Hex: Devour Hope: Problem? Or not?

Yo yo yo what's up home skillets today we're takin a look at Devour Hope AKA the most underpowered perk in the game.
Anyways uh, yeah I dont even know anymore.
Opinions on Devour Hope?
Wait, did I forget to sign my last post? Goob.
it's a good perk it needs no changes
if anything there are other hexs in need of a rework/buff way more than this one such as third seal.
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im fine with this perk, killer need to work for the chance of mori so its not broken in any way
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I'm completely fine with Devour Hope. It can be annoying if the killer just guards the totem with their life, but they're losing precious gen pressure by doing that.
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As soon as i heard undying was getting changed to synergize better with token hexes I knew people would start posting about devour hope being a problem and needing a nerf.
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I think Devour Hope's fate should be tied to Dead Hard's fate.
If you nerf one, the other should get nerfed as well. If you keep one the same, you keep them both the same. Personally, I'd rather have both sides having strong perk with major effects on the game. But if we start removing them from one side, we should start removing them from the other as well.
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Its the ultimate risk/reward hex perk in the game.
However its ENTIRELY on the survivors for letting it go off as it only gains tokens from a survivor action(unhooking) with a secondary condition(while the killer is ALSO 24 meters or further away from said hook).
On top of that unlike NOED it exists in the game from the start so its entirely possible for the killer to lose it before they have even found a survivor to begin to stack it.
It also requires the killer to get a min of 25% of their objective done to get any real reward from it and 40% for the instant kill mori.
Finally once undying gets to the 3 stacks for the exposed status there's no reason not to hide and skulk around to find the totem which reduces the killer's ability to make use of the exposed status let alone get to or use the 5 stack instant kill mori.
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I do agree that killers need a strong perk and that devour hope, by itself, is fine although a bit unhealthy for the game. the decision to nerf undying but allow it to save a totem's perks makes devour over powered. combine that with bbq on killers with range/tracking and it's not going to be a fun match.
I'm a killer main and lately it seems the majority of my survivor games see killers running devour/bbq and then tunneling and actually proxy camping to get cheap and fast tokens. It's basically become the killer's equivalent to the key as it ends games way to fast and robs survivors who played well. I do want to see killers getting strong perks and I do appreciate the devs doing more to better hide totems but what killers need is a general buff to their powers to make them viable and perks that allow them to compete with survivors. I don't think devour hope is the right answer, it can be a fun perk but I feel something more should be done to help avoid it ever being a meta perk due to how unhealthy it is for the game (much like keys).
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I think it is a very balanced perk. You get a very powerful perk that has a clear counter. It entices the killer to leave the hook as well rewards them for playing well.
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i have yet to actually use it as a killer (typically hex perks just aren't to my taste since they can be removed) but from a survivor pov, i find it completely fine.
not only is it an extremely healthy perk that promotes the killer roaming instead of camping, they get a hefty reward for doing so. it's like the "all grown up" version of BBQ where instead of getting baby's first bloodpoints you get to win instead. and it leads to some extremely tense moments. this single perk instantly changes the shape of the match halfway through and is always a really fun and exciting surprise.
y'know, if it got a good spawn location. with the changes to small game, i expect devour hope has become much harder to pull off.
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Love it as both killer and survivor. Nothing gets your heart racing like that Exposed effect when the killer finally reveals the ace up his sleeve. Probably my single favourite killer perk to go against, although I rarely use it on killer as it doesn't synergise well with the killers I often play.
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No bias here whatsoever, btw.
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It's the ultimate anti camping and tunneling perk, i love it
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Except one requires 3 hooks to be good the other is active on injure. One a hex, the other an exhaust. Devour could be taken out of the game shortly after start but the dh user must get tunneled for it to be gone quickly. Dh is nowhere near comparable to devour.
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Devour Hope is fine because it discourages camping.
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If I had to guess, devour works in 1/50 of my games. It's a guaranteed win when it does, but that's so rare that it doesn't matter.
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Great way to put it. From a killer perspective, it goes great with Undying. You can even run a fun build of Undying, Haunted Ground, Devour Hope for fast snowballing. I saw OhTofu did a build with Devour Hope, Undying, Make your own choice and something else on Wraith.
From a survivor side it can be countered by doing totems from the beginning and even small game got huge buff with the decreased field and totem counter.
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It is a problem. A very very large problem.
Why? It is FAR too swingy. Survivors find it? You lose 25% of your perks for almost nothing. Survivors don't find it? They get completely destroyed. One singular perk should not have that large of an effect on the outcome of the match. The fact that Undying makes it even more intense either way is just the worst.
And no... I don't care that the Killer had to earn it. Killer has too many perks that push any kind of snowball they get faster downhill as it is. Why do we need a perk that takes that concept to 11 where you can start flat out murdering Survivors with even fewer restrictions than the old Ebony Mori? Most people don't like games that are super one sided and this perk more than most creates one sided games.
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I've actually seen a lot more people use it lately. I'm curious if it has to do with Mori's being changed
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I feel Devour Hope sets the standard for what all hex perks should be. High risk, high reward. I can think of a few hex perks that have high risk and next to no reward.
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I completely disagree. the perk, on paper, discourages camping; in practice however, devour hope is used in combination with a number of perks/abilities used to hide one's terror radius specifically so they can camp the hook at around minimum range. this includes Monitor as well as insidious. I've seen this especially on slingers, GF, myers, etc. Devour hope doesn't discourage camping, it only discourages blatant face camping.
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This doesn't make sense. A killer has no choice but to be 24 meters away from the hook if they want to get use out of devour hope. Its not regarding the terror radius it just has to be the killer in general. Proxy camping is something else.
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I play mostly killer, so do with that bias what you will. That being said, every time I run this perk, I usually get about 3 tokens before the survivors find it and pop it. DevHope is best suited with undying. Hex perks have so much RNG involved, it's a huge gamble to bet your late game on them. Just today, I was playing against a Clown, in the solo que red ranks. We got about 4 gens done before his DevHope got 5 tokens. Soon as we realized it, it was too late. He'd killed two people who had no hook states. We ended up not escaping, and I safety pipped.
In the end game chat, I just said "GG". The other two survivors were salty and mad as hell. They said DevHope was an OP perk, and that he couldn't have won without it. All I wanted to say was "Yeah.... and?" It was our job as survivors to find his totem and break it as soon as he had 3 tokens and we knew of its existence. Devour Hope is not OP because it has so many counters. Hex Totems are a big part of the game and, at this point, should be accounted for by all survivors.
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It’s a great perk but once you get to higher ranks and survivors know where all the totems spawns are it usually gets knocked out pretty quickly, even if you’re pairing it will Undying
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Also ######### totem spawns.
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so how does the killer camp NEAR the hook without letting other survivors know they are there? by hiding their terror radius...i'm honestly surprised you didn't think of that...it's same as insidious camping
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I agree insomuch that I don't think DH is OP per se, the issue comes from comboing it with other perks that give it more life and power than it needs or otherwise encourages toxic/cheap behaviors in order to make it work (obviously this is not a jab at everyone or even most players who run DH). It's like BT and the issues with BT blocking, in other words exploiting a perk to do something that is not intended by the perk. In this case, DH is supposed to reward killers who allow rescues but in practice it is much more rewarding to killers who camp and use hooks for easy bait. Because of this DH isn't itself OP, however I do believe, as a killer main, that it is an unhealthy perk. I wouldn't want to see it nerfed, just tweaked to make it less meta or avoid being abused. Sadly because I don't have a suggestion for how to fix that much and in reality there may not be a real solution other than completely reworking the perk which really won't be a good option until keys are removed and mori's become base kit for killers.
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I'm going to be honest, I dislike Devour Hope. It's one of those perks that really punishes solo queue players (especially the inexperienced players).
I'd rather run perks that are more interesting for the other side.
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My favourite Hex Perk as Killer and Survivor.
I like this "oh #########" moment when you realize the Killer has Devour and you need to find it before it gets 5 stacks.
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It would be a good and fair perk IF the totem spawns were not so horrible.
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The better NOED, you work for your rewards
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I think Devour is the perfect perk.
1. Encourages killers to walk away from hook.
2. Give you nice little buffs that build up to exposure and mori!
3. High payoff that sends survivors scrambling off gens.
4. Can be countered by cleansing.
I think a nice small buff would be for it to remain dull until it has 3 tokens. That is just me nitpicking tho. I think all Hex totems should be dull for a small period of time before they light up.
I would like to see more perks like Devour especially ones that encourage the killer to find other survivors instead of camp/tunnel.
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Well, i was saying it because I use it quote often and it perfectly suits my playstyle especially matched with bbq
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Devour's Hope is a retribution against the gen rushers.
I've won some "losed" games after being rushed thank to that glorious perk.
A good high risk high reward perk.
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I love this perk, and think it's fair.
When I play killer, I get to use at least the insta down portion of it fairly often.
When I play survivor, I almost never see it get value unless I ignore totems.
It's probably the only insta-down and mori effect that I actually think is fair game.
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I just want to be clear that I don't think it's a bad perk. There are issues with it that make it so easy to abuse that it's basically the new NOED but worse, rather than being an end game "crutch" it's a mid game "crutch" because you can get all 6 tokens without killing a single survivor and it only get's easier to get tokens the more hooks you get. that isn't to say that everyone uses it as a crutch, much like NOED, but it's becoming so common to see that I have begun expecting it in every match and that is part of what makes it unhealthy; the risk no longer outweighs the reward.
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on some maps the totem spawns are broken making it impossible to reach or even find if the totem spawns outside of the mesh
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The impossible to reach totem spots have been fixed months ago. Now totems spawn next to gens or at the survivors spawn point.
Making hex perks useless.
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I mean the "totally-not-an-exploit-according-to-Mandy-and-Gay-Myers" breakdown was fixed before and yet still leaves hooks broken all match. somehow I don't fully believe they are fixed, no offense to you of course. nevertheless fixing broken totem placement by making them even easier to find is an equally bad solution compared to the problem.
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DH is supposed to reward killers who allow rescues but in practice it is much more rewarding to killers who camp and use hooks for easy bait
I don't follow. Camping won't allow for DH to gain tokens. If you're 24 meters away, you're not camping.