DC on Pickup

There really should be a stronger penalty for people who DC on Pickup. this has happened to me 12 trials in a row, now. I get them down and hooked once, go and hook a couple others, then when I down them again, they DC during the grab animation. This has resulted in ZERO kill matches on several occasions. I was at rank 13, now I'm rank 16 because of this behavior. This needs to stop.
Is this a reportable behavior, and if so, how should it be reported?
What killer are you playing and what perks are you using? Certain perks/killers are seen as incredibly toxic and unfun to play against so people will dc against them if they get downed.
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It's literally against the rules.
It doesn't matter how you are playing.
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You are kinda right but at the same time wrong , its not fair or in the rule book of dbd . Just because the build and killer were horrible and boring to play against doesnt mean that u should dc . U can just literally die on 1st hook or atleast help the team alil by doing gens , cleansing totems ? Just some extra points?
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There are no killers/perks in the video game that are toxic. Period.
My god that's the most nonsensical thinking I've ever seen.
People not LIKING something doesn't make it toxic.
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I’m just explaining why they do it. I know a lot of survivors will dc if the killer is running pop, bbq, or discordance for example since a majority of survivors hate those perks. I’m not saying it’s ok to dc on pickup because it definitely isn’t, I’m just explaining why some survivors do it.
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There shouldn’t be any special kinda dc penalty when it comes to pick up . Not how it works . If they dc they get the dc penalty and thats it . But if u were deranking due to dcs then i think its because of how u play and them at the same time. Like hook survivor and when unhooked tunnel them at 5 gens ?
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Not true actually. Nurse is extremely toxic because if the nurse player knows what they are doing there is no counterplay and the same can be said for spirit not to mention those two killers along with bubba are played so often that no one wants to play against them anymore.
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That is not reportable. They are already punishing for that. Penalty-Time.
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No, it's true. There is no killer, perk, item or addon in the game (Iri head being the ONE exception) that is toxic. Period. There is no version of this where you are correct.
Post edited by Gcarrara on2 -
I just die on first hook if I hate the match, especially if I’m running against a Nurse or Spirit. No thank you.
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Explain to me how it’s not toxic to only play killers that offer no counterplay to the survivors. You are just a salty killer mains that wants to think all survivors are evil because it fits your agenda of ruining the game for the other side. It is legitimately true that nurse and spirit are toxic weather you want to except that or not especially considering most killer main agree that those killers are toxic.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
If Nurse had no counterplay, she'd 4k every game, even in competitive play. Same with Spirit.
They don't.
Dead Hard for distance has no counterplay. Neither does Unbreakable. Those must be toxic too, by your broken, salty survivor logic. They're annoying, but they aren't toxic. You can say "lulkillermainbiaslul", but I also defend survivor perks etc. So your entire point is moot. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it toxic.
Post edited by Gcarrara on2 -
I disagree. It isn't toxic.
If you, personally, think that people daring to play a certain character is toxic, then be my guest.
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What's really, ACTUALLY toxic is gatekeeping people from playing killers, or perks, by calling it "toxic". THAT is toxic.
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That's because the nurse is good and should be rewarded for being good. Killers being good at the game isn't toxic, one side being better than you isnt a problem, it should encourage you to get better in return.
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The issue is nurse and spirit offer almost no counterplay. There is a difference between rewarding someone for being good and making it almost impossible to lose if you are good.
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What's the counterplay to a SWF squad?
......oh yeah
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The counterplay is to play nurse and spirit. There is a reason even the killer main think they are overturned and toxic killers. Go watch any streamer that main killer and they will say the same thing.
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Nurse has counter-play in the form of using Line of Sight to make her blinks inaccurate. Spirit has counter play in the form of being a slower speed than normal killers and that she still has to deal with the environment when she uses her power(meaning use windows and drop pallets when warranted). Just because you aren't using the right strategies doesn't mean they dont have counter-play.
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"I don't like something, so it's toxic"
You're the toxic one. Stop being toxic, my god. So toxic.
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And yet not only will every survivor main disagree here but most killer main will as well. Sorry to say but you are in the minority here and a vast majority of people disagree with you
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1st, I'm on Plague. 2nd, it's recently prestiged so only 2 perk slots. NO adons and NO offering. Just a mentality I've seen on some (not even the majority) of survivors. That whole "I'll DC to screw the Killer out of the BPs" mentality.
I'm not even tunneling them. I make sure to hook 1+ before I down them again. (Although that's hard to do against a group of all same characters/skins, but I try).
From my experience, there's no such thing as toxic killer/survivor/perk. It's the PLAYER that is toxic, not the mechanics (except of course for the bugs, lol)
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Tell me how im wrong tho? I gave you perfectly good example of evading these killers but you offer no counterpoint in return, you only say that im wrong.
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Yeah I really don’t know why they are dcing then cause you really aren’t using anything that would be seen as toxic.
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This has been going off-topic for a while and also with tones that are really not ok. I'll close this before it gets out of hands.
@PsyQuil77 You got your answer already, but to reiterate there is no need to report people for DCing since they are already tracked automatically and punished with matchmaking lock penalties.