Fellow Survivors

Here's the scenario:
It's down to 2 survivors. Only 1 generator left and you are working on it together. Killer finds you. You are the one he starts chasing.
Here are 2 thing you can do:
1) Not intentionally follow the other survivor
2) Intentionally follow the other survivor
One of those things is a good choice for both you and the other survivor, the other is a very bad choice for both of you.
If you are capable of making the distinction between which is a good choice and which is not then you probably don't need to read any further. If you can't make that distinction read on.
#1 allows the other survivor to get away. That might give them the opportunity to unhook/heal you.
#2 ensures that once the killer downs you they will just leave you laying there and down the other survivor ensuring there is no one left to help you.
If you still can't figure out which is the good choice this game is probably too advanced for you.
My condolences.
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I get that running the same way as the other survivor is the wrong choice, but if the killer is on my butt and the only available loop for me happens to be the one you ran to, I'm probably bringing him to you. Be considerate of the person that took the aggro and don't hog the loops.
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I completely get that. If the survivor not being chased isn't getting out of your way that's on them. As a matter of fact that's kind of why I made this post. If I am not the one being chased I will very intentionally run away from anything that will be beneficial to the person being chased because I don't want to be in their way. Yet there are still survivors that will follow me. I can only assume it's because they somehow think they will get the killer to chase me instead of them. It's like they lack the ability to understand that by following me they are just ensuring the killer can easily chase both of us.
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#2 bc the power of friendship can overcome any obstacles.
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In this scenario the one being chased should lead the killer as far away from the generator as possible and the other survivor should get back on it. But when this happens to me, the other survivor has normally ran all the way to Spain instead of being helpful. 🙃