How to play trickster?

I mean i can't have press survs enough bearly get 2-3 hooks against good swf team. Does anyone have some perk combo that can help you get at least one kill?
Not many perks work with him, really. Try discordance, I guess? His hex perk is also pretty good, but that's for basically all killers.
STBFL could also be good given how often you'll be M1ing people.
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I just finished my session of adept games in which I wasn't using his knifes at all ever. You can try that if you want torture yourself and improve your decision making and M1 mindgames.
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M2 go brrr, sadly that it’s weak. I try to main him and I lost like 40 pips with him. I try many perk builds on him, but nothing helps. I p3 him and Now I am trying to get all perks to try more and more builds, I found bbq corrupt pop and monitor kinda decent. Now it’s up to you.
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4.4 m/s killer in rank 1 games is imposible to win with only m1... And how not to use main event, that gets activate automaticly while i throwing knifes?
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Play Huntress instead.
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Well m2 is kind a strange like the aim is moving while throwing, almost imposible to keep at point while looping around the rock. And chases are tooo long, even if i get one injured other gets heal really fast. I just can't find a way to keep pressure with him at all.
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Playing him mostly m1 I had decent luck with my go-to basic hit killer build: Brutal Strength, STBFL, BBQ, and Pop. I'm probably gonna swap pop with a better slow down for his speed, might have better luck with Surge or Ruin.
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So you get a refund if you spent any cash on this chapter that's how you play him
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It is moving for some reason he has vertical and horizontal recoil
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You dont and wait for 2 to 6 years for the devs to bring him into the real of "playable"
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Unless survivors make some real hefty mistakes, you can't win against experienced survivors, especially in a SWF. It's just not happening.
Your power is no good, never use main event it's only a hinderance, you are a 110% M1 killer basically. The only times to use his power are on maps where you have loops that you have a sight line/at the pallets and window vaults, and if they are just running in the plain open. That's about it.
I guess also if they are going for saves, camping people with main event is literally the only time that ability does anything.
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You play him like you would play Demogorgon, completely ignore your useless powers and just M1 people. Except your killer is worse because instead of 115% movement speed you have 110%
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Ye i like her. But i would really like to play and new killer a little, without losing every game. At least to black pip...
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Demogorgon has insane power can even keep up with top swf
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Ye i got that feeling too. Almost imposible to get a hit around when you move around tree or something else...
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Stop right there.
Demo have not the worst power.
Portals are great, sadly games are to short, so you cant prep with him fully
His m2 is great at scoring easy hits at some loops.
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You shouldn't be playing Trickster then.
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Ye i know but i came here for advice on tactics xD.
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Feel ya
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you wanna win? don't play this killer
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Ok here's the secret
1) Play him continiously
2) Derank all the way to rank 6 which will come naturally (his emblem is bugged so you don't get a choice)
3) He's now not half bad. Main Event is still abysmal and by far the sloppiest design I've ever seen but Trickster can perform now.
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I gave you advice. The advice was to play Huntress.
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*Get teabagged and blinded at the exit gate by all 4 survivors and see one "Entity Displeased" after another
Fixed that for you 👍
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- Throw knives
- Battle the recoil
- Cry after losing the match
That's all it takes
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- Select Trickster
- Shut off your console
- Proceed to twiddle your thumbs for the next 15 minutes
- Your result is having more fun than you would actually playing a game with him
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Yaknow what's the best showcase of how utterly bad this killer is against SWF?
Having a whole team bunched up infront of you, you using his Main Event blasting the whole group for the whole duration of the thing and not have ANYONE down at the end of it.
This is beyond pathetic.
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My first game lol. He's totally viable at that level. Other survivors weren't that good tbf, but he's got potential to be a likeable killer. I pretty much just m1'd with him as his knife throwing is all over the place.
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That's the trick, it's not just recoil, its also spread. Its just aweful and the level of bullshit get really hilighted when you use main event and can't land a single show on a survivor that is 30 metters away from you.
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Ruin, discordance, nurse's calling and noed worked the best for me so far. I'd avoid using his power unless survivor is in the open and m1 is faster. When you are at a loop with shorter walls you can throw over, try throwing knives one by one instead of spam, you will slow down less. At least until you get a feel what's best in each situation. And one more thing (never thought I'd say this) you need to respect some pallets,because this is you best chance to get multiple knife hits if survivors hesitates