New map reworks?

Anybody know for sure what maps are getting reworked next? I believe that Coldwind is one of them based on pics from the developer does anyone know what the other is? Thanks
As far as I know, we do not know what map is getting a rework next.
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According to some very credible sources, Coldwind is next
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They must create a cyberpunk map or a cod cold war style map,it will be awesome. The maps we have now are boring
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Cyberpunk-esque sure.
CoD? Let's not.
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Credible sources also said the new DLC was gonna come out last Thursday tho
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Coldwind basically confirmed but there's also speculation for haddonfield
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True, but so far with almost everything else theyve gathered theyve almost never been wrong
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there is nothing confirmed as of yet.
however, the rumours i heard said that Backwater Swamp and Lampkin Lane were next up.
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I hate Red Forest If that's the case my suffering will continue.
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in the end, it will be looked at eventually.
the one thing that is confirmed is, that every map up to Grave of Glenvale is going to be reworked, so Red Forest will be looked at eventually.
i mean, its not like we had many choices left anyway, there is Red Forest, Backwater Swamp, Lampkin Lane, Hawkins National Laboratory and Coldwind Farm, so it should only take two to maybe 3 more chapters until all the reworks are done.
the thing im personally most concerned about is the lack of new maps we've been reveiving lately.
i really hope after they are done with the rework they'll put out some standalone maps - after all, they did say their goal was to have 5 maps of each realm, so hopefully we'll be seeing some more of some realms we havent seen much of before.
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I know they'll eventually do Red Forest I just really don't like the realm. And the devs said 5 maps per realm?
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yeah that was in an Q&A at some point where someone asked them what their ideal amount of maps per realm was and the answered five.
thats quite an old statement though, so it might be outdated.