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Why do you dislike a killer?

We always talk about how “this killer sucks”, “I hate this killer.” But why? It has to come from experience, so what was that experience?


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  • Member Posts: 206

    mostly because they are hard to predict. deathslinger and spirits. they want to loop the normal way without thinking.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I dislike Killers with very small skill floors and high rewards, on common language, supereasy to play and extremely hard to counter, things like Spirit, Freddy and to a degree PH, with those 3 any noob can stomp.

    Nurse and Huntress while having an insane reward are much more difficult to play so at least you know if you get decimated is by someone who put a lot of work and effort on getting very good instead of buying Spirit and putting Stridor on her.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I am not a big fan of the Pig, because I hate how her traps remove you from the normal gameplay. Now I have to go run around and try to get this trap off my head instead of playing the game. Pun intended, lol

  • Member Posts: 737

    Some are just outright annoying, doctor and clown really irritate me, I think its the laugh.

    Used to hate Deathslinger for the same reason, but since playing him and really enjoying it, I played more and more and now I tend to enjoy playing against him too; I can relate to the killers experience and appreciate an awesome shot when it hits.

    Others, like somebody above mentioned; low skill floor and high reward. I always enjoy playing against a nurse, even when they utterly crush me, because its such a high skill cap killer that you have to respect it, and also because each game is so wildly different depending on the player. Meanwhile, Freddy and Spirit usually get 3k just for turning up.

    Pig and Trapper (less so since his trap escape chance changes) have an RNG factor that I just hate. With Pig, its always the last jigsaw box I check that I need to remove the RBT and with trapper my record for failed trap escape attempts sits at 16, by which time he had come from the other side of the map to graciously help me get free. I'm not a big fan of RNG mechanics; if I were playing these killers I'm sure every survivor would get free first time. I don't use Hex perks for the same reason, even old ruin undying was out of the equations within a minute for me in most games. But I guess some people may like that kind of thing.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I don’t like spirit or nurse because their counterplay is limited to how bad the player is

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I don't like going against any killer that is too overbearing in chase. Killers like Pyramid Head and Deathslinger completely negate pallets and windows, the only defense for a survivor, which is very unfun to go against because you don't even get a chance sometimes. Some killers even are monsters in chase and have crazy map mobility like Nurse.

    The most fun killers to go against are ones that are perfectly balanced like Hillbilly. His power is strong but isn't too overbearing, his power doesn't negate windows and you can actually loop him somewhat. He also has good map mobility.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I absolutely can't stand Bubba and that's even though I love the movies. 

    But for one thing, I become a red rank idiot when I play him and just can't loop him. I don't know, he's the only killer I can't get along with. 

    For another, it's the mentality of 90% of the Bubba players I've experienced. Either they slug like savages or they tunnel you out funny or they are the classic camper. Whenever I get to a round and it's Bubba, I don't feel like playing anymore. 

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I dislike facing stealth killers, but to be honest that's just because I'm not good at spotting them before they get me. I don't want them to be changed in any way, as the solution is just to face more and get better.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Hag, to face and to play as.

    Matches are rather uneventful when you are playing against her, and playing as her is bad too because she relies completely on her power. And unlike Nurse, who can use her power almost on demand, Hag has to wait for a trap to be triggered, meaning that chases last much longer than they should. But I'll admit I probably run into this problem a lot because I'm not very good at her.

  • Member Posts: 841

    Sad, I play Bubba and only tunnel, camp, or slug massively if the survivors give me no choice or act toxic.

    But then again, even when I try not to camp, people just go ''omg you camper'' because its the most common behaviour associated with bubba players, sadly.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Yes, it's unfortunately a common prejudice and unfortunately there are a lot of Bubba Mains that make it their goal to be as sucky as possible and fit that exact stereotype.

    But yes, there is the unmentioned 10% that I've experienced as well. They go off the hook, they chase, they hook everyone three times and they all have fun (which doesn't change the fact that I'm like a deer in headlights when it's a bubba XD).

    He's just my personal nemesis. 

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Freddy. I hate Freddy with a passion.

    There's literally no winning with this guy! You hold M1 and never see him as he chases your teammate? You're asleep because he existed on the map for a minute. Wanna wake up? Either fail a skillcheck (which is pure RNG) and alert a killer who can teleport where you are, or go across the map to wake up only to fall back asleep again after a minute and a half... if Freddy doesn't find you first, anyhow.

    Are you awake? You're immune to his chasing power, great! Too bad you're not immune to his stealth. Sure you get the TR, but can't see ######### he's coming from until he's Myers-level of close. On maps like Bloodlodge, this can be a massive boon since you don't know where the hell to start running. This with passive sleep means you're going to be asleep for most of the match and trying to stay awake will just waste far too much time.

    Power through staying asleep? Welp, now you get the dream snares meaning looping will just get you killed. And my LORD, you will learn to appreciate the normal directional TR because his lullaby is absolutely infuriating! Is he getting closer or is he still chasing that meghead? Have you crossed the line of despair and decided to be a blendette? Too bad, you're literally highlighted for him... which you would kinda deserve for that one. BT? What's that?

    Freddy can be fun to play in the "turn your brain off and relax" sort of way. But that I find horrendous when I think about it. Freddy plays himself for the most part. Place a snare at a loop without so much as a slowdown, chase one while the others fall asleep, wait for your teleport to be ready, and pop a gen. Rinse and repeat.

    There are also Twins, but... do I need to explain that? I think everyone hates them.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm similar with Billy/Oni/Bubba. I don't want them nerfed but I hate facing them because I suck at 360 juking their one shot. As for stealth killers I like going against them. A nice jump scare is appreciated in a horror game.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    That's why I like facing Hag. Jump scares and it forces you to pay attention

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    I really dislike going against Doctor.

    The whole experience is far too chaotic and noisy. The constant screaming/madness effect/electricity is a pain.

    One a side note, I believe the add-on that allows the Doctor to see fake doctors (indicating a survivor presence) should be removed. Static Blast is more than enough when it comes to locating survivors' positions.

  • Member Posts: 427
    edited March 2021

    There are only 3 killers that i dislike

    Legion: mending simulator

    Plague: its really annoying especially when my teammates dont stop giving her the power

    Spirit: she is just to strong and boring to go against, so to win i bassically need to tryhard but tryharding in an booring game is really strestfull

  • Member Posts: 918

    To play as or against you mean?

    Play as: Blight

    • Bouncing off objects you didn’t intend to
    • Sliding off objects you did intend to bounce off
    • Low pov making corn and swamp maps unplayable for me

    I’ll give him another try once his pov is updated but he’s the only killer in the game I actually despise playing.

    Against: Ghostface

    Mostly the unreliable reveal mechanic. The fact that you can be revealing him and he walks past a blade of grass for half a second which cancels it entirely but reveals your position. The fact that theres no warning and no penalty to his stealth, he just walks around a blind corner and smack.

  • Member Posts: 31

    This is absolutely my thinking when it comes to Freddy. I didn't mind him at first, when I first started playing the game I never had a problem escaping but as soon as you're out of those brown ranks good LORD. Genuinely feel like disconnecting whenever I spawn in and see those frickin timers 😂

  • Member Posts: 575

    There's a few that I absolutely can't stand.

    Deathslinger and Spirit because they leave you little to no counterplay or interaction in chase. Sucks all the fun out of the game and I immediately want out against them.

    Freddy because of Ruin/Pop/Tinkerer existing and his addons providing slowdown just makes his kit too oppressive for too little effort.

    Legion because he gets an essentially free stab on you and then runs off to chase someone else while you are forced to stand there mending.

    Pig because I swear I somehow always end up having to search the fourth box and activating your trap is something your teammates passively do.

  • Member Posts: 256

    I hate Hag. I hate everything about her.

  • Member Posts: 252

    The Doctor: Is basically someone admitting they have no map awareness or tracking skills and needs more or less a free interrupt to catch anyone. On top of that 90% of the time a doctor is gonna be a toxic sob.

    Spirit: It is not mind games to have a really good headset. On top of that like Bubba and Billy she has that whole "I got longer reach then you think" thing going on. So,she will hit you even If you keep pace from her..Or more correct she is The Wraith/nurse for rich kids. That and I see her too much and usually in some kind of Kiwi anime schoolgirl outfit...Which effective makes me assume she has not be nerf cause she makes the skin money.

    Hillbilly: I take "######### with bad connection" for 10. Every Billy has a bad connection on Xbox...IDK why,they just do. And when they cant get their sweet "one shots" they just hit you thou pallets and windows.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    I hate when it becomes overly easy to make certain plays as killer that it gives survivors VERY little choices in terms of countering.

    For instance, I don't mind playing against Hag except for when they have Rusty Shackles. I feel that this add on could (at the very least) be an Iridescent add on for her, so it isn't so common.

  • Member Posts: 505

    I hate Oni His club makes it impossible for me to heal a teammate under the hook. Even with will make it, it is still a risk and to be able to bash multiple survivors at the same time is annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    There's a couple of killer builds I'm not a fan of like iri huntress and forever freddy. Other than that the only killer in the game I don't like is Spirit, because ya know it's Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 372

    Legion is good at spreading damage and slowing down the game, one of the most annoying things for survs.

    He has nothing for ending chases and any kind of post power stun always feels uncomfortable.

    This creates a killer who isn't necessarily great, but feels weak to play and annoying to play against

  • Member Posts: 422

    Above all else, I hate Killers that seem to attract sweaty players. There are specific Killers that in my experience attract HARDCORE campers and tunnelers.

    Myers, Pig, Wraith, Doc, Slinger, and Spirit come to mind.

  • Member Posts: 563

    Freddy because he has everything and doesn't have to work for it. Sleep passive. Teleport cd reduction no effort. Screws over perks and BP just by existing causing oblivious status. Gen speed add-ons. Can set to traps while in chase which make clown look like a joke. Only way to wake up is either go all the way across the map or fail a skill check letting him know where you are or on the off chance somebody got unhooked and is awake still.

    Bubba because as soon as you know it's him and hear his Terror Radius you have to go to a loop with a vault to possibly survive because his chainsaw can chase you down and swerve around objects like a racecar.

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited March 2021

    I personally strongly dislike playing as the Twins. From reading a description of their power, one would expect that you could do a mix of ALL of the following. Use Victor as a deployable Killer Instict detection thing and obstacle. Injure a Survivor with Victor then down the oblivious Survivor with Charlotte. Injure a Survivor with Victor then go for the KI proc next to them as Charlotte. Injure with Charlotte then down with Victor and go for the pick up with Victor standing guard. Injure with Charlotte, down with Victor, Victor camps the slug while Charlotte hunts other Survivors. Go on a massive slugging spree with Victor.

    The only one of those options that is powerful enough, fast enough, and not way too clunky to function is anything involving Victor slugging people. Honestly its an absolute shame that they're power turned out like that. I thought I'd love them... but they really are only set up to slug.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Freddy because he is just so oppressive and so boring. No offense to Freddy players but he feels like easy mode killer.

    Spirit because there is just no escaping from her. If she has a decent headset and a working pair of ears then she is getting you.

    Legion because mending over and over is pure tedium.

  • Member Posts: 150

    Freddy and spirit,

    I imagine people that main spirit with iri addons and volume on 11/10 with stridor also tend to play every match with really good items and map offerings as survivors and ofcourse every textbook meta perk in the game, so I really don't think of it as 'skill' at that point, it's just stacking broken things in game to your advantage, which I find really boring but to each it's own I guess

    Freddy is just easy mode tbh even without addons, I play him sometimes when I want to switch off my brain, but he's too boring to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I dislike certain killers if I feel like they take someform of gameplay away without adding anything new. It's why I'm not a fan of Nurse/Spirit and dislike playing them.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    They could have made a great killer that allowed quick mindgames at loops with switching between the two, instead they made them exclusively viable with camping based builds. Awful killer.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It has to do with how fun it is to go against them, and whether or not my actions actually effect the outcome of the match. Same with playing as killer. I don't feel like I can do anything against Nurse except hide.

  • Member Posts: 2,193
    edited March 2021

    Huntress because hitboxes. A lot of huntress mains think they're soo god but in fack half of their shots are due to latency

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I dislike Nurse cause she screams a lot.

    I don't like the 7-second screams of Survivors getting hooked either, so to play as one who has to scream to get mobility is insane.

    I also don't like her going HUHHHH and looking down everytime i use her power.

    Yeah, Nurse will never be for me.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I strongly dislike the doctor and the wraith! People over use the shock on the doctor, which I completely understand why they should it just gets annoying after awhile. Now the wraith on the other hand can change so fast from being invisible to not that there should be a time limit as to how long until you can use it next, just like the spirit because it can be over the top at times.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Spirit. Everyone I can understand how to play against em, but not with Spirit.

    I accept the mechanics of other killers. I know that things get harder with Doctor's insanity, or that I have to run around inconvenienced with Pig or Plague's stuff. But Spirit I feel like I'm not sure what to do still, because no matter what I do, Spirit is ahead of me.

    I accept all my deaths equally on everyone, except Spirit cuz it's like ugh lol.

  • Member Posts: 854

    As an aside, you can easily hear GF apparel flapping around when he’s in stealth. Btw, GF is my least fav killer to go against also. I simply dislike having to look at ever “leaning” spot constantly while I’m daydreaming on a gen

  • Member Posts: 194

    ever since the twins came out, i've hated them.

    just everything about them. the lore, the design, gameplay, everything.

    also every twins player i've come across camps hooks with charlotte while controlling vic and ######### slugs for most of the game. ah yes laying on the floor for most of the game then getting instantly smacked back down the second i get picked up. extremely fun.

    now this one isn't for gameplay reasons, but freddy because i have impaired vision and i can't see ######### in the dream world. it's way too bright.

  • Member Posts: 194

    it's in his base kit, it's not an addon

    tbh doctor doesn't really have anything else other than revealing survivor locations. the small stun when you shock someone only wins you a hit about 50% of the time because it has a delay, so the survivor can probably still throw down that pallet or vault the window.

    there's also a tactic of running as far away from him as possible when he's using blast to avoid getting hit. it only reveals you if you are in his terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    I think his add-ons have such long, detailed descriptions that I lost track on what's add-on and what's base. Regardless, I think it should be removed from his base kit. I think he's still highly effective without the fake doctor ability.

  • Member Posts: 24

    I am so sick to death of killers tunneling the same person OVER AND OVER again. It's like stop be LAZY and actually play the game like it's supposed to be played!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I called out a killer for doing this and do you know what their response was??? It's an easy 4k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I also can't stand the fact that we are always paired up with LEVEL 1 killers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You devs need to get it together, seriously!!!!!

    I love this game but I'm officially done with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Based on how easy it is for them to use their kit to be as oppressive as possible. Legion, huntress, Freddy immediately come to mind and they are the ones that leave the hook to return asap. The game is hard to play in unhook transitions in dead zones or loops stripped bare of escape routes. I hate these killers kits for this reason alone.

  • Member Posts: 4,759
    edited March 2021

    I dislike huntress because the people that play her usually vpn to increase ping for an easy time.

    Oh and i couldn't care less if they deleted hag from the game because they all camp like their life depends on it.

  • Member Posts: 2,025


    Most of the Deathslingers I go up against are usually really c**ky and Toxic. And for some reason, the majority of my matches are against Deathslingers. At this point, he's just really boring to go up against.

    I don't hate him because he's too strong or weak, I actually think he's pretty balanced, I'm just bad at surviving against him. I hate him because his whole concept is frustrating and that I get too many Deathslingers. He has a small terror radius(24m), but with Monitor, it's 16m. That can be really good for a ranged killer. Because he can just sneak up on someone and drag someone toward himself. Even if you manage to break free from the chain, you can still get injured with the deep wound effect. And I get that s**t like 90% of the times I break free from that chain. Even if's he's one of the slower killers, he can still reduce distance fairly quick by baiting with his gun, because the majority of the survivor just passes out.

    I'm not saying that he should be removed from the game, get nerfed or that people should stop playing him. Because I don't think so. I just wanted to share why I dislike him so much. I know it's probably me that needs to learn how to play against him, but I don't have the motivation because he's so god d**n boring. I just want to get out from the match as quickly as possible. Anyway, have a great day! :)

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Honestly from my 4+years as rank 1 I still hate hags and trappers. Trappers you can just instantly walk in a trap, you physically cant check every loop, do the gens and get chased solo so it feels no matter how good I am its luck if there a trap or not. Hag always seems to end up in basement camping or just camping, I dont mind her using traps but when they trap and camp it's a little overkill and boring. Any other killer I dont mind versing and alot need buffs but camping or rng is never fun imo

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    killers like hag encourage scummy gameplay. 10 traps at a hook that are impossible to avoid. clown is impossible to loop. you cant do gens if you are going against a freddy. people like killers like myers cuz you can pull pretty much anything off on him

  • Member Posts: 284

    You can also avoid the blast by going inside a locker. I think.

  • Member Posts: 100

    The only killer i dislike facing is trapper, simply because its rng if you get into a trap.

    The constant fear of running into a trap is annoying to me.

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