Survivors are Becoming More Selfish
Just in recent weeks I’ve noticed that solo q is getting worse team-wise. I have died on first hook multiple times, no one wants to heal, or even do gens for that matter. It’s just hiding till the last person can get hatch. Maybe I’m just having a bad streak of matches but my survivor teammates lately have been less than helpful. And no, they aren’t potatoes. Funny enough, the “potato” teammates I’ve gotten have been more helpful than the purple and red rank teammates I’ve had. They either just hid or focus on doing gens. If someone gets hooked well that’s it for them. Has anyone else started to encounter this kind of player behavior more lately?
People need to stop DCing as soon as they get downed for the first time, or reach 2nd stage on first hook, because the game is far from over, but then they decide to DC and then it's super over for the survivors.
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I don’t DC but no one ever comes to save me lately. DCing isn’t too much an issue in my matches. Just not helping at all is
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If you are playing solo-q best advice I can give is to always have Kindred in your builds.
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RIP that's when you played killer for a bit
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It's just a bad streak of matches. It happens to me too.
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If you're gonna play solo, just play Killer.
You'll have a better time and improve queues and matchmaking.
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When I play survivor and a team mate gets hooked. I don't immediately leave the gen to go get the save. Usually, when I do, I find the other two did as well and so no one is working on gens. It also takes 60 seconds to get to stage 2 so if I only have 30 seconds left on the gen, I may stay and finish that first.
Kindred is a great perk to run. I can see if the others are going for the save, just hiding or not leaving a gen and it can help me make the decision to leave the gen I'm on to come get the hooked survivor.
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Never understood the DCing, just run to the Killer and k*ll yourself on Hook.
But if there is a reallife reason or you just ragequit the last game for the day, why not.
Don't expect anyone to stop this. There is nothing you can do about it.
It just shows that the Game is in a bad state. If you want to stop this, fix the Game.
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Survivors are always being selfish, especially all those Nancy's.
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I don’t blame people for not immediately coming to get me. I understand. Bout done with a gen, etc. but if you let me get to second hook then I get pissed.
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What really annoys me is when a Survivor camps the hook and tries to 'rescue' me the instant I'm hooked - and they do this WITHOUT Borrowed Time
Reasons why hook suicide is a thing.
And reasons why being able to /kick another Survivor away from you when they try an unsafe unhook -should- be a thing.
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Usually then they aren’t really trying to save you just hook farm.
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I had a few of those today. Two were with what I think were 3-man SWF, where they fell all over themselves to hook-bomb each other while I did gens and kept picking them up, and then they left me to die on my first hook. I always run Kindred, so they knew what they were doing. :(
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Usually if you are paired with a SWF you are the odd man out. No one cares for the rando so you’re killer fodder in their eyes.