NEW LISCENCED SURVIVOR: Isaac Clarke - Dead Space

Isaac Clarke, the primary protagonist and player character from the popular and scary-as-all-hecky horror series "Dead Space". Isaac's perk list focus primarily around his career as an engineer, his connection to the marker and necromorph horde, and his ability to quickly improvise and adapt.
"Don't come back for me. We both know I'm not coming home." - Isaac Clarke
PERK 1: Repurpose
You're no stranger to everything going wrong and needing to improvise. You can expend any item's charges to repair generators as if it was a toolbox. Items other than toolboxes repair at 40/50/60% efficiency.
Since Isaac is constantly having to improvise repairs while fighting zombie aliens, I thought a perk like this would be fitting. The initial thought was to allow Isaac to refill charges on a toolbox by consuming items he finds, but that would allow him to bring a great toolbox and add-ons and get fed charges by his teammates to quickly cheese out gen progress, which seems much worse. Plus, Felix's "Built to Last" already pretty much does that. The speed of the repairs would depend on the rarity of the item compared to its typical toolbox equivalent. The idea is Isaac searching and looting chests and being guaranteed toolbox potential without the perk being an alternate version of Quentin's "Pharmacy". Allies can also load up charges on their items with their own add-ons and sacrificing that tool to allow Isaac to continue rushing generators (banking on him not being found and punished of course).
"Stick around. I’m full of bad ideas." - Isaac Clarke
PERK 2: Designated Engineer
Your years of experience working with machinery has made your progress difficult to interrupt. After completing 10% uninterrupted progress on a single generator, Designated Engineer activates on that generator. The next time a generator affected by Designated Engineer begins regressing at 50% regression rate for the next cumulative 10/15/20 seconds. Designated Engineer then deactivates for that generator.
Initially, the plan for this perk was to also slow down the speed at which the Killer performs a "Break" action on the generator, but that seemed a little too niche since most killers like to run the Hag's "Hex: Ruin", also being based around Isaac's stasis ability from the games. Also felt like a bit much to include both of those effects. Having both would seem way too punishing for killers without Ruin, having just the break action slow-down would seem like not a very helpful perk at higher levels. So...happy middle. This also does not affect the immediate effects of Clown's "Pop Goes the Weasel" or Demogorgon's "Surge", only the resulting regression afterwards. Also, tapping the gen to stop regression does not reset the perk. The perk user would have to return to the generator and complete another 10% progress to reapply.
"People want things they can fix and I’m permanently broken." - Isaac Clarke
PERK 3: Needle In Your Eye
While you are outside the Killer's Terror Radius, any time the Killer reads the aura of another survivor you also read the aura of that survivor.
A reference to the scene in Dead Space 2 where Isaac literally sticks a needle in his eye to help his decipher the hallucinations and messages being sent to him due to his connection to the Marker. Kinda similar idea to Cheryl where he has a small connection to the Entity, whether that's other survivors or the killers themselves. Since the games deal so much with visions I wanted it to relate to seeing what the enemy sees. The information gained from this can be used to make astute observations about what perks and add-ons the Killers have brought to help evade the Killer. It must be noted, however, that this does not alert the equipped survivor if their own aura is read.
"Me? I lost a part of my soul. And there’s not a damn thing I can do to buy that back." - Isaac Clarke
At the end of Dead Space 3: Awakened, after Isaac and his previously friendly acquaintance Carver try to violently kill each other while lost in dementia and plagued by hallucinations as a result of destroying the Brethren Moons, Isaac and Carver managed to escape the doomed planet on a space-craft and returned to Earth. This would be a perfect point for Isaac to have encountered the entity. Perhaps something went wrong in warp speed, perhaps he unknowingly went of course and hit some sort of time loop and got sent into the fog. Either way, Isaac would be the first character brought in from the future.
APPEARANCE: Isaac's base outfit can be his civilian clothes from Dead Space 3 before launching back into space (as shown above) and possibly a purchasable engineering outfit from Dead Space 1, maybe even a Carver skin from Dead Space 3 since they both operate the same. Obviously he will be sans the plasma cutter BUT he could have a RIG from the games on his back showing his current health state (full and green for healthy, half and yellow for injured, low and red for dying/hooked).
DIFFICULTY: Intermediate
Mostly because of "Needle In Your Eye"...actually entirely because of that. The other perks are pretty easy to use, I'm sure.
REJECTED PERKS: I wanted to incorporate as many mechanics from the game as I could, primarily the RIG and being an engineer, but also stasis and telekinesis. The latter stuff was hard to brainstorm without seeming way too strong. Some thoughts were being able to drastically slow the Killer while carrying a Survivor as if with stasis and making it an exhaustion perk, but that could easily be combo'd with Yui's "Breakout" and sabotaging hooks to reliably abuse wiggle escapes. Sounds really unfun for killers. The other thought was using telekinesis in some way to perform certain actions at a distance, such as hook rescues, but ultimately felt that would break the game. I also wanted Isaac to be more "confrontational" as a survivor since his experience involves fighting ridiculously giant nightmare monsters but, like, take away his weapons and he's just a guy with a form of schizophrenia. That's where "Needle In Your Eye" comes in. Attentive and experienced players can use the information from this perk pretty effectively to evade and mind game the killer but still allow the killer to catch on and outplay them up close.
This is exactly what I'd want to see in DbD, every day i dream and pray for this day to come. I really love the in depth details on perks and references. i don't care if it's in a Paragraph DLC, Isaac Clarke is the main character i wanna see make their way to DbD. And with the Remake coming out, there's no better time then now.