Bad frame rates on xbox one on every map.

I have died so many times due to the game lagging and freezing....this makes no sense. Performance was suppose to be improved this patch yes? Well no it is worse....please look into tired of mashing A only to keep dying to lag spikes and game freezes...


  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2021

    I 100% agree, sometimes when I get hit, start using a killer power, begin struggling or even go in to a Terror Radius. The game will drop frame rates and often freeze for a second or two. I checked with stake out, game will sometimes studder when a killer enters a 32m radius of you. Making vsing Ghostface easier but it still sucks for the killer.

    Hope this gets fixed soon as possible. This wasn't an issue till Twins dropped, besides the hits which weren't as bad whrn it was just 1 issue not 4