DS STILL works after unhooking a survivor

Just got out of a match where I had 3 survivors slugged during endgame and I picked up a survivor who had JUST unhook another survivor in my face and somehow still had DS. Despite the fact that in the description of the perk it says DEACTIVATES AFTER UNHOOKING A SURVIVOR. Considering it’s been nearly a month between PTB and release bugs like this are so mind boggling to me. I love the game to bits but things like this just make it so tilting to play especially when the survivors just taunt me like children in end game chat after abusing a perk that was supposed to not even work to begin with. Four man escape btw after nearly getting my first 4k of the entire night playing trickster, which is an entirely different problem in and of itself.
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Stay back survivor main. Stay back I say!
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Yea saw this happen on Otz's stream as well earlier. Def has issues.
Also saw a bug happen in 1 game where Blood Warden activated and 2 people were on the edge of it where it comes up, and killer couldnt kill them. Swings just didnt register on them. And then they left lol.
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Nah, killer main actually. This is bs for sure.