The Trickster: Chapter 18 Part II

Well i'm not suprised. The devs didn't listen to a single thing the community said were issues for this killer in the PTB. The only notable changes that were changed were QOL fixs that should be patched out regardless.
Anyone else getting PTSD and flashbacks to when the twins released? But even with the week delay to work on this killer he is still arguably one of the weakest killers in the game.
Do not buy this Killer with Auric Cells, just use shards and dont pay for this. Refer to Scott Jund for where I feel coming from this release.
Fully agreed, Scott's on point again (can't believe the Wraith buff had to include a nerf). I'm going to go a step further and say don't even waste your shards unless trickster gets a big ole buff. You could get a cosmetic for a better killer with those shards!
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That doesn't feel accurate. His buff was making Windstorm basekit, which is what you had to use to make him viable. Windstorm came with a decrease in uncloak time, so it transfered to basekit.
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Let's just hope chapter 20 is something awesome like RE
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Normally the killer queues are longer for a few days after new DLC launches because everyone wants to play the new killer....however for me the queue times have already almost completely stabilized, it's maybe 10 seconds longer for a killer game at most.
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I would rather spend my shards for twins than this killer.. Actually.. i did!
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The designers have completely given up on this game.
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they just dont listen to the high level players
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better investment by far!
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True - but the windstorm slow down was never as bad as it is now. I was just using purple windstorm on wraith for a couple days before this patch and it feels noticeably worse today. Survivors get a good 10m of distance on you when you uncloak now. It's an additional slowdown on top of what was there from windstorm. Or else a bug. Who knows, it just feels a LOT worse.
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As he also said at leat the buff out weighs the negative.
There is not much in tricksters where the good out weighs the bad