Can we please stop getting shadow changes?

I am actually kind of sad that I enter the game and something beside of what's been changed also has ben changed. Many of the patches feature changes and tweaks that aren't considered in the patch notes:

  • 2.1.0 patch - may of the trapper's addons were changed or had their rarity increased, we only heard about Bloody Coil, Bags and Iridescent Stone, no information that e.g. Serrated Jaws rarity was increased from Common to Uncommon or that the Coils now affect sabotage and disarm time.
  • 2.2.0 patch - Wraith. Here I'm not gonna mention that the "buffs" help him with chasing in neither way but why the blood trails are no longer brighter while cloaked? Why Wraith seems to be slower while cloaked?
  • Latest patch - completely no information about scoring changes for the Spirit.

Can we, please, get full information about ALL the changes implemented into the game during patches? Sometimes they just don't contain some important information that we rather would like to know about. Thanks.


  • Blood_Coil_Viper
    Blood_Coil_Viper Member Posts: 199
    I don't understand Shadow changes either.. they realize that not telling people causes more issues then just putting it in the patch notes right? 
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    You forgot the hatchet hitbox thing.

    A few days ago there was again some shadow patch without patch notes, I wonder what happened this time....

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DeadByFlashlight said:
    You forgot the hatchet hitbox thing.

    A few days ago there was again some shadow patch without patch notes, I wonder what happened this time....

    Those could be minor bug fixes and there was the small update that was about the clown cosmetic fix.Some of the stuff is so small and minor they probably don't take the time to put the notes in.

    It would be nice to have something perhaps on the forums saying this was the latest hotfix etc type of thing. That'd take less time than doing it on the login screen area.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    How bad did they change the scoring for spirit? Or is it for the better? 
  • Nerex7
    Nerex7 Member Posts: 52

    Most of these changes are actually there, in the notes. One of the big mistakes they do in this forum is editing their post. Just got to the post of the current version of the game and you will see that most of this has been edited in - instead of making a new comment.

    It will still say the "newest" post is from mid September or something, while edited news is actually from a few days ago. That 28mb patch or what it was was a hotfix to the Clown's new cosmetics, which had an issue with clipping through stuff. They actually edited that in as well, the information is all there.