Survivor Tier-List based off of attractiveness

Why. Why did I even do this???? This was a waste of my time.
I swear im not biased B)
No way you think Claudette and Jane are uglier than Jake.
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Fashion police here to take you to jail for putting Bill in the fourth lowest tier, you felon.
Also anyone who says they wouldn't let David step on them is lying.
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Sorry but Bill would be higher if he didn't get me caught by the killer 90% of the time
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You should be flattered he's even going near you
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The thing is, i'm playing him.
And he's my second main
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Why is he your second main and not your first
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Because Steve exists
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Guess Steve has to die then
*Tunneling intensifies*
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If i see a killer tunnelling me and o n l y me im going to blame you
And i'm gonna know if its you because i have the exact same username on DBD
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I'm dissapointed in you Gooby, Jeff doesn't have his own tier at the top.
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you're lucky i didn't put him in "nea"
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Imagine not having a username "HIPAA Violation" or "I'm Toxic."
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#########??? MEG IS TOP TIER
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I think you mean Jeff is top tier.
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jeff is the big sexy
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Im sorry but until meg gets a rework, she looks like a r a t
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Let me just say that Yui belongs in the top tier all by herself.
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Bruh steve is so ######### ugly
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Jane in ugly? She’s the most attractive of the female survivors by far imo
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idk, somethin about her face just... no.
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To me her face definitely looks better than Kate and yui’s but that is just personal preference
She does have the best fashion though
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honestly based on the face alone i was actually considering putting her in "nea"
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Comparing her face to Nea is like comparing Steve’s face to Quentin’s (i love Quentin though)
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i mean, I get Steves and Quentins mixed up all the time, but usually by the outfit.
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Yeah true they wear very similar clothes especially Quentin alternate outfit