Killers behavior has been absolutely disgusting lately

All I’m seeing lately from killers is face camping and hard tunneling along with them trying to hold the game hostage and anytime any survivor escapes they start sending messages to every survivor on the team telling them to kill themselves, that they suck, and that they are horrible human beings. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t want to play this game anymore since the killer mains can’t seem to act like anything but 12 year old children that think they deserve everything in the world. It’s even more depressing that this isn’t just happening at the los ranks but at red ranks too as I am a rank 1 survivor and still see this behavior from rank 1 killers constantly.
I'll give you that killer play styles can make for an uneventful game and Messages can be toxic on both sides.
But killers can't hold the game hostage, only Survivors can do that.
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Had a Slinger killer last night after tunneling and camping all of us ( I play solo so not a team) and in 2 mins the game was over and he texted yeee haaww at the end. Now most would say so what but it is just dumb and salty to say something like that after you totally played the game the laziest/easiest you know how. Why not just move on to the next game?? I did without saying anything. I dont get the babies in adult bodies these days. And that is the best of what some of the douchebags say. Most are way worse when they dont win every single game.
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I'm always mindblown by how incredibly entitled and without a shred of selfawarness survivor mains can be.
Want to know my experience as killer main since Trickster dropped?
EACH and EVERYONE of my game, with a SINGLE EXCEPTION has been against premades in full ultra sweaty mode... against me, playing the weakest killer to ever graced the face of the game on his day of release with a potato build because the bloodweb is a scam.
And how do they act against a CLEARLY struggling killer?
I got the usual "let's swarm and bully the killer" that then act all offended when I react buy playign defensivly on a hook (ofc course calling it face camping, because GOD FORBID I stay next to a hook when I can CLEARLY SEE THEM ALL around me.
I got 3 time survivors that "stay hidden until the very last second of the collapse just to wast my time, and of course bragging about it in chat afterward.
Hell, even the very few times where I manage to gain the advantage and have a single survivor get out (mostly because I'm facing potatoes thanks to my elo reaching the negative) I got shittalked to hell and bad, telling me HOW BAD I AM for letting one survivor get away.
So please, GTFO with your whining okay? Because I to play survivors (quite a lot actually since it's the mod I play when I dont want to have to stress about the bullshit you have to deal when playing killer) and I know from experience that survivors have it way, WAY, WAAAAAAAAAAAAY easier than killers, and if you don't know that it's probably that have zero experience with the other side of the game.
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Damn, killer are so good they can "tunnel and camp" A WHOLE team in 2 minutes.
Talk about survivor lack of contact with reality.
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I am a rank 1 survivor and a rank 3 killer and I can tell you 100% the game is only survivor sided if you are in a 4 man swf. Solo queue is miserable for survivors and honestly I prefer to play against 4 man swfs as killer then doing solo queue survivor any day because I have more of a chance as killer then as a solo queue survivor. Yes going against a swf sucks but solo queue is just so much worse and the fact that these killers are acting like such babies and acting so entitled lately makes it that much worse
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It's a change from nearly 5 years of disgusting survivor behavior, wouldn't you agree?
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So you're saying that behavior is okay? I know survivors tend to be more toxic than killers but that doesn't excuse someone's toxic behavior over a game like DBD which is a mess right now.
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Honestly I been playing both sides today. I been getting more toxic survivors with friends and randoms than jerk killers. Do not get me wrong, I have had the jerk killers as well. However the survivors have been more so today. However, I treat the people with kind. If someone wants to tunnel me out, sorry team but I am done with the match. If survivors want to butt dance and other toxic things. I will be happy to slug the entire team and let you all bleed out.
I play with giving the same respect the others give me. I like hooking everyone three times if I can but if I am unable to do so. Well I will play how the game goes, but I try to avoid camping and tunneling. <.< unless the survivors three gen themselves I am gonna hook that person in the middle and make it less easy since I am close to losing.
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Because you think that survivor's behavior is better?
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It's probably the new chapter. I think it brings out all the sweats and toxics. Ever notice that the same thing happens at the beginning of rank reset? On the killer end, I've had many, many premades with nothing but rank 1s and meta builds, sometimes with a favorable map offering for good measure because they want that extra advantage. Though in my experience, it's not so much toxic as much as sweat. Last rank reset was legitimately toxic. Give it a week.
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Yeee hawww 🤣
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Oh I'm not saying it's ok. I just find it ironic that survivor mains who thrive on making killers' lives miserable are now complaining about getting their due.
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I'm rank 1 killer and rank 1 survivor (or at least I was rank 1 kilelr before trying to grind trickster) so you appeal to autority wont work here buddy. Actually I guess by your logic my anecdotal story is more important than yours, right?
I can also tell you that you don't need a 4 SWF to have a miserable game as the killer, a 3SWF or just a double 2SWF, hell some time even just ONE 2SWF is enough to make the experience something miserable.
But that's not all, pretending that only the SWF will BM or insult you in chat is also a flat out lie. Stop scapgoating on the SWF, the solos are doing it too.
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It's always pretty funny to hear some survivor main pretending they aren't playing the game to make the killer as miserable as possible, especially in higher rank.
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Honestly.. I usually hover around rank 3-4 on both sides lately, and it's not because I'm good.. I'm better at killer than survivor, but you end up pipping more than depipping if you play often enough.. I just want to have a good time, I see no reason to bully either the survivors I'm trying to kill or the killer trying to catch me.
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All these high-rank killers tunneling harder than ever before. Had two games already today out of four against rank 7 and 3 killers who would go out of their way to immediately tunnel a person straight off the hook, even with me getting between them and taking protection hits. Still hard tunneled the survivor. I'm not even mad, I am just disappointed at this point.
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See, right there, this comment?
THIS is the problem with the survivor side right now.
They are convinced that "going out of your way to slap the guy that is already wounded and will go down with that hit" rather than hitting the guy that is clearly trying to prevent you from doing that is "tunneling".
Here's the thing. It's not.
Going for the wounded is ALWAYS the right call and will ALWAYS been. It's not "unfair", it's literally the right play.
And guess what? If that wounded person is the one that just got unhooked, it means that you, as a survivor, made the wrong move by unhooking someone infront of him.
95% of the time when I end up downing someone that just got unhooked in the game its either because when I go back to the place where the unhook took place, I only find the unhooked marks and follow them, or its because someone thought it was the right move to do the unhook in my line of sight and that I'll somehow ignore the right target and run after them instead.
Stop blaming the killer for doing the right play, a play that often YOU gave him and try to learn to play and git gud.
Do you see any killer whining about survivor going for the gen that is 80% up rather than the one he is camping and is at 10%? OF COURSE not.
Oh and also, stop pretending "face campaing" is a problem. If a killer facecamp someone, you have no excuse to not do at least one gen each, a killer that only focus on face camping cannot get more than 2K if the survivors know how to play around it and dont play in his strategy.
I'm frankly sick and tired of always hearing the same inane whining from the surivor crown, litterally trying to brand each and very RIGHT moves on the killer part as "toxic" while on their side they will use and abuse each and every dirty trick in the game, from swarming a killer to bodyblock him to kit him in a corner of the map where he either have to cancel the chase and go back to defending the gens or lose the game.
Just stop. Grow up, and try to get your head out of your ass and realize that the killer is just playing the game, the same way you are.
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Killers play game in a way survivors don't like is not an issue.
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They keep complaing that they dont like the way killer play, but try to present it in a way that just paint what they dont like as toxic.
The most mindblowing part thb is that they can't, even as just a thought experiment, try to see how silly that line of thinking would be if it came from killers. Like they dont understand how anything they do could be called "toxic" by killer and always try to scapegoat on the SWF.
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I rarely see toxic killers. Mainly just toxic Survivors in end-game chat.
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Guys, this is Frosty. This person has one of these posts on a daily basis, just check their history.
They live on this forum just to whine and complain about how they are getting challenged in a game they are clearly not enjoying themselves in.
Don't be mad at this person - pity them for not having the good sense to move on and find something else to have fun in.
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Let's break this down:
All I’m seeing lately from killers is face camping and hard tunneling
Don't hate the player. Hate the game. Don't be a scrub, educate yourself:
trying to hold the game hostage
With the exception of body blocking survivors, which is extremely hard to do, this is not possible. My guess is you think a killer 3-genning is holding the game hostage.
anytime any survivor escapes they start sending messages to every survivor on the team telling them to kill themselves, that they suck, and that they are horrible human beings.
This is bad, but its not a "killer" thing. Mute and report the person and move on with life.
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That is a very long tirade from someone who missed the fact that they were taking protection hits, meaning the killer didn't just 'go for the wounded one', they were going for the previously hooked one.
Anyway, I've seen a bit more tunnelling here and there but it hasn't been unmanageable. There's been a good bit more camping though, which has been more frustrating.
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That's a very short answer for someone that not only dont seem to be able to read simple posts but still think he can call out others on the very same thing.
Yes, I didn't missed the fact that he was talking about protection hit, and what I said perfectly apply to that situation.
Just because you were "the previously hooked" doesn't MAGICALLY mean you aren't "the wounded one" and should be ignore, (that was litterally half the point of my post, how the hell did you missed that?) and just because someone is trying REALLY hard to bodyblock your to get a hit from you doesn't mean that NOT doing what they want is bad. It's actually the EXACT opposite, since, yaknow, you are not here to do what they want.
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I did get a toxic message from a Killer earlier who body-blocked me during EGC. I just killed them with kindness and told them “ggwp <3”. They never respond and they can’t really continue the toxicity when you show that you’re unbothered by it.
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Did you get all that from my post? Bless your heart. I'll give you just one reply. Don't quote me if you're just here to waste my time by attempting to be pedantic and twisting information voids within my post to fit your own narrative. Tunneling doesn't have to happen when the killer is at the hook. Even if the killer has left the area, coming back to the hook immediately after a save leaves no real opportunity to escape the area, between blood spots, scratch marks, and so on The game is designed to give so many disadvantages after being unhooked and consequently makes it so easy to tunnel effectively. Killers can tunnel with 4 to 5 gens left all they want then if you want to boil it down to such logical gameplay, but it's uninspiring gameplay that cheapens the competition. It makes it so that survivor can't play the match, and is also why people will D/C after being tunneled. Who's to blame, killer or survivor? Neither because it's just crummy game design and using your own logic, "each side is going to use any advantage to help them win."
I play killer too, I know how frustrating it is to lose gens quickly in your first chase. I also know how tunneling, especially in the early game with multiple gens still in circulation can help put the game more in your favor when you can eliminate that 1 person and turn it into a 3v1. That being said, there's next to nothing a survivor can do by themselves outside of giving the best chase of their life when being hard tunneled, so I guess the best solution is to just stop and have the killer down and hook the survivor so you at least get struggle points and a respite from the tunneling /s.
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This isn’t going to make you feel better
but this is what most killers put up with from survivors on a daily basis.
Now you are getting a taste of it and you don’t like it
perhaps think about it and have some humility next time you to go to flame a killer in end chat.
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Tunneling doesn't have to happen when the killer is at the hook. Even if the killer has left the area, coming back to the hook immediately after a save leaves no real opportunity to escape the area, between blood spots, scratch marks, and so on
You serious?
Damn you are way further gone that I initially thought.
So yeah, to answer your (frankly strange and empty) first question : Yes, I got all that from your first post, and your second proved that I was right, hell, it even proved I didn't realized how much worst you actually were.
But its pretty clear that you aren't really worth wasting much time trying to reason with, since you seem clearly incapable of such a thing, so let's just quote the very brief and elegant Crowman
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Deathslinger is a cowboy.
Cowboys say "yeeee haaaaw".
Seems to check out alright.
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I was actually enjoying you two’s debate until now. At this point you’re just throwing jabs with no substance :/ why?
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Why would I just point out the flagrant hipocrisy of his stance that PERFECTLY fit into the behavior I've just detailed?
Maybe because it's hilarious ?
I detail why their position is wrong and stupid and they need to stop, he replies with "oh yeah? you got all that from that post? Well let me quadruple down and do EXACTLY what you just describe and pretend you were wrong all along".
That's the thing, there's no debate here. People like him are certain they are right and can't be reasoned with since they only talk about feeling while I'm over here talking about facts. He literally think that you should never go after someone that got unhooked even if you just stumbled upon them, because you see.... he doesn't like that.
Welp, though luck love, doing stuff you survivor dont like is litterally the job of the killer and whining aobut it just show that you don't understand the point of the game.
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If I find a wounded survivor with a healthy one nearby I'll try to go for the healthy one. But if I stumble upon the wounded one and no one else is around.. you're going down.
And honestly, I don't get mad at the killer if I get found and no one else is around while I'm wounded.. I get a bit pissed but heh it's the game
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”Welp, though luck love, doing stuff you survivor dont like is litterally the job of the killer and whining aobut it just show that you don't understand the point of the game.”
You Survivors? I literally said nothing and now you’re at me? What makes you think I’m a Survivor Main and why do you assume I’m whining? A Killers job is to kill, period.
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Just report them for the messages but there isn't much about anything else, nothing except the holding the game hostage "which is not likely to not actually ever be the case" everything is playing by the games rules but not everyone are that kind so don't lump everyone together based on a few individuals
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Survivor behavior is absolutely disgusting all the time
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Yeah, just had a blight with noed face camp the first person they finally got on hook and managed to get a 4K out of it because we kinda threw just trying to undo it.
They then just like, killed 3 and followed the third around shaking their head making sure they bled out over the course of the next couple of minutes.
No reason, we all play very clean, no t-bagging or clicky spam or anything remotely toxic. Killers are just being phenomenal jerks lately.
Survivors too; like they are being extra toxic to Trickster players and it's like dude they are basically playing at a massive disadvantage for the sake of variety, cut that out.
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the same goes for survivors too. when playing both sides I see it all. No Survivors don't get a free pass. the killers are being crazy too. I'm thinking it's because of the new chapter maybe it will calm down.
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I don't play with the new killer until I have better perks.
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I wish more people realized that escaping the hook isn't easy if the killer comes right back and targets you again. Unless they're running Make Your Choice--which few do nowadays--they can tunnel you to death quite easily. Stay out of range just long enough for Borrowed Time to whiff, and bam. E-Z Tunnel Oven to your first kill. It's how most killers have to play at red ranks, and it's a big problem with the game balance in general. If you kill a survivor before more than 2 gens are done the game tends to be a breeze at that point, but it's a scummy way to play.
It's part of why I hate Hillbilly so much. Dude gets auto 1-hits from the game start, and he can just saw back and forth to the hook if he somehow misses his BBQ follow-up hook.
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Ranks mean nothing in this game. Why people always bring in ranks is beyond me
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I'm always mind-blown at all the excuses killer mains come up with to justify themselves. Survivors were bullying, they bagged me, they were using flashlights, they had a key, they were gen-rushing, they saved in front of my face or when I was heading back to the hook, they were playing x character, they had DS, BT, or UB, the game was clutch, they exist. Let's be real for a sec here: You can play however you want to play; that's unfortunately your prerogative as the killer. Survivors aren't entitled for complaining because they feel like they don't get a choice how they wish to play the game, that the killer dictates the match, apart from hiding (which is bannable as "holding the game hostage and ruining the killer's fun") and what little choice they DO have in the sense of running a particular perk or item, killers cry about it too. It's not JUST entitled survivors.
Survivors HAVE to get in your face and run around like idiots. It's literally how they rank up for chase. Simply doing their job by finishing gens (which you cry about) and leaving is a win, but doesn't rank them up. If it wasn't for the pip system, literally none of this would be an issue, because people would have nothing to complain about, as there'd be no punishment for losing. As it currently stands, you're punished whether you win or lose, and survivors are forced to compete against their own teammates, and not just the killer.
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Play Killer, much less frustration nowdays than survivor.
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Another thread dividing killers and survivors into warring parties.
How original.
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The killer mains in here defending this behavior are likely the ones who do it often. And the truth of the matter is that killers do behave this way pretty often.
No one should be told to kill themselves, no matter what side they play. Anyone who defends that should be ashamed of themselves.
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How can a killer possibly camp and tunnel 4 survivors at once? And within all of 2 minutes.
You either have absolutely no idea of what tunneling & camping are, or this is completely made up....
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My favorite part about survivor is watching the worst survivor on the team who survived by the whole team putting efforts into keeping them alive, will then t-bag at the exit gate and BM. Like, sweetie, you couldn't even run the killer... First off, don't BM. Second, you weren't even good enough to BM to begin with.
As a survivor main, I always try to be the nice guy at the end of matches and tend to not BM or anything unless the killer is blatantly tunneling me unprovoked or they're playing like a jerk.
I will occasionally sit at the exit gate if the killer is around to let them get extra hits and BPs, but if they aren't swinging or just standing there, I'll leave since they're not interested.
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Umm no this particular game he hooked and camped then sat there when others tried to get the rescue and downed two other players. So yes it does happen. This is expressly why I run Kindred to see if he is camping so I can just continue on my gen.
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Okay that was actually funny lol
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This is actually very true and those who say it doesnrt are prob the ones doing it. It is so much more prevalent in the past few weeks it is crazy insane. On a goodnight I win maybe 2/3 matches playing solo and the ones I lose hard are from killers hard tunneling from the get up.
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It's not unfair only for selfish killers. But there are a lot