Suggestion: Small buff killer concept

Hi everyone,
this buff is based on repair failed skill checks, and gen regression. Actually, when a survivor fails a repair skill check, repair progress stops for 3 seconds.
The idea is, when a killer kick a gen, generator gets Damaged state.
- Damaged state: Generators on this state take gradual regression (like now) and cant take any repair progression. Damaged state is fixed when any survivor work on the gen for 3 consecutive seconds (during this time, gen dont take any progression and cant trigger skill checks).
Damaged state is applied when:
- Killer kick a gen
- Gen explode for a failed repair skill check or other perks
The purpose of this buff is protect a little better the regression of generators, avoid gen taps and give the kick a little more value.
With this change, if someone leaves a gen after fail a repair skill check, the gen will take pasive regression, and some killer perks will be indirectly buffed (like Surge, overcharge or other perks based on failed skill checks).
Note: Overcharge skill check is trigger when Damaged state of a gen is fixed. Surveillance yellow aura the same. Technician is indirectly buffed because prevent gen explosions. Hex: Ruin dont apply Damaged state, the regression is caused by the totem.
POST SUMMARY: Survivors needs work on a regressing gen for 3 consecutive seconds if they want fix the regression, and this is applied in each failed repair skill checks.