We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

2021 Killer Tier List



  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I would switch clown and Myers but otherwise pretty accurate

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Are you sure? Because most of people saying "Freddy is op" but Freddy is clearly B-Tier.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I dont think freddy is op, he's just brain dead. He has a lot of passive benefits on top of being easy to play. I dont want to him nerfed, but just require a bit more effort to play for what he gets.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Freddy is not hard killer, i agree but also not so easy. Freddy already has some weakness. For example he need to use snares/pallets smart areas. He is area control killer, so he need patrol gens as well. And survivors need to stay awake, then Freddy also loses powers. And teleporting going after last gen done. So Freddy is not weak killer but also not op. But he has chance against most of survivors.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i think you split Huntress and Deathslinger way too much.

    they are pretty equal in strength imo (with Huntress being slightly better)

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited April 2021

    Freddy has:

    a small frame

    complete invisibility when awake, if he's 32 m or more away, and blinks in and out between 32 and 12 m.

    survivors passively fall asleep and will wake up on the farthest clock from them.

    no terror radius when asleep.

    teleportation that has synergy with tracking/regression perks and he doesn't have to commit to them for them to be useful, he can fake them.

    a power that doesn't require any real investment. he doesn't slow down/stop when placing a trap like hag/trapper, nor does he have to restock on resources like clown. spamming them in chase is completely viable.

    He just has a lot. His status as a manlet is enough to mindgame at loops better than other killers, he's got mobility, anti loop and a time waster if survivors want to "counter" his teleports. The problem is the what do we do to him, because like I wrote, I don't think he's op.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    Hit and run strat. You don't get looped if you now how to do it. He also has a basekit 150% movement speed. He is better than all of those.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,462

    Freddy is not nearly as bad as he was when the rework came out.

    Ruin got changed so it no longer works with pop at the same time.

    Pop also got nerfed to 45 seconds (not a huge deal for freddy, but worth stating)

    His rope addons got nerfed hard.

    Deep Wounds got changed so if he hits a BT'd survivor he can't just chase them until they go down to deep wounds.

    Overall, Freddy still has issues since sleep is passive and his kit is strong enough with very little skill requirement, but he's not the win button he was.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    Was this tier list created just to flex a bottom tier Trickster?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    My tier list.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    Both of the killer you cited have 0 map pressure. If you have time to finish a chase and 2 gens don't pop that says a lot about the level of survivor you face. On higher levels, these two are good until 2-3 gens pop back to back and you lose the game.

    Wraith can constantly creep out on survivors hit and move away. If they heal that is good: 2 survivors not doing gens, gen regressing with ruin, and if you have nurse's you can interrupt their reset and get hooks.

    Plus if you are a good Wraith at least on f them won't have time to reset, giving you a fast and easy hook.

    If they bring medkits you bring Franklins.

    Wraith good. The other two not so much.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    Nurse and Spirit are the only ones that are tournament viable. I used to think that all good-ish killers were viable, but they are not. Everyone that used any other killer on the tournaments lost.

    Other killers besides Nurse and Spirit just work under special rules and the tounaments prooved this sad truth.

    But for normal gameplay, what we experience the most, I think your tierlist is really accurate.

    I would just put pig higher, because the average survivor has a higher chance to get head pop'ed.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    "Their map pressure comes from having chases WAY shorter than Wraith."

    You should not chase with Wraith. Catching survivors by surprise is way better because you don't have to deal with the broken loops of this game. Good luck trying to have a quick chas on The Game map.

    "Deathslinger with M&A is basically a stealth killer and his gun is *pretty much uncounterable in chase.* Bubba is able to maintain an instadown for a huge period of time."

    Hmm no. If you drop a pallet there's nothing Deathslinger can do. Why in the hell do you think Deathslinger is uncounterable? You sound like a survivor main...

    Bubba maintain istadown for a huge period of time, so you can make him eat pallet after pallet until 3 gens pop and the game is over.

    Put The Game or Haddonfield map offering and try your luck "having quick chases" on good loops.

    "Wraith? Has a nice lunge but that's it."

    I don't think you are considering the hit and run start. Being able to get downs without having to be looped is pretty good. Lunge is just a small fraction of his pros.

    "He's cucked by survivors with Spine Chill or just by knowing how to play safe."

    Spine Chill: just look slightly to the side while you get to the gen.

    You don't go for survivors that are on safe areas, you go for survivors that are outpositioned. No survivor can stay around a strong loop for the entire game. Plus there are gens that literally spawn on dead zones.

    "I'll just position myself for a chase the moment I hear his loud ass footsteps and snoring and then what? He'll take a good chunk of time just to get a hit."

    Not if you are outpositioned. If you are in a storng area, it is obviouslt not worth it to commit. Just scare away and maybe get rid of a pallet.

    "Sure map pressure is important, but most maps have been nerfed to a point where any killer can lockdown an area and control gens while downing survivors very fast."

    WTF???? The maps are more and more getting survivor sided. Look what they did to the reworked maps, breakable walls, etc, etc. They added many god loops.

    Following your logic, can I pick Trickster, lockdown an area while I'm downing everyone pretty fast? That doesn't make any sense...

    Wraith good.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    This is legit the tier list I've agreed with the most tbh XD only thing I'd do is bump Plague and Deathslinger up one level and that's it.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    Billy is not at all good against the top %, but otherwise, I really like how this tier list is formatted.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    I agree with everything you wrote, just need to delete everything except the last sentence and only read until the comma.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Maybe 1/4 of all loops in the games are too long for DeathSligner to effectively kill someone with his power if the pallet is drop, an other 1/4 are too high, an other 1/4 have short wall but killer like Clown or Doctor can do as good because they shut down pallet and the 1/4 left are unsafe against every killer.

    You as a Deathsligner have not face any decent survivor that know where to crouch to not get hit or how to block line of sight like VS Huntress or Nurse. Also factor in some lag where you harpoon some survivor & on your end you see them vault a window or drop a pallet after you see them get harpoon. That mean a long ass cooldown on your part and 15s+ added to your chase. Beside he's 110% with no mobility. If strong survivor can deal with Nurse who has 1000 times his mobility or Huntress who has 1000 times his range then I can't place him really high.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I've seen a lot of people say that Hillbilly is one of the best, The Clown is "controversial", and no one ever chooses The Twins. Can someone tell me why these are popular opinions? Legit question, not an attempt at an argument.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    This is so inaccurate. Freddy is at least A tier, even S tier.

    Freddy has no weaknesses, or at least none which are substantial and hurt him. He has everything, he's OP.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    Map control is better than lethality. How fast you can down people is good, bur how fast you can get to a generator in time can make a difference between winning or losing. That is what you don't understand.

    Take Bligth for example, his power gives him 0 advantage on looping, 0 insadowns but a lot of map pressure. Everyone agrees that he is top tier.

    With Wraith is not different, specially now with his buff.

    I'll say it again: Bubba and Slinger are good until gens start popping crazy and you lose, becuase they can't get in time to defend them.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'd derank Billy and Oni one level

    Raise Doctor, Plague, and Trapper 1 Level

    Plague and Doctor are very underrated.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    "one of the best chasing abilities" get behind any object and the power gets shut down completely. It is clearly more about reaching someone or something faster than hitting people with it. It is map pressure.

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    It hurts me to see Trickster at the bottom of every tier list but it is the harsh truth, he needs a buff or maybe even a rework.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You don't understand how deathslinger works do you otherwise you wouldn't rank him so low. Eh, it's your own wrong opinion, go watch a good deathslinger player and you'll see how strong he is.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited April 2021

    Here's a simplified tier list that sums up my feelings to the latest release and killers in general:

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    I see him moving from A to B fast, I don't see him using that to mindgame pallets too often. Getting a hit is good, but the most powerful thing about his ability is the mobility.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    You don't know what antiloop means. To be antiloop it needs to be effective IN loops and not BETWEEN them.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    You don't know what a good Blight is, and neither a good Wraith. I would suggest you to hear what Blight mains have to say about his power beeing used to loop.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227

    trickster is not so bad if you use addons i guess i suck on him most of time but i play without any addons also i dont have yet all the perks i want

  • CyperX
    CyperX Member Posts: 103

    Clown should be 1 up and Myers 1 up from your list Billy 2 down Freddy maybe 1 up

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    NM I quoted the wrong person.

    Anyway it amaze me how people say he's DeathSligner is uncounterable. Block his line of sight, drop a pallet, loops with high wall etc.