What is your "Fun Killer" Tier list? (Playing as or against)
Fun to play Killers for me:
S: Oni, Doc, Legion, Huntress
A: Deathslinger, GF, Clown, Pig
B: Nurse, Plague, Myers, Billy, Demo, Spirit
C: Hag, Trapper, Freddy
D: Wraith, Bubba, Phead
Not played (on Live): Twins, Trickster, Blight
Fun to play as
Fun to play against
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Playing as
Playing against
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New h tier to play against
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Fun to play against:
Fun to play as:
Now, let me explain something: I really enjoyed playing Doctor and Billy with their previous versions, and since both of them got changed I haven't played them enough to form a new opinion.
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I only usually have fun as Myers, Clown, Leatherface and Trapper.
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Honestly billy is still a ton of fun. A bit weaker but if you didn’t rely on charge time addons you’ll do fine
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to play against
dont ask why i like versing the twins
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Most fun to play as
Most fun to play against
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To play as:
Play aganist:
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To play as and to play against.
Kinda depressing that half of the roster is dead to me.
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Play as:
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Play as:
There is nothing more painful than receive a daily from these D tier killers.
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It's interesting to see these lists. Did you peeps have a secret meeting or something? Looks like the majority really enjoys Oni, seeing how he's mostly ranked all the way up there in A and S. :D
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To play against.
A tier: Their powers are all about movement, but they're also very difficult to control, which makes them feel really good to play against. They exert really heavy pressure, but they're very jukable, and reward very heavily for juking, especially the Nurse.
B tier: The only comment is on Trapper, who'd be way better to play against if the traps weren't RNG dominated.
C tier: Pig gets special mention for, again, RNG.
D tier: Bubba is awful to play against due to his power. Instadowns basically remove the 'injured' health state from the game, but unless you have iron will, you do still have to heal up. This makes him incredibly annoying to play against, since he slugs way faster than most but the recovery time is still the same. Not to mention that the instadown makes him the camp king.
Freddy's powerset is just overloaded, and the whole concept of waking from the dream is terribly balanced out. There's literally no point to ever doing it, the benefits just don't weigh out against the time spent.
Twins is always a slugfest, with Viktor rushing around and getting questionable hits in, then going on a slugging spree. Sure, you can punt him, but he's back in two seconds and out hunting again.
F tier: Hag's traps are bullshit. Their activation radius is massive, and the teleport delay is short enough that you are pretty much guaranteed to take a hit when it triggers. And while PH's Trail of Torment cannot be placed near objectives and hooks, Hag is perfectly fine dropping a trap under a hook and making it physically impossible to get a rescue without setting it off. This causes matches to close out extremely quickly, with none of the survivors getting any actual playtime in.
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I don't play any killers other than Doctor, Wraith, and The Pig, but my favorite killers to go against as a survivor are:
- Pig
- Deathslinger (My personal favorite)
- Huntress
- Demogorgen
- Pyramid Head
- Trapper
- Nurse
I like these because for the most part they're not played as much as the other killers in the game, and "defeating" them or dodging their attacks (Huntress and Deathslinger in particular) feels a lot more rewarding.
My least favorite are:
- Bubba
- Freddy
- Spirit