Dev, I want to ask.
Now as survivor, It is really hard to get match.
Do you know why? Dev just listen noob survivors opinion and dev also don't know how to play game well. So MOST OF KILLER USERS HAS LEFT THIS GAME.
(I was shocked when I saw dev's perk as killer.)
Dev need to listen killer side. Not this survivor sided noob community. You have to watch Top players stream and consider error of statistics. I recommend Top1 killer player Sal_gu in twitch. If you want to translation of his opinion, I can help you.
Now as survivor, how much time do I have to wait more?
Unfortunately just take a look at the forums and see how many “nerf x killer”, “x killer op Pls nerf”, “x killer perk op” there are on any given day, and know that this is apparently how the devs balance.
after 4 years on this game I just take it for what it is. When the day comes that I don’t, I’ll simply uninstall
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Survivor problem
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What is sal_gu’s opinion? I’m curious what people are saying.
The killer experience is definitely becoming less fun. I find a lot of it is the maps.
I’ve said from the last mid chapter that I’m quitting myself is meat plant isn’t fixed because it’s horrendous. Now I’m being reasonable, I didnt expect any changes in the trickster update because it was just weeks away, but I expect changes to the map in the next mid chapter and if not then I’m taking a long break from DBD because a lot of the new map updates are coming out terrible and meat plant is the cherry on top of a very crappy tasting cake. I’m terrified of what they will do with Coldwind but I can see the rancid abbatoir window coming back into play.
Behaviour really needs to hire new map designers because the maps in this game have long been horrendous and very unprofessional and some other parts of the game are well done but the maps just make it feel like the kind of unity clone game you used to find on steam greenlight
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Might be your region. My queues are 1-2 minutes this morning. They usually don't slow down until 8 or 9pm
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I wonder why if less players are playing killer I get instant matches as a survivor in the morning. There's no indicator at any level that dbd is dying or losing players. The real issue is the distribution of players. There are too many survivors queued up at night and not enough killers, just like there are too many killers in the morning and not enough survivors. They've talked about combining matchmaking pools which will mean you get matched across a wider region rather than just (US east) or (US west) players only.
But I digress.
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I think regions vary.
For me killer is instant 24/7 in EU. Survivor always takes minutes.
I see us streamers and theres a slight delay to killer. Not long but maybe 30-60 seconds.m. That isnt there on the EU servers.
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Precisely. Your region only matchmakes you with players from your region so when the number of users online drops, it will have issues. That's why they have talked about combining queue regions to increase the number of players to matchmake from.
Also another thought is that mmr will allow matchmaking to be much faster, as I noticed my matches on average were found faster at all the times of the day.
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Wait a minute. Are you really asking, why you get instant survivor matches in the morning, during a work day?
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And also (at least here in the states) the kiddos are in school.
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Kids shouldn´t play this game (i know they do, but they shouldn´t).
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Use family share to get a rank 20 brand new account, play to rank 14, then get forever lobby again, and create another.
And after everybody do this new killers will refund this game too and then the game will be dead just Friday 13th.
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That’s a parenting issue. Still effects the survivor queues in the evening
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But in Europe 24/7 there are too many survivors and not enough killers.
I’m not sure where OP is from, based on the streamer maybe Korean servers? Either way in their region it sounds like there is also too many survivors and not enough killers.
So even IF U.S servers had a perfect ratio of survivor and killer players, then by making matchmaking worldwide you’re inheriting a lot more survivors than you are killers and this will affect your lobby times
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Some liar told me in Europe survivors get instant lobby 24/7 LOL
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Oh god no. It hasnt been instant since.....well I first remember it going bad during the third anniversary in summer 2019 and it has never recovered since. It just varies how long it will take. On a good day 3-5 mins, on a bad day 5-7 mins.
Otz the other day said his girlfriend played for about 3 and a half hours and only got 5 games due to queue times.
But whatever the developers obviously see this as a non-issue. I mean survivors themselves have said they would rather wait 20 minutes than face a spirit or a freddy so I guess fun is more important and we can keep expecting killer nerfs and awful maps that take no skill to win as survivor
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I'd just like to add another rant to the pile that I stopped playing killer because I'm tired of the obnoxious toxicity and second chance perk spam from SWFs. I find it hard to want to play as killer anymore.
But the queue times are so ridiculous for survivor at night that it's just not even worth waiting the time it takes to get into a match, which sucks because I would like to play but at this point it feels like you're waiting as long as the actual match takes.
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Go create a new steam account and family share it, then use your rank 20 survivor bully those new killers away, make them refund. Don't do gens or else u will pip, just be as toxic as u can and make those new killers refund the game. If we all do this and nobody will by this game, then they might will think about buffing those clowns (most killers are clowns for rhey are just bad)
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What is the point of this post exactly? Are you advocating the destruction of this game and griefing other people, by manipulating family share? Great idea, instead of figuring out why your smoke detector doesn’t work, burn your damn house down to show those damn dirty manufacturers you got them.
very childish. Hope they ban you from these forums
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Survivors have caused a drop in those who will play killers. Body blocking as a good example of why.
Others will dodge also due to survivors action such as P3 Claudette(s). I personally don't but some will dodge for keys(I just bring Franlkin's Demise) but will dodge for the Claudette(s).
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By bullying new killers away from this game u save them money and make them know what the game really look like if they decide to play along. Doing that is not a bad thing but a good thing. After they play this game several hours they can't refund and they will find they r lied by the steam ad. They promised a horro game with a powerful destroyer but in the end u find u r a clown entertaining 4 bullies.
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This is not merely on days when people would be working. This is consistent over the past year I’ve played. Besides not every job is a normal 9-5. If you meant something else from this please tell me because I think I missed it.
While yes you are inheriting a concurrently larger number of players for both sides which queue it also exposes a larger number of matchmaking requests to each other. A point of clarification is that they most likely won’t merge the separate continents together for queues to preserve latency goals for matches. It has nothing to do with a perfect ratio since realistically you will never have the entire player base in a region queueing at the exact same time.
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This is honestly a ridiculous take and no sensible person will be doing this. Not only is it a waste of your own time, it's a very dickish thing to do to queue up with the sole intention of ruining other peoples' experience. I'd assume the majority of us here really like the game and want to see BHVR fix glaring issues.
If you want to "hurt the game" the best you can do is just stop playing and/or stop giving BHVR money until you think they deserve it.
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Yeah its very tilting. Seeing the same maybe 6-8 perks on every survivor, they hold W every chase, tap E to outplay, and have a second chance for every scenario, all of which aren’t very skillful but they’ll tbag at every pallet and get abusive after the game as if they’re esports level gamers. Many of these survivors are carried by perks and abysmal map design and it boosts their egos. The most boosted their ego is the kore they tbag. I’ve had a tbagger almost every game now for no reason.
I find myself so tilted by all of this that rather than quit im just playing in scummy ways. Facecamping, hitting on hook, kind of funny watching these players rage quit though when the killer decides to be mean. But thats all the game has become now, each side trying to be as toxic as possible to ruin the game for everyone else.
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I'm not destroying the game and lots of people do this by using hack to change his rank to bully baby killers and devs pretend to be blind to it. Why playing the game normally is bad? Red rank bully killers all the time and somehow a rank 20 doing that is not right? I'm not using hack or something, just using the loops those designers gave us, and if that hurt the game it's on game designers, not on me. If they don't put so many loops on the map then I can't use them.
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Playing in rank 20 is not wasting time, waiting in q is wasting time. How come playing survivor is wasting my time? Smurfing is good, it helps baby killers get good. By the rules of the survivor book, killers deserve to suffer whatever happen to him if he is not good enough.
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What really matters are the queue times during prime time. When people come home from work and want to play.
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it's a cycle, you see teabaggers too often, you become a camper, they encounter campers too often, they become teabaggers....
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Hell, I maimed Killer. I rolled out in November or December, and outside of testing a new chapter on PTB, have not not touched DbD. The live game isn't even installed. I just pop into the forums. I haven't written the game off yet, but it's damned close to happening.
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I must admit the killer role is pretty scarce at times. My queues are instant and I don't blame people for not wanting to play the harder role which is also less rewarding.
Survivor is just so much easier and more fun at times. It's also, even when frustrating, far less frustrating than killer. But that's me.
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I've never waited more than 7 minutes for a game.