Trickster DLC is all about killer fun



  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Agree with everything besides the "strong killer" part.

    It's getting quite ridiculous the bad perks survivors get every chapter.

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    Impossible, sluzzy will be the one who keeps the servers open, obviously.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    More killers means shorter queue times for survivors. Which is nice?

    Anyway, no cute animal pics and the bait isnt that good. No 5/7 this time.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,157
    edited March 2021

    Well I don't see many possibilities for the devs to make new perks that would tempted people to deviate from the meta.

    They are already afraid to bring anything strong into the game be it killer or perk, so how should the new perks compete with the best perks right now?

    Edit: also survivor can only equip 4 perks at time and I thought that those slots were already all taken by ds/ub/dh/BT and situational other meta perks.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Hell no! Way too many girls n gays play the game for him to fade in obscurity. I'm not really into kpop myself, but plenty of my girlfriends are and I KNOW Trickster will be their killer of choice. He's definitely going to have a "cult following", for lack of a better phrase, and in my opinion will most likely always be a somewhat popular killer. Huntress and Deathslinger are very highly used killers and his power is just too similar to theirs while also remaining easy to understand (see survivor, throw things at survivor), therefore not having a big frustrating learning curve to pick him up, as opposed to recent killers like Blight (imo one of the more difficult killers to pick up and play well) and Twins (it is very punishing to be bad with Victor and many people won't realize the playstyle the Twins NEED to utilize to win)

    I definitely don't see him as a very strong killer, but you still see low tier killers being played very often just based on their design being fun or their power being fun.

    I would assume Sluzzy is basing his claim off of the statistics released by the devs around a year ago, which did imply that killers tended to kill more than they let escape. Have no idea what the updated statistics would be now at this point.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    ,,tunneled after i touched the objective"

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    There were times, where i believed sluzzy is serious.

    But the baits are more than obvious now.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Trickster is bringing some really cool and fresh perks to the game. Starstruck absolutely KILLS body blocking and is going to be incredibly annoying to deal with on survivor side, especially when paired with Agitation as you're just gonna have to constantly respect the killer when he picks up.

    Hex: Crowd Control is going to be disturbing on maps with good totem spots and actually might shift the meta on survivor side towards making sure you bring something to get totems out of the game. It's going to ensure quicker downs early game OR get pallets out of the way so that you have quicker downs later in the game.

    And then No Way Out will more than likely find its way into a lot of killer's builds- if you can't stop the fast gens, you can at least hold off the 99%'d gate for some time. When I play with my friends we usually have the gate going seconds after the last gen pops and that will NOT be happening as often lmao

    And then you look at the perks the last few survivors have gotten and they all have such convoluted activation requirements that even if they sound good on paper, you either need a good coordinated SWF or for the stars to align just right to get them to ever be useful once per every ten games. Like... they're OKAY... but none of them are even close to being meta changing (with the exception of Soul Guard being popular and pretty clutch when combined with the right perks- it does still basically require that you bring Unbreakable)

    Self Preservation is what Poised wishes it could be (Poised needs to be thrown in jail or reworked LMAO) but definitely won't be common unless you're always fiending for flashlight saves. It'll probably be clutch against killers who love to slug, though. But again, it's one of those situational perks that will see little use of, I think.

    Smash Hit is probably the worst exhaustion perk (it's currently fighting with Balanced imo) but maybe it will prove to be better than I expect (just don't see much use in an exhaustion perk that can be 100% avoided by a killer if he plays it right)

    And Fast Track might be decent. Probably the most useful perk out of all of them but I don't really see it replacing Prove Thyself as the "genrush" perk. Still wont be worth taking over all the old good perks, even nerfed DS, I guess.