Pyramid heads cage is SO OP!!!

ok as a survivor main i find his cage WAY TO OP...
It doesnt benefit him at all. you can kinda know where they are gonna be cageed and they can remove the barbed wire thing. So why does it benefit the survivors so much? the only real benefit iwth it that i can find is that you doesnt have to carry them to a hook. Buff pyramid head he is a fun killer to play and play against :)
They always spawn at the farthest possible location so any decent PH will know where they are
As for torment if it didn’t cleanse the torment you would only need to torment once for a free cage and mori
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I have a hard time telling if someone on this forum is being serious or sarcastic.
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You also don't have to worry about
Body blocking
I guess power struggle
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Pyramid Head hard counters pallets and windows just by putting his sword into the ground. He doesn't need a buff.
Also, fun fact, his cages completely ignore the following:
- Decisive Strike
- Borrowed Time
- Unbreakable (if you want to continue pressuring after getting a down and don't want to go to a hook)
- Deliverance
- Second Wind
- Slippery Meat
- We're Going to Live Forever (same as Unbreakable)
- We'll Make It
Don't say it doesn't benefit him at all.
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Why are we buffing killers?
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I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic about him being OP or intentionally contradicting yourself.
Cages also affect perks that hook based. Meaning perks like DS, BT will not work on him should the survivor to go a cage.
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8/10 for the Troll/bait Post.
Not bad - I almost bought it.
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Why are we buffing Pyramid Head would be better wording if you didn't want to get flamed by half of the people who play this game.
If you want I can provide a list of Killers that need buffs (and, if it's a simple buff, what buff they need).
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Yes, buff my child, who doesn't need buffs and is already an incredibly strong killer >:)
Do it and make me an unstoppable force, I dare you
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There's also perks for killer the cages deny.
- Devour Hope
- Huntress Lullaby
- Dying Light
- Furtive Chase
- Blood Warden
Anything that requires a survivor to be hooked, the cages don't give it.
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You have to understand that the Pyramid Head benefits from the choice to not run those perks.
Survivors go against a random Killer when they enter a game, and will often use similar builds every time outside of experimenting or messing around. They have no such choice to change their perks to ones that aren't hook reliant.
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Wow. Thats amazing a killer that I hate needs buffed what's new
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Can you just ignore people who aren't perpetuating this side vs side war for a moment longer?
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I wouldn't buff him to be honest. I pretty much one trick Pyramid Head and his power is really really strong. He is probably one, if not the best killer to get someone out of the game early. I love him how he is and I don't know why but people say he can M2 instantly but I've never seen it.
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No I am just saying pyramid is annoying .
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I kind of agree that if hook perks weren't so prevalent (Decisive, BT and Deliverance) his cage would be underwhelming. When I play PH, I like sending people to cage because it saves some time and looks cool, but if no one has hook perks then I just start to question why this thing was added in the first place.
Edit: I think that the cage was suppose to add a sense of urgency to rescuing as there are skill checks in the second stage but since I never saw someone actually mess them up it just became pointless.
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Wouldn't it just be insane there was a way to avoid getting caged, like, maybe by not running in the judgment trail.
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He can m2 instantly, but it's a recently discovered bug. The bigger problem is being able to do a basic attack instantly out of an m2.
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The problem with this statement arises when you realize most of the best perks Survivors use are hook related.
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I get it that these perks are very common, but imagine a future where for some reason DS, BT and Deliverance have been nerfed and no one uses them anymore. In this hypothetical situation, the cages just become outdated.
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Again kill survivor ad quickly as possible not have fun.
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They would, but they do still save time and are better than hooking if there are other Survivors nearby.
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Im pretty sure they removed it.
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I don't think they did, as recently I saw a Pyramid Head attack instantly out of m2.
If they did though, then that's good, as he shouldn't just be immune to pallets and windows without requiring the mechanical skill of Nurse.
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they removed the m2 into m1 but also reduced his cool down after punishment
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well that is true.
But for an example played a game against him. he caged someone then the caged survivor spawned next to me and a nother teamamte + a generator thats half done its win win win. If you dont cage you can place the hook where u want it to be so you can defend a generator or not they should make it harder to "unhook" somene from the cage or atleast a debuff (without addon)
And if you get saved 1 sec after u get caged you wont need to DS anyways since u can pretty much run away and hide from him before he is even close to reaching you
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I'd show you how but I'd get banned for showing off an exploit but it's possible; you can no longer m1 straight out of m2 but you can get a 0.2s POTD off by messing with the animations a bit.
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I'm mean it is probably for the better. I don't want to use "exploits" in the first place, I was just wondering because people talked about it all of the sudden.
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It's been there ever since his original re-work and I used to do it completely on accident but yeah, it's possible and I was testing it out with our fallen comrade @Slashstreetboy 2 days ago, with @OniWantsYourMacaroni as a witness. The conclusion from that session from me and Slashy was "yeah, this is bullshit."
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I'm not saying PH needs a buff. I was just pointing out his cages also can hurt him sometimes. Most of the time I hardly use the cages. If I torment someone I leave the status on them for later. I only cage if I suspect DS+UB, there's other survivors nearby and I want to get the down person dealt with fast or they are on dead hook.
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Would you mind if I'd add you on Steam?
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I mean, sure I guess
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get good
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did u even read the post?
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Thats what i meant sometimes it does mroe harm then good. i mean if you get rescued 1 sec after you get caged it doesnt really matter if you have DS or not since u will have time to heal and run away
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Im not sure how you can find him annyoing since he is really easy to counter when using rites of judgement he is slower so juke it and you will be rewarded in distance. Try ot break line of sight since most pyramid heads will try to geuss by the timing where you will be eand shoot over there so try to stop up for a sec. His strength is unsafe loops so keep distance, break line of sight and avoid small loops
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The distance of his mage power always changing due to lag it is inconsistent
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yea the desync makes it hard but try to brake line of sight and if you have bad desync problems maybe leave a sec earlier than usual
If you dont know who fungoose is check him out he is really good since he is spitting straight information and explains why he does what he does
Him against a pyramidhead:
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It's still in, but the window to be able to do it is incredibly small and hard to make use of. After the nerf, players tested it and found it was still there, but the difficulty in timing it made it too inconsistent to try and use in practice. If you see it in use during a trial, it was likely a fluke or lucky timing more than being intentional.
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wow this was a rollercoaster
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You're not the only one. At first glance, I thought this was another Sluzzy post.
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You can hook first and then cage them, so the 3rd time u hook u won't be dsed
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as much as i agree with you, I still want him to get a buff that makes him pretty strong mostly cause its pyramid head : )
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if anything you dont have to break your struggle key and you will most likely spawn next to a teammate. the only downside to the cage is that perks like deliverance, second wind, decisive strike, breakdown, etc... dont work