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How am I getting "no internet connection" while playing as killer?

TooZeal Member Posts: 3

I started playing killer starting three days ago and it been going good but, when I'm doing really good against certain individuals at the endgame when I drop the last one or second savior it crash right after and that me to the menu then says "no internet connection". It only happens to me three times making today my third time this day, it happens because of something or someone. I could of had so much blood points but, I get a penalty for a disconnection error cause from "saviors" who care too much about rank. I assume people do something like this just so they don't lose rank which is sad to see. I might just try cutting off cross-play as killer so it maybe not possible to disconnect.

Am I'm the only one with this problem as killer?

Best Answer

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited April 2021 Answer ✓

    I have this problem. Not sure what causes it, but it's usually when I have someone hooked or slugged and I'm chasing away a potential rescuer. Suddenly, they go and res or unhook as if I'm not there, and then no matter how many times I hit them or down them they get right back up. 10s later and I have a disconnect penalty.
