To the people who say "just give Trickster a week"

In a week's time if people haven't unlocked some golden god strat that 4k's every game or even something that makes him decent, what are you gonna say? If in a week's time and you still have the opinion that he isn't bad, I want to see some red rank gameplay.
A lot of us had him for a week in the PTB. He's actually been NERFED since the PTB.
So people with this attitude need to stop.
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These are the same people crying for a DS buff after 5 minutes
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Clearly, you need to play him for 6+years in order to really learn his play style, and then spend another 5 years getting used to it. Then he'll be good, easily A tier...
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I will say give it two-three weeks, because you are absolutely generalizing an entire subsection of the community that understands Rome wasn't built in a day.
Or a week.
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It makes no sense.
There are enough Killers, and many of us have enough hours, to understand the potential of a Killer and their power. You just have to look at the facts of how his power works and how much The Trickster is punished for using it to see that he is a 110% m/s M1 killer with an activatable "power" that makes him even worse.
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Nobody's saying he's going to be an absolute god, or even that he's going to be good, but every time there's a new killer, people don't play them with 100% efficiency. Trickster is going to be bad, undeniably, but not as bad as he's being played right now. Eventually, people will figure out when to throw, where they can throw, and those other little nuances that let people use his rather unimpressive basekit better.
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Well bold of you to assume console players can aim with random massive recoil
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bold of you to assume console players can aim
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I mean I and consistently land shots as huntress so its rare but some of us can aim
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Huntress also throws Cadillac sized hatchets and her hitbox is the size of a college football field.
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I like to think large medicinal balls but your not wrong
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I have no problem playing Plague,Deathslinger or Huntress.
Trickster with this awful recoil is just something else.
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We have enough information to understand the potential of The Trickster. He has little, to none.
No one uses new Killers at 100% effectiveness but most everyone can see their potential.
Most recently? The Twins were called weak because Victor couldn't interact with lockers so he hurt you more than help. They changed this and they are considered pretty strong now if unfun to play as and against. Also super rare.
The Blight? Fix his Collision BHVR! They did and he was considered pretty good, outside of his POV. They've fixed that now too, and outside of the weird issues some people experience on Console he's not considered weak at all.
PH? Everyone saw the potential they just knew he was hard to use.
It doesn't take that long to see and know if a Killer is strong/has potential. Especially when they are a worse version than another Killer in basically every way imaginable.🤷♀️
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Are you gonna upload the gameplay of that and prove everyone wrong or...
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We can, Sweetie.
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So it takes nearly a whole month for people with 1000s of hours in this game to prove a bad killer is decent now?
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My view is the PTB is useless and they never make changes based on it anyway. I always wait about a month to make my final call.
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DBD does not have much complexity compared to other types of games, fighting games in particular. Usually when a new character is released, it's commonplace to give them time to breathe and find their place in the meta. However, DBD is so simple at its core that anyone with a bit of experience can typically tell if a killer will be strong or not (except the devs, evidently). The things that make the top tier killers top tier haven't changed, and the base mechanics of the game haven't changed that drastically either, so it stands to reason that the same strengths that created strong killers before still reign supreme.
Trickster is bad in every conceivable way. Someone else on this forum said it best "He's the no mither of killers."
Post edited by BadMrFrosty on2 -
Are you going to see into the future and prove everyone wrong or...
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Physically, psychologically, mentally, morally, it is impossible to aim with a controller. Fight me.
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The people who say "give it a week" clearly don't know how this game works.
Here's a simple thing about the trickster : He is, for all intent and purpose, and downgraded version on EVERY aspect to Plague, one of the most "middle tier" (and I'm generous here) killer in the game.
- He is slower
- He is shorter (which is important when you try to throw stuff at people over loops)
- He as ammo that he needs to replenish at lockers
- He hitting someone with a blade does NOTHING unless you commit to the chase and managed to do it 7 more times where a single drop of puke will be enough to contaminate a survivor for good.
- People with a blade metter will quickly lose it over time where someone contamintaed will get sicker and sicker until they got fully contaminated
- The contamination get you into wounded state where you cannot heal and will spread it to others via any cooperative actions while blades don't do anything
- his blades it w, his "ultimate state" (main event) will not only automatically activate but is also significantly weaker than Plague's
- Its way easier to zigzag trough a blade barrage than a puke wave (and failing to do so is as previously explained well less punishing)
- When he managed to max his blade meter on a survivor it will give them a speed boost like when getting hit by a M1, where managing to fully contaminate someone with plague doesnt do it, thus opening them to a quick M1.
- Hiting someone with blades on them will remove a lot of them, where hitting someone with the plague wont do such thing
- Someone hooked while contaminated guarantee you another free contamination where the Trickster don't have such ability
- The plague can also contaminate object wich gives here a small but still noticeable ability to roam and protect gens where, once again, the Trickster cant.
So now, with ALL these downside compared to THE PLAGUE, a killer that nobody ever talk about, especially if its to say that she is too strong, how could the Trickster EVER be concidered "good"? Why ANYONE would need weeks of practice to read that obvious writing on the wall?
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As opposed to accepting the inverse, that the playerbases rampant egos are justified and that being proficient on one killer means you should automatically be proficient on another?
Yes. It takes nearly a whole month. And that's only for the people willing to really give Trickster a chance and learn his ins and outs. If, after that time, he's still dog tier, he will fall off the face of the earth and the devs will buff him because they'll see that statistic.
They will not buff him because an incredibly small subset of the player population chooses to be obnoxiously vocal on the forums, creating 200 threads that say the same thing.
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I’m sorry for your incapabilities.
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I'm sorry you play on console.
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I’m not. I can aim with a controller so your sorrow isn’t needed.
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Tell it to the judge.
(I'm not actually crapping on console players it's just me being sarcastic btw)
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I dont understand why people say "just give it time". He doesn't need a week or even multi days to see he's in a really bad spot. It's not like his power is super complicated.
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Couldn’t tell, considering its a common occurrence to belittle console players on these forums but I appreciate sarcasm when I see it. Makes me laugh 💜
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Yeah I just realized I can't use a sarcastic voice when typing. I should probably start using that /s thing.
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Always painfully cringy when someone keep hammering a point they CLEARLY dont understand.
Just check the post right above your to discover why he is bad instead of making wild guesses.
The guy isn't complex in the SLIGHTEST, there's no 2000IQ plan here. He is very simple and poorly designed.
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Cool story bro. I can also check other posts that subscribe to my current opinion about Trickster, right?
I'm not saying he doesn't need some tuning, I'm saying he needs a few weeks to establish a baseline, as it's woefully apparent that the PTB is not a statistically significant stress test.
How dare I be patient and rely on the emergence of more empirical data.
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I want him hot fix buffed. The disgustingly sweaty Freddys, Spirits, Nurses, and Blights are starting to resurface.
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”Give him a week” He will disappear faster than Twins did.
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Lol yeah. That’s what I do.
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Oh, you mean the others "talk out of my ass without even trying to stay in touch with reality"? The ones that, just like you did, totally handwave basic facts?
Damn, I'll be sure to talk to my horse about thos gems of "opinions" alright.
(btw, you really should use big words like "empirical data" when you obviously cant take into account basic factual data first.
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It is clear you're devolving. You can respond and have the last word now. Best of luck to you in the future :)
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While I get the general sentiment that we shouldn't be quick to call a killer weak after being released. We've also never had a killer who simply doesn't do anything better than other killers.
Every other killer in the game at least has some they can do which makes them worth using. Trickster does not.
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Says the guy that used a basic appeal to opinion fallacy to make his last post.
Suure budy. As I said, and EVERYONE with a brain have said, and EVERY that have faced or tested him have said, he is extremely weak, and is a straight downgrade to some other killers, so yeah "wait more empirical data" all you want, I'll be over there with the people that know how to put 2 and 2 together.
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I just want to know why throwing knives in dbd have more recoil than guns in most games. HOW!