Why have the devs persisted with powers impossible to use on console?

Serious question.
Because I don’t get it.
We’ve had back to back killers since Deathslinger where it feels like a middle finger to console players.
- Redeemer? May as well basic attack
- PoTD? May as well basic attack
- Lethal Rush? Except for traversal, may as well basic attack
- Victor’s Pounce? May as well basic attack
- Show Stopper? May as well basic attack (if you can get close enough at 4.4m a second)
Trickster, with Twins coming up second have been the worst offenders. Their powers feel completely ineffective, and abundantly, reliably frustrating.
That’s pretty much the all encompassing word to describe everything here for over a year: frustrating. For 5 chapters the power has been designed to be frustrating for anyone other than PC players (even then I’m sure they’re still frustrated with some of these killers)
Hold up I am excellent with the twins.Viva pounce and I only play on console.
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I just want to play Blight.
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I find them frustrating.
Pounce, miss, crush. Over and over again. It doesn’t matter how many different ways I try to bait or track the survivors movements, they just step left or right. That’s it. That’s all they need to do. No skill. Just immediately move left or right the second they see Victor initiative the pounce. They’re even doing this when I am right behind them.
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Too bad so many survivors have mastered the most difficult counter in the game: moving left or right.
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Whenever I play Blight, I always keep a mental tally of "Could have gotten that hit on pc". And in almost every game it reaches into the tens.
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Yeah I find the victor pounce to be quite responsive on a controller. The others I agree with.
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I feel like playing on console just makes it harder and take longer to master.
It's not unusable, but it's definitely a frustrating learning experience. You just have to grind a lot.
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I get scary survivors then I usually wait to use victor intill the survivor is injured.and if one side steps I usually try to move him as fast as possible and I have had survivors chase me to to big girl I bait them.Abd whack them with her. Alot of slow down gen perks corrupt oppression and pop. Victor is also a great camper easily hidden and you can ponce on the saving survivor. My problem is my perks don't work on victor I had a survivor literally working on a gen ps4 and switched back in forth with Vic it was white with the tall girl yellow. Why Claudette was on a gen.
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PC can do that except better by flicking before the steering goes to the dogs.
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Yellow with Vic.
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I do fine with slinger on console. He takes getting used to but is still amazing
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This is why cross progression should be a larger priority than it is. Let me jump to PC and leave my single digit frames and crappy controls behind, BHVR!
I've invested too much time on PS4 to start over with a completely new account.
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You're a chapter too late. Trickster's power changes little with a controller.
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Besides the obvious downsides of aiming with a controller, I think the main two killers that suffer from controller are Blight and Trickster.
Blight for his attack that can barely go past 45° on console.
Trickster for his ridiculous autoaim that while manageable on PC, is a nightmare on console.
Seriously it feels like I have joy con drift while playing Trickster, if joy con drift made your cursor snap from side to side. It's almost impossible to hit someone running in a straight line consistently.
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I used to use controller for every killer on PC for about 2 years, but I finally gave up and move to mouse and keyboard at least for the blight and the huntress
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The devs just don't care about the console fanbase. I've seen comments during PTBs from pc players saying "x killer is going to suck for console/controller." The devs don't even consider those on console/controller when developing killers or in the feedback given about the killers during PTB or feedback after live release or feedback months later.... Console is used as scapegoat when they want to push through changes (UI) pc players hate but ignored rest of the time.
I have a hard time believing they have a team that actually plays on console or understands console. So many decisions are just overall bad for console players. There have been issues they have shown lack of basic knowledge when it comes to console - like when ps4 had issues in game that made it unplayable and they said to update the system when you can't log into online games like Dead by Daylight if your ps4 is not up to date.
If they can't be bothered to know basic information about consoles why would they bother taking console into consideration when it comes to killers playability on console?
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Trickster and Blight are the only Killers that really suffer on console.
Everything else is fine
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It’s baffling though. Surely the PC DBD population isn’t larger than total combined population of DBD players on other platforms?!
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Except that's not true with the huntress. I recently switched to mouse and keyboard with the huntress and I am hitting shots I never knew possible
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Cause console players are second class citizens compared to PC. I tried playing Nurse once on console. It made me sick to my stomach to play and I couldn’t blink properly. The learning curve for killers is ten times worse on console than PC. Nurse and Blight hard to play as? Add times two when you play on console.
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I mean, the pound miss crush is something that happens on pc too tho. Victor isnt easy to aim with unless you hold his aim long enough that survivors could hide behind objects.
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Based on crossplay improving q for pc but not really helping console I would think console had more. I have crossplay off on ps4 since I get better q times than I do with it on.
I don't think console having more matters though. Before crossplay console players said first just optimize so we aren't at a disadvantage and they went "nope, pc players have terrible wait times." 😂
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I mean when i play victor and im holding pounce u can usually just stare forward and let them run into ur pounce while theyre trying to evade. Twins is good on console she just takes practice.