Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

So actually looking for advice. Surivors welcome but mostly looking for Killers advice.

So first of all, i love DBD i have played almost 200 hours in the last year or so, just playing as killer for stress relif after getting home from a difficult job, and i have always had some bad games here and there and some really good streaks also (30 4k's as the Doctor in a row is my pb). - Ok so rant in the next two paragraphs then my actual question down below, so skip to the final paragraph if you want to be helpful while ignoring a rant.

But recently, every single game i have played has been against red ranks suriviors (i hover around Ranks 12-8) and in a lot of cases, 2,3 or 4 man teams, now going against suriviors much better than me is not normally a problem (and to be fair a lot of red ranks are better players than me) as i enjoy the challange and am fairly happy to only get 1 or 2 kills. But my last 20+ games no matter what killer i pick and what perks i use have all been 2-3 hooks max, no kills, entity displeased. And in the vast vast majorty of these games is not a team or individuals playing for fun its actual bullying, exploits and trolling in game, angry messages after game if i even hook someone once, healthy suriviors dcing before there first hook, body blocking constantly (Legit asking how is body blocking not a bug that has been fixed by now?) Insta flash light stuns that sometimes last up to 10 seconds only to be stunned again and again and again while one person rushes all the gens (This has happened to me in three games out of my last ten)

Best example i can give was a Myers game that just happened to be, i am Rank9 go up against one rank 1, two rank 3's and a rank 6, i was playing with no add on's, trying to do the daily to level up my stalk 6 times, they bring a tool kit, a map and two flashlights, by the time i have gotten though about 20 flashlight stuns, pallet stuns and body blocking i have leveled up to stage 3 for the first time and the final gen pops i down one survivor carry him into the nearby basement and he DC's seconds before i hook him, i then turn around to be head on by a locker into yet another LOOOOOOONG flashlight stun to then see all three of them tbagging in killer shack beore bolting out the exit.

And aside from that i keep losing for stupid reasons, like in my last game i got head on'd when i was about 10m away from the nearest locker, during a lunge my game froze up and wound up hitting a wall in another direction(that happened twice), three times in my last batch of games my controller has disconnected after i downed a survivor (although that might be a hardwear issue) and whatever the new autoaim system is has ruined more shots for me that i have ever missed on my own (ie i am aiming dead ahead and the camara and swing move me to the left) making me miss easy hits.

Now i could deal with either losing for stupid reasons or a badly broken match system and getting bulllied but not both at the same time, So is there anyway i can still enjoy my fav game? i have poured so much time (and money) into this game its not funny and i dont want to give up on playing, but if i am not enjoying any of my experiences due to the above issues what can i do?

So advice please, how can i enjoy the game i love most? do i need to change my outlook? do i need to only play during rank reset? do i just need to start bringing NOED, Haunted Grounds, BBQ/Chili and Ruin every game to win? or should i just give up on a game i have poured a ton of hours and a on of cash into?

Thanks guys sorry again for the rant.


  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Well one tip i can certainly give is that flashlights don't work when you look down or up. This doesn't work when you are in an animation like kicking pallets but other then that you can't be blinded

    The reason the flashlight blind lasted that long is probably because they kept blinding you over and over while you kept looking forward.

    Other then that look up some video's on "How to run tiles as killer" those will help a ton with knowing how chasing works in this game

  • AlphaBeta
    AlphaBeta Member Posts: 11

    Thanks Sonzaishinai, i didnt know they could blind you over and over again, i assumed it was a cool down and they just had super good flashlights.

    I have not watched many vids or streams or anything so maybes thats something i should look into. :)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,173

    Imagine you're playing against AI opponents. If someone sends an abusive message just block and move on. That way, it just feels like you're playing against the computer, sans control of the difficulty level (albeit you could make that indicative of rank).

    Also, set your own targets for each trial if you want. It can be a daily, a tome or even something you made for yourself (even if it's just to not de-pip!). Heck, even set challenges that involve you sacrificing yourself to save another survivor, or just to 1 hook every survivor then meme!

    Finally, think of it less of a set of rules (i.e.: Do gens, open gate, leave) and imagine it as a mini horror movie. Every player will act in unique ways, which creates a story of sorts! Check Ohmwrecker for a fairly good example of that.

    Ffocus on those, and you'll probably find the game that much more enjoyable!

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Wcome to high rank gameplay, there's no real advice to give.

    I have been getting hardcore bullied all night, every night, for the last year. That's what happens when you go against red rank survivors as a killer that isn't Nurse or Spirit. They always have the same perks equipped, they always slam the crap out of gens, for the most part they're on comms, and the one person every other trial that is playing solo with an off-meta buil comes to the forums to complain about the prevalence of Spirit and Freddy.

    Win? Get bullied. Lose? Get bullied. Win as perkless Trapper with no add-ons? You're a disgusting piece of shite. Lose to 3 minute gens? Just pressure more.

    That is what you should expect to deal with as killer. Optimists don't have fun in that role.

  • getuy45u4iu
    getuy45u4iu Member Posts: 93

    Consider using stronger killers with strongest perks and addons. Make sure you read how those addons work though.

    If you're on Steam and see survivors profiles and they are SWF with many more hours than you, then quite likely it will be a very hard game, so be prepared or dodge them.