheratguy on Steam and Discord (though I usually don't talk unless I've known someone for a while. I can be flexible though).

Windows, Crossplay (on or off is fine with me), prefer playing as a survivor, all maps welcome, all ages and genders welcome as long as you enjoy teamwork and fair play like I do, and I'm still pretty new - definitely no expert - but I have the basics down and know what I'm doing. Hope to meet some of you!


  • Klavatoo
    Klavatoo Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2021

    Sent you a FR via steam. steam profile is Jesse. Working on leveling up an account so i will not have any of my usual perks! Hope you don't mind! Not playing on ps4 anymore. Usually on anywhere between 1-5 am CST. I have a couple thousand hrs of experience via survivor if you need someone to play with/need help.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Thanks! As long as you don't exploit the gameplay like teaming with the enemy or cheating or whatever you can level up with me all you like.

  • Klavatoo
    Klavatoo Member Posts: 61

    As long as you don't consider looping exploiting the gameplay we should be fine!

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Since I'm pretty new I'm still learning some of the terms but my understanding is that looping is just a thing where the survivor runs around an area with a pallet, right? It wouldn't affect me since I rarely play killers at this point anyway but I would be curious to know more about it and why my google searching says that it's controversial.

  • Klavatoo
    Klavatoo Member Posts: 61

    Looping is running around in circles the wooden pallets on the map. When the killer gets close enough, you drop the pallet on them. its a great way to waste the killers time and buy time for your team to repair generators.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    When my friend was showing me the ropes last week that was one of the first things he demonstrated: If a killer is chasing you, you drop the pallet on them. That's just a regular gameplay mechanic right? Do you mean that you run from pallet to pallet, or do you mean that you do several circles around a single pallet? Either way I can't yet see why some people think that this is bad, I mean the way I figure it that's why the pallets are there!

  • Klavatoo
    Klavatoo Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2021

    It is a regular gameplay mechanic. I do several circles around a pallet/ often times combining windows with them because there's limited resources on each map. This makes it incredibly difficult for the killer to catch you if you are good. If i went pallet to pallet, others wouldn't have any pallets to use. It's the only means of evading the killer other than hiding/trying to 360 them.

  • Gl1TcH_8727
    Gl1TcH_8727 Member Posts: 105
  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719


  • Ladyproph1
    Ladyproph1 Member Posts: 13

    I stream and always look for people to play and have customs w drop me a follow at

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Would I be able to add you on Steam? I don't have Twitch.

  • Brvomylife
    Brvomylife Member Posts: 3

    I'm pretty new and I'm always up late looking for people to play with cause I have that same issue trying to get into games.

    Feel free to add me, my in game name is BrvoMyLife#e686