DS Nerf results
Ever since the ds nerf every killer just tunnels now. i havent been able to enjoy pretty much any game since chapter 19 because me or one of my teammates are constantly getting tunnelled out of the game.
DS is not feared anymore, it’s nothing to what it use to be. DS cannot stay how it is, it needs to have a full rework. It’s almost impossible to not be tunneled off hook, the ds nerf has affected how killers play and has made the game really unfun for survivor.
Pleaae just completely rework the perk so it’s still an anti tunnel perk but also can still be somewhat feared from killers...
I stopped playing survivor altogether. Don't bother anymore and just play killer if you feel like playing DBD.
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yeah i don’t care that ds got nerfed, i just care about how killers play now because of it
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Well yeah, but the two factors are closely related. So the DS nerf is actually relevant and thus an issue.
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@Pig_Is_Pog if you are being tunneled off hook that would mean that DS will still do exactly the same as it did previously? You aren't hitting any of the conditions to have to disabled and therefore it is simply still active.
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Hey, at least queue times will be better.
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It still allows you to DS as long as you don't do any of the cheese stuffs beforehand (locker LOLZ). It's literally there to save you from immediately going back on the hook. Like an extended Borrowed Time. If you are able to heal someone/work on a gen/cleanse a totem/etc then you are NOT being tunneled and thus you do not require the perk.
You actually need to be smart and stealthy about your gameplay now rather than rely on the perk to allow you to do whatever for 60 seconds off hook.
P.S. I'm a survivor main, there is no bias here.
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I have no problem as a survivor main about the DS nerf, but now I think they should make sure that every game has an obsession. It doesn't hurt anybody to have an obsession in game (even without obsession based perks), and especially now when DS will be used less and less there will be games with no obsession and the killer has green light for hardcore tunneling.
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no because i don’t use ds, i haven’t for months. Killers would still respect it as if i did though so generally they wouldn’t tunnel but now killers don’t fear it so they just tunnel like there’s no tomorrow.
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EXACTLY. DS was both supposed to be Anti-Tunnel perk, and limited protection for a survivor. The DS nerf basically makes it USELESS. Here are situations.
- KILLER ASSUMES survivor has DS: Im just going to slug and wait it out.
- KILLER pick ups survivor with DS : At least he has no DS anymore.
- KILLER sees survivor on BBQ chili working on GEN : im going to tunnel the fvck out of him.
How about on survivor side.
- Its DO OR DIE situation. either you do an objective or lose LIMITED protection.
Even in the OLD DS, KILLER does the same thing. so i dont see the reason DS needs a nerf. Decisive Strike is a good meta for survivor perk. Just like UNDYING, RUIN, BBQ and CHILI.
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if im the killer and assumes the survivor has DS, then ill just wait out 60 secs. upon tunneling. BOOM. deactivated. besides, it takes more time being healed, wait for him to bleed out, while others survivors not doing gen. so DS has no use.
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The fact you think bbq is a meta perk is hilarious lmao. Thrilling is better tells you what gens need defending. You know why killers eat ds? So they don't have to deal with it late game. No killer sees someone on bbq and thinks "Im gonna tunnel" we think "Get off my gen". So we chase them if you just gon unhooked tough luck. Stealth if you don't wanna get chased again. I slug people off hook all the time regardless of ds. It's free pressure. I'll down you then chase the unhooker. If no one picks you up by the time I hook them and I re hook you that's your teams fault.
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So you're saying, you're not getting the benefits of a perk that you don't use, when you don't use it?
Do you see how broken that makes the old DS? You could have it... when you didn't have it...
Four survivor perks instil their effect on every game, purely through their existence as perks. DS, DH, UB and BT. Every killer has to assume every survivor is running these perks, and thus, survivors benefit from them, even if they're not actually using them.
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"KILLER sees survivor on BBQ chili working on GEN : im going to tunnel the fvck out of him."
...do you not see the problem here?
...how do you "tunnel" someone on a gen, after using BBQ?
You've just hooked someone else.
That's not "tunnelling."
DS needed a nerf because survivors would ABUSE it.
Survivors would spend that 60 seconds doing things they shouldn't be able to do. They'd work on gens and commit to them in the killers face knowing that if the killers downs or grabs them, they get away anyway, and they'd heal each other up, or they'd rush in for an unhook, while injured, and take a hit, knowing that they're invincible because of DS. They could do these things even if the killer wasn't tunnelling, so long as the killer has chased, hit or even hooked someone else within 60 seconds.
DS is supposed to prevent you from being tunnelled off the hook, not make you invincible for 60 seconds.
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If you don't use it, yet believe it should protect you? A free 5th perk?
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"I don't use DS, but I want to benefit from it."
Then run DS.
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That shows what survivors think tunneling is. "Oh, that person 40m away, after the killer hooked someone else, who is working on a gen? Well, they got unhooked within 60 seconds, so if you don't let them finish that gen, you are tunneling."
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Wait you can fiddle your thumbs for 60 seconds as a killer and not lose? I wish I met those type of survivors in my lobbies.
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It isn't about the killer slugging, and it isn't about the killer eating DS on purpose. Killers will still do that, with or without the nerf. The real reason why it was nerfed was because even if the killer hooked 2 people back to back before they found you, they'd still get punished by DS despite not tunneling AT ALL which could ultimately end up costing them the game for no reason.
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if im the killer, i would respect his DS. thats a limited 60 secs already. downed survivor wont do a gen. killers are punished because they still want FREE HOOK.
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its not a free "5th" perk. its the mechanic of the perk. how did it became a 5th perk? its like BT thats protects unhooked survivor. like Deliverance that free hooks upon saving anyone.
every perk has its mechanic. learn to read from it.
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whats hilarious is you claim that NOBODY USES BBQ & CHILI. HAHAHAHAH tell that to all streamers.
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Just bring DS lol
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All they need to do now is make DS's timer to stop when being chased. Right know it only rewards you if you get tunneled and play bad but even in that case the killer can just slug you.
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exactly what makes the DS useless. with the limited time, and harsh nerf, DS becomes useless. even if the killer tunnels you, if he slugs you within 60secs, the DS is useless.
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The mechanic of an obsession is still in the game, all that might have changed is the risks that killers might take? If you do not run DS, you aren't guaranteed the protection it provides. You don't get a free 5th perk just because there is an obsession and the bluff is still there and that hasn't changed. The killer takes a risk by picking you up if they tunnel someone off the hook and an obsession is in the game... the bluff failed and one does not have the perk. If they had DS and were tunneled off hook they could have used it, gained a life stage and a head start to continue the chase.
Nothing changed in this situation.
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It would be nice if DS could finally be an anti-tunnel perk, because it's sadly never functioned for this purpose.
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All I'm say is that it killers can still get around DS with tunneling. The nerf only made the perk not abusable and not a complete anti-tunnel perk. And since you mention it, yes I stopped running DS because I don't see it worth as a perk slot. And so what if the timer stops if I'm being you know tunneled.
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if anything mettle of man should get a buff. i took ds off for a couple of games and got tunneled off the hook. basically, what im saying is that decisive strike is still a 5 star perk and that the devs should focus on more mediocre perks
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Are you reading what I'm saying? I said even if the killer tunnels, they can counter DS, If they chase you until DS runs out. This is why I think the timer should stop when the killer chases you. If they don't, the DS will disable eventually when you star doing gens/objectives. That way it would actually counter tunneling.
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And the counter to ds is to slug you which means you aren't getting hooked immediately off hook which means the perk has done it's job and you have it for the next time you get unhooked.
If you don't have a perk like unbreakable to pick yourself up and your teammates don't come and pick you up. Then oh well. There was enough time for your team to get you up and they failed you.
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Being honest I will go for the one who was just on the hook unless the rescuer gives me a health state as a blood offering, if the savior just runs to a really safe loop I will assume they care about their life more than their teammates.
I play smart and that's not always in the Survivors favor.
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DS punishes killer for tunneling you so, what exactly is the problem?
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Didn't see the problem with old DS ? Man have you ever meet a 4SWF Unbreakable/DS ? And, just one guy with that combo can make the game. Old DS allowed survivors to be productive and to waste the killer's time.
As a killer, you see someone working on a gen ? You HAVE to down this guy. You're picking him up ? Got DS'd. You're letting him on the ground ? 1 time over 3 he has Unbreakable, and didn't require anyone else to up him, he can finish the gen. He didn't have Unbreakable ? Well, someone will come, sure, they will work on the gen, you'll probably lose it. And the time you used to come to the gen, down the survivor, this is a time where you couldn't go anywhere, letting other survivors doing gen. Just for free, no skill. This is called a game breaking mechanic.
I hate and hated that use of DS (same for instant unhook, and grab him, and during the animation, you're like "... Sh*t"), but I have to admit that this nerf completely changed the way killers are playing.
Because there aren't obsession anymore, or it's rare. Because they know that even if there is an obsession, it's probably just one or two people running it, or you just have to end what you were doing, and then search for that surv you hooked earlier. Now you can focus on 2 survivors on the early game.
But I'm happy with that change, DS is perfect as an anti-tunneling. And that's why it has to be base kit, because you can't abuse it, and having to equip a perk to play a game longer than 2 minutes isn't healthy. I don't want to use DS as a survivor. But Tunnelling has to be punished base kit. And DS would increase that timer or make usable twice (so if you're tunnelled af, you can stun him twice).
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to the mods, look at this discussion on how the Decisive Strike is NOW useless. this is how Survivors use the perks, and how Killers strategize their plan to kill.
If Decisive Strike is now considered as an "ANTI-TUNNELING PERK", i highly suggest to mods to buff it by : REMOVING THE TIMER of the perk. Since it is then deactivated by doing an objective, by removing the timer will give a good buff since it is now considered ANTI-TUNNELING PERK.
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Alter the timer, as it kicks in After another survivor is hooked.
Add: After working on a generator for 3 seconds.
Problem relatively solved. Yes i'm aware tunneling is a strat. So should not being tunneled. Saying tunneling isn't an issue is like slamming your face in a sliding glass door over and over expecting the result to be different. Since Crossplay, Tunneling is at an all time high especially if you play solo. I don't like the SWF abuse as much as anyone else, but there needs to be a hard counter for tunneling killers.
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DS is an anti-tunneling perk, that doesn't mean it should give you a full immunity.
DS just gives killers a disincentive not to chase after the one just got unhooked.
Still, killers should have an opinion to tunnel tactically regardless of the disincentive.
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Ds never really did stop any tunnelling. But it was used as a sort of incentive for the killer to not instantly down you and pick you up again. It encouraged to switch targets.
Now, because it’s useless, that incentive is gone. But really you have to make a decision for yourself. These developers might listen and revert the change, but it could be in 2 years from now. Or never. Or in one month. But nothing guarantees they will not ######### up the new change again. So, at this point stop playing survivor, don’t recommend the game, and if you want to play just do a few killer matches while also tunnelling everyone and ending matches with 4 gens left.
That’s the situation they apparently want to push so might as well contribute accordingly. Nobody can play, nobody has fun. That’s DBD in 2021.
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DS should be nerfed even further, locker play should be removed, it should deactivate on being healed, the stun should be reduced to 3 seconds and the duration should be lowered to 30 seconds.
Pop's duration was nerfed for the same reasons.
BTW I didn't think I'd see a thread where people want the benefit of a perk without even useing it and advocate for sluging.
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isnt that what perk should be? a benefit of the user?
i mean what are perks for?
and also, it was mentioned by the Devs on their vlog that DECISIVE STRIKE was NOT intended to be a counter for TUNNELING. It just became as it is because, yes, KILLERS TEND TO TUNNEL.
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By chasing I meant chasing after you get unhooked. Glad to clear it for you.
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but if you get tunneled....
use DS?
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What's so wrong with the DS's timer to stop when being tunneled. The perk's supposed to counter tunnel right?
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Do you really think these people want it to actually counter tunnelling? lol
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Oh so know you are saying it shouldn't counter tunnel unless you are being chased for 60 seconds. It's simple man no tunnel no DS. If a survivor runs in to your face after they got unhooked just ignore/slug them, they are basically wasting more time for you. And the legion part is just dumb to compare to this. The legion thing would get you downed, this would just make the killer be outside a chase for 60 seconds basically wasting more time.
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Yeah, no surprise here.
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EXACTLY. Because as now the DEVS mentioned, it is now considered as ANTI-TUNNELING PERK.
Like what the DEVS also said, CAMPING & TUNNELING are valid strategies(despite it shows how unskilled a killer is to use this), perks like DECISIVE STRIKE are now used(strategically by survivors) to punish KILLERS for using an unskilled tactic of making one player out.
Besides, you can always go for the savior, if you were able to down him instant, thats an exchange hook.
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Never said no one uses it. I said it isn't meta
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They should have changed it so that DS deactivates when the killer has hooked a survivor, when you've done something like 10s progress on something after the 60s timer as normal.
I only say 10s as opposed to instant as sometimes people think they're safe and then they're tunneled very shortly after, and right now with how it is you either have to stand about to make sure you're not about to be tunneled or risk thinking you're not about to be only to see the killer appear within 10 seconds cuz they've dropped chase to tunnel but you didn't realise so you wanted to get on and do something as opposed to stand around doing nothing just incase.