Where on earth are moris?

Literally haven't seen a single one used since the nerf. You'd think there's be at least some players who just like the animations?
I would rather bring bloodpoint offerings at this point as mori's are essentially useless now, wouldn't mind making yellow mori basekit however.
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Let’s just look at ultra rare mori.... costs 6000 bp to buy and now can’t be used to shorten killer objective in a meaningful way. Much better to burn a bp offering. That’s from a numbers perspective
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It happens sometimes in my lobbies.
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Moris should really give bonus BP too
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I see them only when a TTV is in the lobby otherwise they are non existent
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They still offer an advantage of being able to tunnel off of second hook, but the people who used moris don't like that they now have to get 2 hooks instead of 1, so now they'd rather ######### about the nerf than realize it still offers them an advantage.
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In the vast majority of cases, it takes less time to rehook than it does to use a Mori. They no longer provide any advantage.
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Ignores DS, ignores body blocking, ignores pallet saving, ignore flashlight saves.
"They no longer provide any advantage".
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They are not game changing anymore which is why you don't see them.
I'll slap one on sometimes for giggles for killers with good moris like ghost face or legion or bubba.
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quite literally useless, unless you really want to tunnel someone off of second hook.
ffs they should just have made it so it requires you to hook everyone once for it to be usable...
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It can save a hook too. Especially Auto heaven really low on hook count.
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I prefer a next to useless tool to something that offers a free kill for playing nice at first.
It's of my personal opinion that offerings shouldn't offer a major ingame advantage. This is also why I think map offerings are awful.
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If you're really being tunneled, the killer was already hit by your DS before the second hook. In fact, if you're really being tunneled, chances are you were downed very close to the hook, by someone the killer saw - that means no body blocking, no pallets, no flashlights.
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You don't get that you don't need to tunnel off of the first hook to tunnel off of the second?
You can just hook everyone normally, and the second you hook someone twice and they get unhooked, down them and mori them. Rinse and repeat.
It's not a hard concept to grasp.
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well, but thats kind of what they were designed to do...
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If they are so rare, it just shows how good it was that they got nerfed. This means that most Killers did not care for the animations, but just wanted a really unfair Offering to get easy wins.
I see Moris occasionally. I guess, one or two every other day, most of them Ebonies.
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And that design sucked ass, why do you think it got changed?
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The way you said it implied killers were tunneling both hooks. However, I maintain that the advantage is negligible at best.
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It isn't massive, and it shouldn't be. Using one thing that costed a quarter of the BP you get in a single match shouldn't be a free win in the next one.
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Are you talking about Cypress, Ivory, or Ebony? Be specific.
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Cypress is the only one I'd consider fair in its pre-nerf state.
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Well, i used old moris, the second most op thing in the game, to deal with the most op thing in the game, swf.
Now, i dont run moris, because i just dont play killer anymore. Even as solo survivor, the game is just much more relaxing. But i take a break from the game much more often, because the change of pace i desire from time to time is not provided ingame anymore, so i just play something else.
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Don't make me say it for the tenth time today. YOU DON'T GO AGAINST A 4 MAN SWF EVERY TIME YOU PLAY.
And the ones you do go against are probably not sweaty enough/good enough to be considered overpowered.
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no i dont, because i stopped playing killer. You should work on your reading comprehension.
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Umm, I don't think I should. When you did play Killer, you apparently went against so many sweaty SWFs, and the only way you could win against what was probably actually a 2 man SWF and 2 solo queues was by using an instant win button.
Simply because I worded it oddly doesn't mean I didn't understand the context you were speaking in. Maybe you should work on your capitalization <3
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it didnt get changed.
Offerings were always designed to directly affect the game, give advantages to whoever played them.
Map offerings let you select the realm you wish to go to, Hook offerings let you increase / decrease the amount of available hooks, Hatch offerings let you force a Hatch spawn on a certain location, etc.
the only Offerings this doesnt apply to are the bonus BP offerings, which are just there.
Moris are ment to be affecting the trial you play in.
obviously their original design was absolutely busted and the second design was unhealthy, but that doesnt mean they'd have to be useless. a one hook on everyone requirement would instantly make them a lot healthier for the game: they would be powerfull enough to pose a threat (so they'd be worth the BP / offering status they have), while also encouraging nice behavior from the killer and even going as far as giving the survivors a way to counter them.
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You uh. Do realize I was talking about moris in particular there, right?
I don't like map offerings because they affect the game too much. The rest are fine because the Killer/Survivors in question can work around them. I also just don't think you can expect a solo queue Survivor without coordination to hide in a corner all game to prevent the Killer from getting a free kill. Without playing in a 4 man SWF, that simply isn't reliable.
And I will repeat, most games you do not face a 4 man SWF. If I have to say this again I'm going to cry-
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Good riddance and don't abuse em and you wouldn't of lost them.Every match every survivor and untill true and monti started saying stuff. They were forced to get rid of them
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Who is this evil person who broke into your home and is forcing you to type things? Who is so mean as to force someone to log into this forum and specifically reply to people?
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See I finally agreed with you
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I wasn’t defending old mori I was answering the op question. Judging from other posts, you have quite the problem with reading what folks write.
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Anyways, honestly should probably get off the forums for now.
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Good riddance Moris were insane now there fun but because there fun no one wants to use them . The problem is two sided I don't play stupid sweety as survivor or killer I have more fun that way but when my friends are tunneled to death. And everyone like nah that's part of the game. When it shouldn't be is insane and that people won't even admit it is worse.
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I don't particularly miss mories but I do wish keys got the same treatment.
It's so ridiculous that devs couldn't simply change hatch spawning conditions to appear after 5 gens are done or when only 1 survivor remains and insted are doing something extremely complex that it's taking so long to implement and 100% won't be as good of a change as changing hatch conditions is.
I can't wait to be disappointed when they just add hatch opening animation and call it a perfect keys fix. 🤦♂️
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I see them now and then, but not often. Most people don't use them for a specific reason; they are effective only if you play seriously ruthless dirty. You hook, play keep away until they hit 2nd Stage, and then tunnel and mori off the hook. It works like a charm EVERY time. Most Killers (myself included) don't want to be that guy/gal.
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A Mori kill should award way more BP than it currently does.
Right now a Mori is pretty much a Fatality from Mortal Kombat. A more entertaining kill animation when the opponent is already out of the game. (Although I used to always do Johnny Cage's nut punch instead. Or just uppercut them.)
Just feel it should give more BP considering Mori's are semi-expensive on the bloodweb (Not that expensive, but they cost the same as any other yellow/green/pink item, with pink items being the most expensive) and you're paying BP for a chance (Survivors might die on hook, or you might not down anyone 3 times) at seeing an animation. You save a hook and prevent pallet/flashlight/sabo saves/DS but in the end it's mostly just an animation.
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During the mori animation two gens pop. No thank you.
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a one hook on everyone requirement would instantly make them a lot healthier for the game: they would be powerfull enough to pose a threat (so they'd be worth the BP / offering status they have), while also encouraging nice behavior from the killer and even going as far as giving the survivors a way to counter them.
I'm not exactly sure if this change would be better.
All it does is force the 4th survivor to hide to deny the mori which isn't fun and will indirectly carry the killer.
Sure,moris aren't extremely good right now but offerings shouldn't have a huge impact on the match anyway.
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They took the most interesting way to die and made them the most useless offering. Playing survivor I would take a mori over the 3rd hook.
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I will still use them if they come up in the randomizer, yet even with the nerf they still have the minor benefit of not having to carry a survivor to another hook whilst hounded by their team mates.
If anything, were I to choose offerings, I'd bring them in more often. BP is bountiful as it is for me anyway.
However, it is understandable they're brought less often. Personally, it would be nice to modify the Mori to make it more gruesome or inventive, but I do see why devs may not want to tread there.
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Definitely aint worth the 7k bp anymore though as they are just a look cool animation death instead of a powerful offering (comparing it to like map offerings). The yellow doesn't even need to be a offering. And your just better off getting bonus bp. A key for instance is the same as ebony. Can let all 4 survivors escape. Can have stuff added on to make it more powerful and can be found mid match. All that needed to change to ebony tbh was each survivor needed to be hooked once. This change doesnt prevent tunnel mori just makes it harder.
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I've been getting way too many moris on my bloodwebs, and I couldn't give any less of a crap. I want sacrificial wards so I can not get Ormond'd and Haddonfield'd four times in a row.