The Thing About Laurie’s Perks


I said the next one was gonna be Bill, but as of our latest update this seems relevant. Besides, I also said I’d post it soon after and that was a damn lie so let’s just focus on the now. Laurie Strode is the main protagonist of the Halloween movies, a true classic horror franchise, therefore drawing more than a few new players to DBD on it’s release. For those who have been living under a rock don’t know, Laurie has, or now HAD what a majority of players considered to be one of the best perks in the game, so let’s get into that.

Laurie’s first perk is Sole Survivor. Might I just say that if you run this perk then you’re either new to the game, don’t know how to read, or you want some meme build to work. This perk is so garbo, I can’t even rememthe specifics of it. Basically every time obe of your teammates kicks the bucket, the killer can see your aura less and less. Not only is this situational as hell, but it literally requires the demise of your team to work. If you want to counter bbq, run distortion.

Laurie Stroke’s next perk is Object of Obsession. Otherwise known as OOO. Besides sounding like an impressed child in it’s acronym, Object is pretty good. It allows you to stare at the killer and see his aura, at the cost of showing your own. The only time this backfires is if you’re against a stealthy boi who will be able to see you but you won’t be able to see them. The “proposed change” for this perk is garbage however. When your aura is revealed to the killer, their aura is revealed to you. When you’re the obsession, reveal your aura to the killer every 30 seconds. I feel like this is unfair, as this 30 seconds doesn’t stop for your hatch crawling needs. After 30 seconds, your ass is getting shoved in the killers face whether you want it or not, which can be really annoying. Lets say you’re opening an exit gat at the 28 second mark. Killer has no idea where you are, until 2 seconds pass. Now he knows which exit gate is being opened, and unless he’s all the way in Timbuktu, you’re kinda flubbernucked. Some people like this change though so what ever floats your meta I suppose.

Finally, we have arguably the most controversial perk in the game. I give you ladies and gentlescrubs, THE AMAZING, EVER-CHANGING, DECISIVE STRIIIIIIKE!!!! This perk gets changed more than the communities feelings about the trickster for entity’s sake. At first you could use this perk as many times as you wanted, which I’ll admit, needed to be changed. Then we could use it once we wiggled enough so the basement child perk flip flop could get some usage. THEN we had that you could use it once a match, for 60 seconds after unhook. Pretty good, don’t tunnel ya dingbat, and now, we have that same concept, except now you can do jack diddly squat without deactivating it. I feel like this does for sure cement this as an anti-tunnel perk, but I SERIOUSLY feel like this is taking things a bit too far. I get that DS is annoying, but if you suspect someone has it, it’s better to eat it on 3 gens then by the exit gate. I can safely say I’m no longer afraid of this perk, and I have been conditioning myself for the past year to not use it anyway so now it can chill in B tier while Borrowed Time takes it’s crown as the best perk.

Well, that was Laurie’s perks. As always tell me what you think and who you want next. Also late disclaimer, opinion. No need to be a jerk. I do this mostly for shits and giggles, so if ya don’t like me words, tough. See you guys in the fog!


  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105
    Options, Post comment here, apparently Sole Survivor is so garbage it caused me to have a mental seizure while writing it and I misspelled like every other word. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    IMO, Bill’s perks aren’t abused as often.

    Now, a killer doesnt have to slug a survivor that remained injured and pressured a gen immediately after a hook. As such, unbreakable will not be as much use as it used to be.

    BT is “ok”, we just need to remove collision from the endurance effected survivor so it’s no longer abused to encourage poor plays.

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    Fair enough. I was just making the joke because BT and DS seemed like the Bonnie and Clyde of the meta. Now it’s like Bonnie swallowed one too many martinis and is only good for one second while Clyde is confused

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Sole survivor lives matter. No more excuses! Best perk in the game, you heathen!

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,549

    OoO is potentially the most broken thing to ever be added to this game besides SWF. thank ######### it's getting nerfed