Changing how Killer Plays

So far, Killers have had the same basic functions but unique Killer Powers. Was wondering how the community felt if BHVR shook up the Killer formula and where you would draw the line if they did.

For instance...

A real Trap Killer who specializes in setting up the map to punish the Survivors more then he could personally. Maybe make it so he can only down Deeply Wounded Survivors and by default his M1 would only Deeply Wound and not down a survivor (unless already deeply wounded). Not just 1 type of trap. Gotta watch out for bear traps, trip wires, crossbows, or falling nets...a Killer meant for Killers who are more in favor to set ups and pay offs and less into the chase.

A real Trickster Killer, who can infect the survivors and force them into the dying state if they do not chase down the Killer himself to obtain what they need to survive. This Killer can not forcibly down survivors but has a power for escaping, manipulation or adding confusion. Meant to flip the roles without flipping the roles completely. Survivors still have to avoid M1 infection but when it happens, they need to shake off a stun and then find the Killer. Killer has to try and M1 others but also avoid specific survivors.

A suicidal Killer who can damage survivors or maybe straight up down them but in exchange for his own death. Then he enters a shadowed version (like Freddy sleep state) where he can still move about but not interact with the Realm or see any survivors. He has to choose a place to regenerate. If survivors find him before he fully reconstructs then they could kick and dismantle him, meaning he’d have to choose a new location. Killer would need to decide to regenerate safely far away but risk too much time for survivors to recover, or dangerously close by so they can hook quickly but possibly not quick enough to avoid a kick.

Maybe a Shadow Killer who melts into the ground and looks like a ⚫️ black circle. Then he naturally or his power creates multiple circles that move in tangent with your circle movements but all around the map, and maybe some mirrored instead. Then you could try and manipulate one of your circles (excluding yourself) into being stepped on. Survivor would then be captured and put into a shadow prison. Where a series of skill checks need to be pressed correctly to escape. Giving Killer some time to materialize and attack survivor.

Just some basic ideas to change the formula.

Personally, I don’t think the devs or community could handle any kind of substantial changes to the formula. I just thought it might fun to talk about if they did one day make a Killer who didn’t follow the standards. I’m the type of person that can eat the same meal every day for a month, so I’m fine as is, just making a discussion.

Add your thoughts or create your own unique Killer that would shake up the core mechanics of DbD.


  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    many things would be fun, but unfortunately these devs nearly break the game with bugs releasing current type killers. I wish we could have new an refreshing things, but I just don’t feel bhvr has the skill.