Bugs still exist and don´t get fixed

Hey guys, thank you for your time to read this treade.

Contrary to some of the opinion of others, i like balancing, but not matchmaking not the current one and not the new one for every killer! I miss strong opponents in many matches.

This thread is there to address the bugs that still exist, which have not yet been fixed and which affect the game in a certain way:

generally negative

  1. Random map structure which puts the game in the hands of a faction in the first second (Tompson House with 8 pallets and only 2 window/ L walls and 2 T/L walls and in a distance of 15 meters 2 gens and after the next 20 meters the next 2 gens together -> killer side or get the best jungles with 15+ pallets and betwean every gen 30 meter+ distance -> survivor side)

negative for killer

  1. Grass has not moved for a long time (even with Spirit in the shift walk for survivor)
  2. There are still gaps between trees and walls where only the survivor and not the killer can pass
  3. Pallet stuns are 1 meter away from killer
  4. Chain link fences block the chainsaw
  5. in some places invisible walls for huntress hatchats or the ax hitbox is too wide
  6. injured survivors do not make any noise without iron will

negative for survivor

  1. Spirit often has no shifting sound
  2. Steps have not made any noise for a long time
  3. Cabinet and window clearance
  4. Totem fire visibility is very low
  5. The red light from Freddy is not displayed on the distance to the hit range
  6. The exhaustion indicator is still difficult to see
  7. The Game has 2-3 death rooms
  8. Visual blink and hit as well as exhousting from Nurse are still bugged
  9. The rear area of ​​Grave of Glenvale behind the gallows is too open, hard to juke and standard at least 3 gens

There are certainly some things that count in this list, but it would be nice if BHVR takes care of these problems.

And we know BHVR tries to make the game comfortable for casual players with their balance patches, but please also look at people with skill, if something is abused for various reasons, take care of this situation and possibly correct it. ( Metaperks like NOED, for example, are used by many players who have no desire to defend their gens as a killer and are used as the last straw to turn the game around instead of learning the mechanics to get better )

And for anyone who will hate me now, try to destroy me ingame. I'll just say one thing, it's gonna be damn hard my friends. ;^)