DLC's shouldn't be considered pay to win since everyone can get them (but licence)

Look at spirit, she's a DLC and she's the second best killer in the game, Deathslinger is also amazing in the right hands, even tho Hag is boring to play has because of the constant set up she have to do to be efficient, she's a VERY good killer.

The best killer is free, the best range killer is free, so why should DLC not have strong killers?

It COULD be considered pay to win if LICENCE killers were VERY strong and could only be purchased with money, THAT could be considered pay to win, but most killers/survivors can be paid with shards which means you simply have to play and you can get said killer.

Making a dlc with a strong killer won't make it pay to win simply because if it's original content every one can get it, so why so afraid to make strong killers? everyone would understand the hesitation to make a very strong licenced killer since it can only be bought with real money, but for original killers, why the hesitation?

Everyone have access to this killer so it's not pay to win in anyway.

DLC's CAN have strong content, even more if you can get it for free, I just wish original content would be better than what we have now, blight is fine, but the last 2 we got are totally left to be desired.