Hillbilly: the dead high effort low reward killer

You should have known that's what was going to happen eventually after the Nurse nerf, you bunch of no stop whiners.
I can't wait for all the professors to come and say: this guy was trash...billy is still A tier trust me brooooo i 4K all day with no add-ons
Welcome to DBD, the noob friendly greedy game where you can play with skill and not get rewarded for it.
Billy is still good tho. Other than adding in bugs, not much changed about his basekit, to my knowledge.
It just looks like this guy wasn't the greatest Billy or he got tilted.
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one thing that i've learned about this community, is they are VERY hard to please.
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That Billy took 5 minutes to get his first down. This cannot be explained with the Nerfs, sorry to say that, but if a Killer takes 5 minutes for one down, they are not good.
I mean, just look at the curve he tried at the crane. Eh. He most likely overcommitted during Chases, I dont know how long he chased who, but given that not only tru3 was in that match but also Cardclasher, it can be possible that he followed the wrong Survivors for too long.
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Billy is still great. I would know because I now main him. His overheat is negligible and his addons are still decent especially Lopro chains and the stealth addons
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You can't take a single pov of one survivor player and say a killer played good. Especially when said survivor plays the game for a living.
As already posted 5 mins to down the first survivor with Billy says more than any chases in the video and with all killers this would normally be a loss.
Your comment about playing with skill and not being rewarded seems to be quite out of place when showing this video from a killer perspective then.
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If Billy is good who will go buy Bubba with real money? After BHVR deal with net ease they become much more greedy
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Thats a little bit too much tinfoil hat IMO.
Bubba has already good aspects to be bought
- License
- A decent Killer overall (and still weaker than Billy)
I dont think they the Devs wanted to nerf Billy so that more people buy Bubba. Aside from Billy being BHVRs version of Leatherface before the license and both having a Chainsaw, they dont share much.
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Do u ever maind Billy or Bubba? Or u r just a survivor main saying your dream talk?
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Bubba was the first Killer I maxed out and I mained Billy for a long time, but I have to admit, I am very rusty with him because I stopped playing him for a long time when they bugged his animations.
But I have played both of them for quite a long time, Bubba not that much after the Buff, but playing Billy quite frequently the last weeks.
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Lets see, several injures but no downs, several mistakes at gyms, got baited on the chainsaw several times, not commiting to any chase but not applying proper pressure either, a hard map with a lot of unmindgameable pallets, Corrupted Intervention on the highest mobility Killer instead of something else and lets be honest, while I dont really like Tru3's style of streaming he is good as both Survivor and Killer.
Yeah its all because they added the heat meter, no mistake here.
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LOL diving into a chase means 3 gens pop in 2 mins dude
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The thing is nobody complained about Billy at all. He has always been regarded as the most fun to play as/against. Don't blame survivors for something BHVR did.
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Lol at these comments. The Billy looked like a good player.
”but he took 5 minutes to get his first down”
Yeah thats because as you see with tru3 survivors dropped pallets. There’s literally nothing Billy can do at those autohaven pallets, theres no mindgame. He tried with the chainsaw to curve and get a hit but it didnt work.
This is what survivors players dont realize due to internal bias. If you drop pallets safely (and lag doesnt bite you) then you dont get hit. There is an ample amount of pallets on every map. If the other survivors are on gens while pallets are being dropped then you can have most of the gens done before there’s any real danger to the map. This has happened to this Billy, its happened to tru3, its happened to Otz, its happened to zubat. The only reason you dont see it every game is because survivors often make mistakes, get greedy at pallets, or sometimes cant find pallets. By the time you’ve lowered the safety of the map the game is pretty much over, you just dont see it in solo queue often because survivors are not on gens half the time.
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Maybe for me i always blame the overheat and roar but billy just feels so sluggish to play animation wise. So if they do fix those i might go back to maining him. Right now hes definitely a shadow of his former self.
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Billy is the perfect example of a high effort killer for a weak reward.
Why bother when Freddy or Spirit exists? You can learn them in 10 minutes, Billy takes hours.
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Billy is good. Most good survivors do agree that his nerfs were overboard, no one wanted Billy's base kit to be nerfed, but instasaw needed to go.
Blame BHVR not survivors no whiny baby.
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The devs made a huge mistake here and i hope they will fix billy. Even before the nerf he wasnt that powerful but his instasaw was, they shadownerfed him along with the official nerfs so he is a shadow of his former self right now. I still hope they will fix him and buff him so he can be enjoyable again
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Many complained about insta saw addons (same as with instant hatchet for huntress, etc), it was the main complain.
The overheat thingy isn't that much of an issue either, how many times will you overheat during a game? Once? Twice? None?It just lowers the "spammability" of your abilities, certain killers needed it. Though, Billy suffers more from new bugs, rather than "OmG oVeRhEaT sUx" nor from new addons (he needed his insta ones nerfed, new ones are meh though).
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The Billy was okay, but I wouldn't say 'good' based solely on an early game shack pallet drop and and LoPro chains hit. If anything, he went for chainsaw hits through the pallet too often, when an M1 would've worked just as well. Of course, it's hard to tell because we only really see this through Tru's perspective. Maybe he was god-like against other survivors. (He probably could've ensured a 2K by not going for Tru at the end, and instead defending his two hooks. But he might not enjoy camping the last hook and prefers a good chase. I know I do.)
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Well then the insta saw addons should have been nerfed and that's it. No survivors wanted an overheat mechanic.
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This seems to be too hard to understand for most people here it seems. They have to say the player is just bad and pintpoint any mistakes.
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Billy could use several buffs.
Maybe just QOL changes like timers on his addons. Lopro and Mothers Helpers are just mysteriously working.
Black Grease is too niche. Better just to make it a base punctured muffler + small additional cool down for each flashlight in the map.
To have it shine on you is just ridiculous. They could make the overheat reset to zero each time a flashlight shines on him and people still wouldn’t use it.
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I tried playing billy today and after the first curve hit every survivor just played extremely safe. They only looped fully visible tiles and dropped any pallet that was blind.
I lost and felt there was nothing i could do. I probably would have done better with trapper tbh.
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Certainly he wasn't the top, but how is this player terrible by any means?
Maybe it's also because new Billy just struggles downing people who are actually good? That couldn't possibly be it.
I would like to see your Billy going against the same team.
And let's say this guy is terrible, where are all these amazing, non boosted Billy players? I've seen maybe 5 Billys max since the nerf and the last one had 70 hours...
Don't tell me it's because of the animations; yes, they are annoying and need to be fixed, but most people don't even know about this and they have no impact on the killer's strenght.